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Created August 18, 2014 02:19
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module SO25311781 where
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Direct
data Expression a where
I :: Int -> Expression Int
B :: Bool -> Expression Bool
Add :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Mul :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Eq :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Bool
And :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
Or :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
If :: Expression Bool -> Expression a -> Expression a -> Expression a
instance Show a => Show (Expression a) where
showsPrec p x = showParen (p > 4) $ case x of
(I i) -> showString "I " . showsPrec 5 i
(B b) -> showString "B " . showsPrec 5 b
(Add x y) -> showString "Add " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
(Mul x y) -> showString "Mul " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
(Eq x y) -> showString "Eq " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
(And x y) -> showString "And " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
(Or x y) -> showString "Or " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
(If b x y) -> showString "If " . showsPrec 5 b . showString " " . showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 5 y
example1 :: Expression Int
example1 = If (I 0 `Eq` (I 0 `Add` I 0)) (I 1) (I 2)
example2 :: Expression Bool
example2 = If (I 0 `Eq` (I 0 `Add` I 0)) (B True) (B False)
step :: Expression a -> Expression a
step = \case
Add (I x) (I y) -> I $ x + y
Mul (I x) (I y) -> I $ x * y
Eq (I x) (I y) -> B $ x == y
And (B x) (B y) -> B $ x && y
Or (B x) (B y) -> B $ x || y
If (B b) x y -> if b then x else y
z -> z
instance Uniplate (Expression Int) where
uniplate (Add x y) = plate Add |* x |* y
uniplate (Mul x y) = plate Mul |* x |* y
uniplate (If b x y) = plate If |+ b |* x |* y
uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate (Expression Bool) where
uniplate (Eq x y) = plate Eq |+ x |+ y
uniplate (And x y) = plate And |* x |* y
uniplate (Or x y) = plate Or |* x |* y
uniplate (If b x y) = plate If |* b |* x |* y
uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate (Expression a) => Biplate (Expression a) (Expression a) where
biplate = plateSelf
instance Biplate (Expression Bool) (Expression Int) where
biplate (Eq x y) = plate Eq |+ x |+ y
biplate (And x y) = plate And |+ x |+ y
biplate (Or x y) = plate Or |+ x |+ y
biplate (If b x y) = plate If |+ b |+ x |+ y
biplate x = plate x
instance Biplate (Expression Int) (Expression Bool) where
biplate (Add x y) = plate Add |+ x |+ y
biplate (Mul x y) = plate Mul |+ x |+ y
biplate (If b x y) = plate If |* b |+ x |+ y
biplate x = plate x
evalInt :: Expression Int -> Expression Int
evalInt = transform step
evalIntBi :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
evalIntBi = transformBi (step :: Expression Int -> Expression Int)
evalBool :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
evalBool = transform step
evalBoolBi :: Expression Int -> Expression Int
evalBoolBi = transformBi (step :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool)
type WExp = Either (Expression Int) (Expression Bool)
instance Uniplate WExp where
uniplate = \case
Left (Add x y) -> plate (i2 Left Add) |* Left x |* Left y
Left (Mul x y) -> plate (i2 Left Mul) |* Left x |* Left y
Left (If b x y) -> plate (bi2 Left If) |* Right b |* Left x |* Left y
Right (Eq x y) -> plate (i2 Right Eq) |* Left x |* Left y
Right (And x y) -> plate (b2 Right And) |* Right x |* Right y
Right (Or x y) -> plate (b2 Right Or) |* Right x |* Right y
Right (If b x y) -> plate (b3 Right If) |* Right b |* Right x |* Right y
e -> plate e
where i2 side op (Left x) (Left y) = side (op x y)
i2 _ _ _ _ = error "type mismatch"
b2 side op (Right x) (Right y) = side (op x y)
b2 _ _ _ _ = error "type mismatch"
bi2 side op (Right x) (Left y) (Left z) = side (op x y z)
bi2 _ _ _ _ _ = error "type mismatch"
b3 side op (Right x) (Right y) (Right z) = side (op x y z)
b3 _ _ _ _ _ = error "type mismatch"
evalWExp :: WExp -> WExp
evalWExp = transform (either (Left . step) (Right . step))
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