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Created May 22, 2014 17:18
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  • Save ramntry/c4104c166e743f58518b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ramntry/c4104c166e743f58518b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
model tiny
org 100h
_: jmp start
m1 db 'Hello, INT!',13,10,'$'
f0 db '(func 0)',13,10,'$'
f1 db '(func 1)',13,10,'$'
fer db '(error)',13,10,'$'
v_f1 dd 0
i_f1: or ah,ah
jnz f1_1
mov dx,offset m1
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset f0
mov ah,9
int 21h
f1_1: test ah,0FEh
jnz f1_err
mov dx,offset m1
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset f1
mov ah,9
int 21h
f1_err: mov dx,offset m1
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset fer
mov ah,9
int 21h
start: mov ax,35F1h
int 21h
mov word ptr v_f1,bx
mov word ptr v_f1+2,es
mov dx,offset i_f1
mov ax,25F1h
int 21h
xor ah,ah
int 0F1h
mov ah,1
int 0F1h
mov ah,2
int 0F1h
lds dx,v_f1
mov ax,25F1h
int 21h
end _
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