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Last active March 9, 2024 10:18
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Decorator factory for decorator with optional kwargs
from functools import partial, wraps
from inspect import signature
from typing import Callable
def decorator_with_kwargs(decorator: Callable) -> Callable:
"""Decorator factory to give decorated decorators the skill to receive
optional keyword arguments.
If a decorator "some_decorator" is decorated with this function:
def some_decorator(decorated_function, kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2):
def wrapper(*decorated_function_args, **decorated_function_kwargs):
'''Modifies the behavior of decorated_function according
to the value of kwarg1 and kwarg2'''
return wrapper
It will be usable in the following ways:
def func(x):
def func(x):
@some_decorator(kwarg1=3) # or other combinations of kwargs
def func(x, y):
:param decorator: decorator to be given optional kwargs-handling skills
:type decorator: Callable
:raises TypeError: if the decorator does not receive a single Callable or
keyword arguments
:raises TypeError: if the signature of the decorated decorator does not
conform to: Callable, **keyword_arguments
:return: modified decorator
:rtype: Callable
def decorator_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if (len(kwargs) == 0) and (len(args) == 1) and callable(args[0]):
return decorator(args[0])
if len(args) == 0:
return partial(decorator, **kwargs)
raise TypeError(
f'{decorator.__name__} expects either a single Callable '
'or keyword arguments'
signature_values = signature(decorator).parameters.values()
signature_args = [ for param in signature_values
if param.default == param.empty
if len(signature_args) != 1:
raise TypeError(
f'{decorator.__name__} signature should be of the form:\n'
f'{decorator.__name__}(function: typing.Callable, '
'kwarg_1=default_1, kwarg_2=default_2, ...) -> Callable'
return decorator_wrapper
def multiple_runs(function, num_times=2):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for _ in range(num_times):
function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# Decorator factory not being called directly
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > aa
# Decorator factory called without arguments
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > aa
# Decorator factory called with keyword arguments
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > aaaaa
# Expect TypeError:
# unexpected keyword argument
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > TypeError: multiple_runs() got an unexpected keyword argument 'xpto'
# Expect TypeError:
# passing a non callable positional argument for the decorator:
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > TypeError: multiple_runs expects either a single Callable or keyword arguments
# Expect TyeError:
# passing two positional arguments for the decorator:
@multiple_runs(1, 2)
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > TypeError: multiple_runs expects either a single Callable or keyword arguments
# Expect TyeError:
# no workaround for something like this:
@multiple_runs(lambda x: x)
def func(x):
print(x, end='')
# > TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
# Expect TyeError:
# decorator with incorrect signature
def decorator_with_incorrect_signature(function, other_arg, x=1):
# > TypeError: decorator_with_incorrect_signature signature should be of the form:
# > decorator_with_incorrect_signature(function: typing.Callable, kwarg_1=default_1, kwarg_2=default_2, ...) -> Callable
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