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Converts ASCII files between Unix, MS-DOS/Windows, or Macintosh newline formats
// Programmer: Craig Stuart Sapp <>
// Creation Date: Tue Jan 20 11:13:16 GMT-0800 1998
// Last Modified: Sun Jan 9 10:34:22 PST 2000 (minor changes)
// Last Modified: Thu Aug 2 13:52:52 PDT 2001 (added stdlib.h for new gcc)
// Last Modified Tue Apr 9 12:24:27 PST 2002 (added Mac options)
// Last Modified Mon Jan 20 21:12:52 PST 2003 (enabled conversion from mac to other)
// Last Modified Wed May 18 14:03:03 PDT 2005 (updated for newer C++ compilers)
// Last Modified Sun Aug 21 21:41:47 PDT 2005 (fixed so running -d twice works)
// Web Address:
// Syntax: C++
// $Smake: g++ -ansi -O3 -o %b %f -static && strip %b
// $Smake-osx: g++2 -ansi -O3 -o %b %f && strip %b
// Description: Utility program to convert text files between
// UNIX or Mac newlines and DOS linefeed + newlines.
// Unix uses the character 0x0a (decimal 10) to end a line
// while DOS uses two characters: 0x0d 0x0a, where
// (hex number 0x0d is equal to 13 decimal).
// Mac OSes (prior to OS X), use 0x0d to end a line.
// "Can't we just all get along?"
// Options are:
// -t guess the OS format type of a text file.
// If the file is in mixed format, determine
// that the file is in DOS format.
// -u make the file Unix/MAC conformant
// -d make the file DOS/Window conformant
// -m make the file Macintosh (<10) conformant
// Multiple files can be processed at once.
// I wrote this program so that I could have the same
// program for both Unix and MS Windows programs, but
// an easy way to accomplish the same thing in Unix is
// with using the sed command. To make Unix formatted
// newlines, run the command:
// sed 's/^M//' filename > temp; mv temp filename
// where ^M is the "control-M" key or the return key
// which is usually created on the command line by pressing
// control-v and then the enter key. Be careful not to write
// the output of sed to the file you are modifying or you will
// lose the file. Likewise, you can go from Unix to DOS
// formats by running the command:
// sed 's/$/^M/' filename > temp; mv temp filename
// You can also use the PERL language interpreter
// to convert the file contents:
// Mac to Unix:
// perl -i -pe 's/\015/\012/g' mac-file
// Mac to DOS:
// perl -i -pe 's/\015/\015\012/g' mac-file
// Unix to Mac:
// perl -i -pe 's/\012/\015/g' unix-file
// Unix to DOS:
// perl -i -pe 's/\012/\015\012/g' unix-file
// DOS to Unix:
// perl -i -pe 's/\015\012/\012/g' mac-file
// DOS to Mac:
// perl -i -pe 's/\015\012/\012/g' mac-file
// Note 0x0a (hex) = \012 (octal) = 10 (decimal)
// Note 0x0d (hex) = \015 (octal) = 13 (decimal)
// But why would you want to remember all of that when you
// can do this with the flip program:
// Anything to Unix:
// flip -u file
// Anything to DOS:
// flip -d file
// Anything to Macintosh:
// flip -m file
// To determine what the current line-flavor is:
// flip -t file
// Note that the flip program is destructive. It
// overwrites the contents of the old file with the new
// newline converted file. Multiple files can be
// converted at the same time with a wild card:
// flip -u *
// This will flip newlines to the Unix style in all files
// in the current directory. You should not run the flip
// program on binary data, because the 0x0a and 0x0d do
// not necessarily mean newlines in binary data.
// define the following if you are compiling in MS-DOS/Windows 95/NT/98/2000
// #define MSDOS
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef OLDCPP
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#define SSTREAM strstream
#define CSTRING str()
#ifdef MSDOS
#include <strstrea.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#define SSTREAM stringstream
#define CSTRING str().c_str()
using namespace std;
#ifdef MSDOS
#include <strstrea.h>
#include <sstream>
// function declarations
void exitUsage (const char* command);
void translateToUnix (const char* filename);
void translateToDos (const char* filename);
void translateToMacintosh (const char* filename);
void determineType (const char* filename);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 3) exitUsage(argv[0]);
if (argv[1][0] != '-') exitUsage(argv[0]);
char option = argv[1][1];
if (!(option == 'u' || option == 'd' || option == 't'|| option == 'm')) {
for (int i=0; i<argc-2; i++) {
if (option == 'd') translateToDos(argv[i+2]);
else if (option == 'u') translateToUnix(argv[i+2]);
else if (option == 'm') translateToMacintosh(argv[i+2]);
else determineType(argv[i+2]);
return 0;
// determineType
void determineType(const char* filename) {
#ifdef OLDCPP
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::nocreate);
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in);
if (!infile) {
cout << "Error: cannot find file " << filename << endl;
char ch;
int d0count = 0;
int a0count = 0;
while (!infile.eof()) {
if (ch == 0x0d) {
} else if (ch == 0x0a) {
if ((a0count == d0count) && (d0count != 0)) {
cout << filename << ": DOS" << endl;
} else if ((a0count > 0) && (d0count == 0)) {
cout << filename << ": UNIX" << endl;
} else if ((a0count == 0) && (d0count > 0)) {
cout << filename << ": MAC" << endl;
} else if ((a0count > 0) && (d0count > 0)) {
cout << filename << ": MIXED" << endl;
} else {
cout << filename << ": UNKNOWN" << endl;
// translateToDos
void translateToDos(const char* filename) {
#ifdef OLDCPP
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::nocreate);
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in);
if (!infile) {
cout << "Error: cannot find file: " << filename << endl;
SSTREAM outstring;
char ch, lastch;
lastch = ch;
int peekch;
while (!infile.eof()) {
if (ch == 0x0a && lastch != 0x0d) { // convert newline from Unix to MS-DOS
outstring << (char)0x0d;
outstring << ch;
lastch = ch;
} else if (ch == 0x0d) { // convert newline from Mac to MS-DOS
peekch = infile.peek();
if (peekch != 0x0a) {
outstring << ch;
outstring << (char)0x0a;
lastch = 0x0a;
} else {
lastch = 0x0d;
// Bug fix here reported by Shelley Adams: running -d
// twice in a row was generating Unix style newlines
// without the following statement:
outstring << (char)0x0d;
} else {
outstring << ch;
lastch = ch;
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out);
if (!outfile) {
cout << "Error: cannot write to file: " << filename << endl;
outstring << ends;
outfile << outstring.CSTRING;
// translateToMacintosh
void translateToMacintosh(const char* filename) {
#ifdef OLDCPP
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::nocreate);
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in);
if (!infile) {
cout << "Error: cannot find file: " << filename << endl;
SSTREAM outstring;
char ch;
int lastchar = '\0';
while (!infile.eof()) {
if (ch == 0x0a) { // convert newline from MSDOS to Mac
if (lastchar == 0x0d) {
// do nothing: already the newline was written
} else {
outstring << (char)0x0d; // convert newline from Unix to Mac
} else {
outstring << ch;
lastchar = ch;
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out);
if (!outfile.is_open()) {
cout << "Error: cannot write to file: " << filename << endl;
outstring << ends;
outfile << outstring.CSTRING;
// translateToUnix
void translateToUnix(const char* filename) {
#ifdef OLDCPP
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::nocreate);
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream infile(filename, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
fstream infile(filename, ios::in);
if (!infile) {
cout << "Error: cannot find file: " << filename << endl;
SSTREAM outstring;
char ch, lastch;
while (!infile.eof()) {
if (ch == 0x0d) {
outstring << (char)0x0a;
} else if (ch == 0x0a) {
if (lastch == 0x0d) {
// do nothing: already converted MSDOS newline to Unix form
} else {
outstring << (char)0x0a; // convert newline from Unix to Unix
} else {
outstring << ch;
lastch = ch;
#ifdef MSDOS
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
fstream outfile(filename, ios::out);
if (!outfile.is_open()) {
cout << "Error: cannot write to file: " << filename << endl;
outstring << ends;
outfile << outstring.CSTRING;
// exitUsage
void exitUsage(const char* commandName) {
cout << "\nUsage: " << commandName << " [-t|-u|-d|-m] filename[s]\n"
" Converts ASCII files between Unix, MS-DOS/Windows, or Macintosh newline formats\n\n"
" Options: \n"
" -u = convert file(s) to Unix newline format (newline)\n"
" -d = convert file(s) to MS-DOS/Windows newline format (linefeed + newline)\n"
" -m = convert file(s) to Macintosh newline format (linefeed)\n"
" -t = display current file type, no file modifications\n"
<< endl;
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