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Created November 20, 2018 00:50
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Tests für PA03 von CoMa 18/19 - einfach am Ende der Datei einfügen
def test():
def do_test(t, args):
lok = False
if len(args) == 3:
p, l, r = args
retVal = t(p, l)
lok = retVal == r
l, m = args
retVal = t(l)
lok = retVal == m
if not lok:
print("NICHT OK\nFehler bei {} mit Argumente: \n{}\nSollte {} sein, ist aber {}".format(t, args[:-1], args[-1], retVal), flush=True)
except Exception as ex:
print("NICHT OK\nFehler bei {} mit Argumente: \n{}\n".format(t, args[:-1]), flush=True)
raise ex
return lok
ok = True
print("\nTest get_min: ", end='', flush=True)
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, (None, None))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([], None))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([0], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([0, 0, 0, 0], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([1, 2, 3, 4], 1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([4, 3, 2, 1], 1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([1, 2, 3, -1], -1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, (list(range(5000,10000)), 5000))
if not ok:
print("OK", flush=True)
print("Test get_linedistance: ", end='', flush=True)
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([], (0, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, 0)], (0, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, 1)], (0, 0), 1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(1, 1)], (0, 0), 1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, 2)], (0, 0), 4))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(2, 2)], (0, 0), 4))
all_points = []
for a in range(-10, 11):
same_height = []
zero_height = []
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, a)], (1, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, 2*a)], (2, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, -a)], (-1, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, a)], (0, a), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, 0)], (a, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, 1)], (a, 0), 1))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, a)], (0, 0), a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, a)], (1, a), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(1, a)], (a, 0), 0))
for b in range(-10, 11):
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([], (a, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, 2*a+b)], (2, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, -2*a+b)], (-2, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(a, a*a+b)], (a, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (same_height, (0, a), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (same_height, (0, 0), len(same_height) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (zero_height, (0, 0), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (zero_height, (0, b), len(same_height) * b**2))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (zero_height, (0, a), len(same_height) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, b)], (a, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(1, a+b)], (a, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(1, 0)], (a, b), (a+b)**2))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, ([(0, b), (1, a+b)], (a, b), 0))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (all_points, (0, 0), 16170))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (all_points, (1, 2), 34104))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (all_points, (-2, 5), 91875))
if not ok:
print("OK", flush=True)
print("Tests aus der Angabe: ", end='', flush=True)
angabe_points = [(-1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (3, -1)]
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (angabe_points, [(1, 1)], 28))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (angabe_points, [(-1, 2)], 4))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (angabe_points, [(1, 1) ,(-1, 2)], 4))
if not ok:
print("OK", flush=True)
print("Tests mit daten aus der Angabe: ", end='', flush=True)
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (angabe_points, (1, 1), 28))
ok = ok and do_test(get_linedistance, (angabe_points, (-1, 2), 4))
ok = ok and do_test(get_min, ([28, 4], 4))
if not ok:
print("OK", flush=True)
print("Test get_linedistance: ", end='', flush=True)
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([], [], None))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 0)], [], None))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([], [(0, 0)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 0)], [(0, 0)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 0)], [(0, 0), (0, 0)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 0), (0, 0)], [(0, 0)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 0), (0, 0)], [(0, 0), (0, 0)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 1)], [(0, 0)], 1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 1)], [(0, 0), (0, 1)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, ([(0, 1)], [(0, 1), (0, 0)], 0))
diagonal = {}
negative_diagonal = {}
higher_diagonal = {}
horizontals = {}
all_points = []
for y in range(-10, 11):
diagonal[y] = []
negative_diagonal[y] = []
higher_diagonal[y] = []
horizontals[y] = []
for x in range(-10, 11):
all_points.append((x, y))
diagonal[y].append((x, x+y))
negative_diagonal[y].append((x, -x+y))
higher_diagonal[y].append((x, y*x))
horizontals[y].append((x, y))
for a in range(-10, 11):
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (higher_diagonal[a], [(a, 0)], 0))
for b in range(-10, 11):
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (diagonal[b], [(1, b)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (diagonal[b], [(1, b+a)], len(diagonal[b]) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (diagonal[b], [(1, b-a)], len(diagonal[b]) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (negative_diagonal[b], [(-1, b)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (negative_diagonal[b], [(-1, b+a)], len(diagonal[b]) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (negative_diagonal[b], [(-1, b-a)], len(diagonal[b]) * a**2))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (diagonal[b], [(1, b), (b, 1)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (horizontals[b], [(0, b)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (horizontals[b], [(0, b), (b, 1)], 0))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (horizontals[b], [(0, b), (a, b)], 0))
avg_result = 16170
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 0)], avg_result))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 0), (1, 0)], avg_result))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 0), (-1, 0)], avg_result))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, diagonal[0], avg_result))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, horizontals[0], avg_result))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, negative_diagonal[0], avg_result))
result_b1 = 16611
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 1)], result_b1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 1), (1, 1)], result_b1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, [(0, 1), (-1, 1)], result_b1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, diagonal[1], result_b1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, horizontals[1], result_b1))
ok = ok and do_test(linear_regression, (all_points, negative_diagonal[1], result_b1))
if not ok:
print("OK", flush=True)
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