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Created November 13, 2012 03:59
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Save rampion/4063843 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A greasemonkey script to add queue buttons to Hulu's "Watch [...] online" pages. Click the "raw" link to install (if you have greasemonkey).
// ==UserScript==
// @name HuluQueueButtons
// @namespace
// @description Add buttons to Hulu's "Watch [...] online" pages to let you queue/dequeue videos
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// make our queue/dequeue button mimic the style of the native queue/dequeue
// buttons we see in other pages
'.queue-button {'+
' background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;'+
' height: 21px;'+
' width: 76px;'+
'.queue-button {'+
' background-position: 0 -523px !important;'+
'.queue-button:hover {'+
' background-position: 0 -319px !important;'+
'.queue-button.added {'+
' background-position: 0 -384px !important;'+
'.queue-button.added:hover {'+
' background-position: 0 -384px !important;'+
// find the id of this video
var id = +(document.location.toString().match(/\d+/)[0]);
// see whether this video is already in the queue
$.get('', function(data){
if (data.indexOf(id) >= 0){
// and make the UI reflect this
// wait for the functional bar to be loaded into the page
var $functionalBar = $('.functional-bar');
if ($functionalBar.length == 0){
setTimeout( arguments.callee, t, [2*t] ); // retry after a(n exponentially growing) delay
} else {
// then add our queue/dequeue button
var $queueButton = $('<a class="beacon beacon-click queue-button"/>').
appendTo( $functionalBar ).
// add or remove to queue, as appropriate
$queueButton.hasClass('added') ?
'' :
{ id: id },
// after add/remove, update UI
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