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Forked from andrenam/Gemfile
Last active December 21, 2015 00:18
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### Gem file to install GITLAB on Raspberry-Pi
source ""
gem "rails", "3.2.5"
# Supported DBs
gem "sqlite3"
gem "mysql2"
# Auth
gem "devise", "~> 2.1.0"
# GITLAB patched libs
gem "grit", :git => "", :ref => "7f35cb98ff17d534a07e3ce6ec3d580f67402837"
gem "gitolite", :git => "", :ref => "9b715ca8bab6529f6c92204a25f84d12f25a6eb0"
gem "pygments.rb", :git => "", :ref => "2cada028da5054616634a1d9ca6941b65b3ce188"
gem "omniauth-ldap", :git => "", :ref => "7edf27d0281e09561838122982c16b7e62181f44"
gem 'yaml_db', :git => ""
gem 'grack', :git => ""
gem "linguist", "~> 1.0.0", :git => ""
gem "eventmachine", :git => ""
gem "grape"
gem "stamp"
gem "kaminari"
gem "haml-rails"
gem "carrierwave"
gem "six"
gem "ffaker"
gem "seed-fu"
gem "redcarpet", "~> 2.1.1"
gem "thin", :git => "", :ref => "a5e1a39853689f7e6878c7d85105bd47f37514af"
gem "unicorn"
gem "git"
gem "acts_as_list"
gem "acts-as-taggable-on", "2.3.1"
gem "drapper"
gem "resque", "~> 1.20.0"
gem "httparty"
gem "charlock_holmes"
gem "foreman"
gem "colored"
gem 'resque_mailer'
gem 'tabs_on_rails'
gem 'settingslogic'
group :assets do
gem "sass-rails", "3.2.5"
gem "coffee-rails", "3.2.2"
gem "uglifier", "1.0.3"
#gem "therubyracer" <-- This commented out requires nodejs installed
gem 'chosen-rails'
gem "jquery-rails", "2.0.2"
gem "jquery-ui-rails", "0.5.0"
gem "modernizr", "2.5.3"
gem "raphael-rails", "1.5.2"
gem 'bootstrap-sass', ""
group :development do
gem "letter_opener"
gem "rails-footnotes"
gem "annotate", :git => ""
group :development, :test do
gem "rspec-rails"
gem "capybara"
gem "autotest"
gem "autotest-rails"
gem "pry"
gem "awesome_print"
gem "database_cleaner"
gem "launchy"
group :test do
gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false
gem 'minitest', ">= 2.10"
gem "turn", :require => false
gem "simplecov", :require => false
gem "shoulda-matchers"
gem 'email_spec'
gem 'resque_spec'
gem "webmock"
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therubyracer gem comment out requires nodejs to be installed through raspian pacakage.

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