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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Ordinal vs Polymorphic OCaml Variants Performance Comparison
function bench() {
echo "number_of_variants = $number_of_variants, number_of_args = $number_of_args"
./ $number_of_variants $number_of_args >
ocamlopt.opt -w -8 unix.cmxa
bench 3 2
bench 5 1
bench 30 1
bench 30 3
bench 70 4
bench 170 2
bench 246 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
import string
import sys
rand = random.Random()
def get_variant_name(ordinal):
primes = [5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
letters = [string.letters[((ordinal + primes[i - 1]) * primes[i]) % len(string.letters)] for i in xrange(1, len(primes))]
return "V" + "".join(letters) + str(ordinal)
def gen_type(polymorphic, number_of_variants = 240, number_of_args = 2):
args_type_expression = " * ".join(["int"] * number_of_args)
args = "" if number_of_args == 0 else " of " + args_type_expression
print "type %s =%s" % (("polymorphic", " [") if polymorphic else ("ordinal", ""))
for i in xrange(number_of_variants):
print " | %s%s%s" % (("`" if polymorphic else ""), get_variant_name(i), args)
if polymorphic:
print "]"
def gen_function(polymorphic, number_of_variants = 240, number_of_args = 2):
function_name = "fold_" + ("polymorphic" if polymorphic else "ordinal")
args_list = ", ".join(["a%d" % i for i in xrange(number_of_args)])
args = "" if number_of_args == 0 else " (%s)" % args_list
expr = " ".join(["a%d lxor" % i for i in xrange(number_of_args)] + [function_name, "tl"])
print "let rec %s = function" % function_name
print " | [] -> 0"
for i in xrange(number_of_variants):
print " | %s%s%s :: tl -> %s" % (("`" if polymorphic else ""), get_variant_name(i), args, expr)
def gen_item_generator(polymorphic, number_of_variants = 240, number_of_args = 2):
function_name = "gen_%s_item" % ("polymorphic" if polymorphic else "ordinal")
args_list = lambda: ", ".join(["%d" % rand.randint(i * 2**16, (i + 1) * 2**16) for i in xrange(number_of_args)])
args = lambda: "" if number_of_args == 0 else " (%s)" % args_list()
print "let %s = function" % function_name
for i in xrange(number_of_variants):
print " | %d -> %s%s%s" % (i, ("`" if polymorphic else ""), get_variant_name(i), args())
def gen_generator(polymorphic, number_of_variants = 240):
kind = "polymorphic" if polymorphic else "ordinal"
generator = \
"let rec gen_%s_list = function\n" + \
" | 0 -> []\n" + \
" | n -> gen_%s_item (n mod %d) :: gen_%s_list (n - 1)\n"
print generator % (kind, kind, number_of_variants, kind)
def gen_bench(polymorphic):
kind = "polymorphic" if polymorphic else "ordinal"
bench = \
"let bench_%s size number_of_repetitions =\n" + \
" let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in\n" + \
" let test_list = gen_%s_list size in\n" + \
" for i = 1 to number_of_repetitions do\n" + \
" ignore (fold_%s test_list)\n" + \
" done;\n" + \
" let elapsed_time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time in\n" + \
" Printf.printf \"bench_%s: %%f seconds elapsed\\n\" elapsed_time;\n" + \
" elapsed_time\n"
print bench % (kind, kind, kind, kind)
def gen_main(size, number_of_repetitions):
print "let () ="
print " let ordinal_time = bench_ordinal %d %d in" % (size, number_of_repetitions)
print " let polymorphic_time = bench_polymorphic %d %d in" % (size, number_of_repetitions)
print " Printf.printf \"polymorphic / ordinal = %f\\n\" (polymorphic_time /. ordinal_time)\n"
def gen_all(number_of_variants = 246, number_of_args = 3, size = 50000, number_of_repetitions = 1000):
gen_type(True, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_type(False, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_function(True, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_function(False, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_item_generator(True, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_item_generator(False, number_of_variants, number_of_args)
gen_generator(True, number_of_variants)
gen_generator(False, number_of_variants)
gen_main(size, number_of_repetitions)
gen_all(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
(* Autogenerated by 5 1 *)
type polymorphic = [
| `VJzNnlv0 of int
| `VQKaEES1 of int
| `VXVnVXp2 of int
| `VegAmqM3 of int
| `VlrNDJj4 of int
type ordinal =
| VJzNnlv0 of int
| VQKaEES1 of int
| VXVnVXp2 of int
| VegAmqM3 of int
| VlrNDJj4 of int
let rec fold_polymorphic = function
| [] -> 0
| `VJzNnlv0 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_polymorphic tl
| `VQKaEES1 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_polymorphic tl
| `VXVnVXp2 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_polymorphic tl
| `VegAmqM3 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_polymorphic tl
| `VlrNDJj4 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_polymorphic tl
let rec fold_ordinal = function
| [] -> 0
| VJzNnlv0 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_ordinal tl
| VQKaEES1 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_ordinal tl
| VXVnVXp2 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_ordinal tl
| VegAmqM3 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_ordinal tl
| VlrNDJj4 (a0) :: tl -> a0 lxor fold_ordinal tl
let gen_polymorphic_item = function
| 0 -> `VJzNnlv0 (61489)
| 1 -> `VQKaEES1 (5647)
| 2 -> `VXVnVXp2 (14591)
| 3 -> `VegAmqM3 (54982)
| 4 -> `VlrNDJj4 (61664)
let gen_ordinal_item = function
| 0 -> VJzNnlv0 (41219)
| 1 -> VQKaEES1 (8578)
| 2 -> VXVnVXp2 (21078)
| 3 -> VegAmqM3 (51755)
| 4 -> VlrNDJj4 (36539)
let rec gen_polymorphic_list = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> gen_polymorphic_item (n mod 5) :: gen_polymorphic_list (n - 1)
let rec gen_ordinal_list = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> gen_ordinal_item (n mod 5) :: gen_ordinal_list (n - 1)
let bench_polymorphic size number_of_repetitions =
let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let test_list = gen_polymorphic_list size in
for i = 1 to number_of_repetitions do
ignore (fold_polymorphic test_list)
let elapsed_time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time in
Printf.printf "bench_polymorphic: %f seconds elapsed\n" elapsed_time;
let bench_ordinal size number_of_repetitions =
let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let test_list = gen_ordinal_list size in
for i = 1 to number_of_repetitions do
ignore (fold_ordinal test_list)
let elapsed_time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time in
Printf.printf "bench_ordinal: %f seconds elapsed\n" elapsed_time;
let () =
let ordinal_time = bench_ordinal 50000 1000 in
let polymorphic_time = bench_polymorphic 50000 1000 in
Printf.printf "polymorphic / ordinal = %f\n" (polymorphic_time /. ordinal_time)
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ramntry commented Jul 23, 2014

$ ./
number_of_variants = 3, number_of_args = 2
bench_ordinal: 0.111527 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.306109 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 2.744710

number_of_variants = 5, number_of_args = 1
bench_ordinal: 0.110245 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.327958 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 2.974812

number_of_variants = 30, number_of_args = 1
bench_ordinal: 0.114785 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.392246 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 3.417225

number_of_variants = 30, number_of_args = 3
bench_ordinal: 0.123398 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.421935 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 3.419301

number_of_variants = 70, number_of_args = 4
bench_ordinal: 0.135165 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.514177 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 3.804069

number_of_variants = 170, number_of_args = 2
bench_ordinal: 0.110260 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.533869 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 4.841910

number_of_variants = 246, number_of_args = 2
bench_ordinal: 0.111801 seconds elapsed
bench_polymorphic: 0.547543 seconds elapsed
polymorphic / ordinal = 4.897473

$ ocamlopt.opt -version

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
stepping    : 3

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