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Last active February 28, 2018 23:37
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Helpful bash aliases and functions for .bashrc. -- Includes function to easily navigate to a specified folder with <tab> auto completion
##### NOTE - The following aliases and functions use my Cygwin directory. Be sure to edit these for your use case. ####
# Override source alias to default to this file
alias source='source /home/jglynn/.bashrc'
# Override 'ls' command
alias ls='ls -AhF --color=tty' #classify files in colour by default
alias ll='ls -lhA' #long list
# Demo - quick ssh into sites
# - the following uses the domain 'site' which is mapped to a server's ip in the host file
# -- this domain shortcut also used in commands such as rsync (rsync -va root@site:/.)
alias sshfl='ssh root@site'
# This allows Cygwin Window to have the correct Tab Names
# Enable pbcopy / pbpaste in Cygwin
# - e.g. pbcopy ~/.ssh/
alias pbcopy="cat >/dev/clipboard"
alias pbpaste="cat /dev/clipboard"
# Quicker npm project build commands
alias build="npm run dev"
alias watch="npm run watch"
######### FUNCTIONS ##########
# This is one of my favorite functions. Allows blazing fast navigation into a directory of your choosing.
# I use this specifically to quickly access all of my project folders
# - (requires bash completion to be installed)
# Directory of your choosing
# Custom auto complete for home function
_home () {
local cur hdir
i=${hdir} # the directory from where to start
for j in $( compgen -f "$i/$cur" ); do # loop trough the possible completions
[ -d "$j" ] && j="${j}/" || j="${j} " # if its a dir add a slash, else a space
COMPREPLY[k++]=${j#$i/} # remove the directory prefix from the array
return 0
# Navigates to "directory of your choosing".
# - When paired with _home function, allows the parameter to be <tab> completed
# -- e.g. If there is a 'files' folder in the 'home_dir', typing 'home fi<tab>' will autocomplete to 'home files/'
# -- ... and so on. Pressing enter will automatically navigate to that folder.
function home() {
local new_dir
if [[ $1 ]]; then
cd ${new_dir}
# Enables <tab> completion on the 'home' function using _home
complete -o nospace -F _home home
# Windows - executing the following function opens your hosts file in notepad with admin priviledges
function edithosts() {
( notepad /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts )
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