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Last active September 21, 2020 07:00
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This file contains callouts to calculate withholding taxes per invoice line within iDempiere.
// Call out to calculate GST Base (17% of Income Tax of GST included price)
public String calc_GST_IT (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
// Storing TaxID in a variable.
Integer taxID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_Tax_ID");
if (taxID == 1000015 || taxID == 1000016) {
// Resetting values to zero
mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", new BigDecimal("0")); // Unit Price
mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("PriceLimit", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("TaxAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("LineTotalAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", new BigDecimal("0"));
// Calculating value of GST Base (17% of Income Tax (against GST) Base Amount)
BigDecimal GSTDivisor = new BigDecimal("100");
BigDecimal GSTPercentage = new BigDecimal("17"); // Will be replaced by dynamic value in the future.
BigDecimal WH_GST_IT_Base = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT_Base");
BigDecimal GSTBaseAmt = (GSTPercentage.divide(GSTDivisor)).multiply(WH_GST_IT_Base);
// Setting value of GST Base
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt", GSTBaseAmt);
// Calculating GST (17%)
BigDecimal WH_GST_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_Percent"); // Getting Value of GST %
BigDecimal WHGST = (WH_GST_Percent.divide(GSTDivisor)).multiply(GSTBaseAmt);
// Setting value of WH GST
mTab.setValue("WH_GST", WHGST);
// Calculating Income Tax (4.5) on Amount having GST
BigDecimal WH_GST_IT_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT_Percent"); // Getting Value of GST %
BigDecimal WHITGST = (WH_GST_IT_Percent.divide(GSTDivisor)).multiply(WH_GST_IT_Base);
// Setting value of WH IT on GST
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT", WHITGST);
// Adding up all the taxes
BigDecimal Sum = WH_GST_IT_Base.add(GSTBaseAmt);
// Setting Total Base Amount
mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", Sum);
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", Sum); // Unit Price
mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", Sum);
mTab.setValue("LineTotalAmt", Sum);
} else {
return "";
// Call out to calculate Withholding per invoice line. It is attached with Income Tax Base Amount Field.
public String customWithholding (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
// Storing TaxID in a variable.
Integer taxID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_Tax_ID");
if (taxID == 1000015 || taxID == 1000016) {
// Resetting values to zero
mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", new BigDecimal("0")); // Unit Price
mTab.setValue("TaxAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("LineTotalAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", new BigDecimal("0"));
// Fetching Value of Income Tax Base Amount
BigDecimal WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt");
// Setting value of PST Base
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt);
// Fetching Value of PST Base Amount Field
BigDecimal WH_PST_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt");
BigDecimal PSTDivisor = new BigDecimal("100");
// Fetching PST Percentage
BigDecimal PSTPercentage = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_Percent");
// Calculating PST
BigDecimal WH_PST = (PSTPercentage.divide(PSTDivisor)).multiply(WH_PST_BaseAmt);
// Setting value of WH PST
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", WH_PST);
if (taxID == 1000015) {
// Setting value of Income Tax Percentage
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent", new BigDecimal("10"));
// Fetching percentage of filer
BigDecimal Filer_Percentage = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent");
// Calculating Income Tax of Filer and Non Filer - WH_IncomeTax_Percent
BigDecimal IncomeTax = (Filer_Percentage.divide(PSTDivisor)).multiply(WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt);
// Setting value of Income Tax
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", IncomeTax);
} else {
// Setting value of Income Tax Percentage
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent", new BigDecimal("20"));
// Fetching percentage of Non Filer
BigDecimal Non_Filer_Percentage = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent");
// Calculating Income Tax of Filer and Non Filer - WH_IncomeTax_Percent
BigDecimal IncomeTax = (Non_Filer_Percentage.divide(PSTDivisor)).multiply(WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt);
// Setting value of Income Tax
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", IncomeTax);
// Getting Values of GST Base and Income Tax with GST Base
// BigDecimal WH_GST_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt");
BigDecimal WH_GST_IT_Base = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT_Base");
BigDecimal WH_GST = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST");
BigDecimal WH_GST_IT = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT");
BigDecimal WH_IncomeTax = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax");
// Adding up all Base Amounts
BigDecimal Sum = WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt.add(WH_GST_IT_Base);
// Adding up all Deductions
BigDecimal Deduction = WH_GST.add(WH_GST_IT).add(WH_PST).add(WH_IncomeTax);
// Setting Total Base Amount
mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", Sum);
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", Sum); // Unit Price
mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", Sum);
mTab.setValue("LineTotalAmt", Sum);
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Deduction);
} else {
return "";
// Call out to calculate security
public String security (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
// Getting Base Amount
BigDecimal WH_Security_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Security_BaseAmt");
// Getting Percentage
BigDecimal WH_Security_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Security_Percent");
// Setting Divisor to calculate percentage
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
// Calculating Security
BigDecimal WH_Security = (WH_Security_Percent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WH_Security_BaseAmt);
// Setting Value of Security
mTab.setValue("WH_Security", WH_Security);
// Getting Total Deduction
BigDecimal Deduction = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("TotalDeduction");
// Adding Security to Deductions
BigDecimal Result = Deduction.add(WH_Security);
// Setting value of Total Deduction
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result);
return "";
// Call out to calculate Penalty
public String penalty (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
// Getting Base Amount
BigDecimal WH_Penalty_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Penalty_BaseAmt");
// Getting Percentage
BigDecimal WH_Penalty_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Penalty_Percent");
// Setting Divisor to calculate percentage
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
// Calculating Security
BigDecimal Penalty = (WH_Penalty_Percent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WH_Penalty_BaseAmt);
// Setting Value of Security
mTab.setValue("Penalty", Penalty);
// Getting Total Deduction
BigDecimal Deduction = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("TotalDeduction");
// Adding Security to Deductions
BigDecimal Result = Deduction.add(Penalty);
// Setting value of Total Deduction
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result);
return "";
// Call out to calculate Penalty
public String other_charge (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
// Getting Base Amount
BigDecimal WH_Other_BaseAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Other_BaseAmt");
// Getting Percentage
BigDecimal WH_Other_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_Other_Percent");
// Setting Divisor to calculate percentage
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
// Calculating Security
BigDecimal Other_Charge = (WH_Other_Percent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WH_Other_BaseAmt);
// Setting Value of Security
mTab.setValue("Other_Charge", Other_Charge);
// Getting Total Deduction
BigDecimal Deduction = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("TotalDeduction");
// Adding Security to Deductions
BigDecimal Result = Deduction.add(Other_Charge);
// Setting value of Total Deduction
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result);
return "";
Now place this code inside amt Callout: Start replacement from line # 685 (// Calculate Tax Amount for PO), till the end of method/callout.
// Calculate Tax Amount for PO
boolean IsSOTrx = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(Env.getCtx(), WindowNo, "IsSOTrx"));
if (!IsSOTrx)
BigDecimal TaxAmt = Env.ZERO; // teo_sarca: [ 1656829 ] Problem when there is not tax selected in vendor invoice
if (mField.getColumnName().equals("TaxAmt"))
TaxAmt = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("TaxAmt");
Integer taxID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_Tax_ID");
if (taxID != null)
int C_Tax_ID = taxID.intValue();
MTax tax = new MTax (ctx, C_Tax_ID, null);
TaxAmt = tax.calculateTax(LineNetAmt, isTaxIncluded(WindowNo), StdPrecision);
mTab.setValue("TaxAmt", TaxAmt);
///////////////////////////////////// Code to calculate Withholding Amount by Faraz ///////////////////////////////////
if(C_Tax_ID == 1000009) { // C_Tax_ID == 1000009 (GST)
// Resetting Values to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting GST Base to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_GST", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting GST to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT_Base", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Income Tax on GST Base to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Income Tax on GST to Zero
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Total Deduction to Zero
// Withholding GST & Income Tax - Auto Calculate
BigDecimal WHGSTPercent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_Percent"); // Getting WH GST %
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt", TaxAmt); // Setting value of WH_GST Base
BigDecimal WHGSTBase = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt"); //Storing Base Amt in a Variable
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
BigDecimal WHGSTAmt = (WHGSTPercent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WHGSTBase); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_GST", WHGSTAmt); // Setting value of WH_GST
///////////////////////// Income Tax on GST //////////////////////////////
BigDecimal WHGST_IT_Percent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT_Percent"); // Getting WH Income Tax on GST - %
BigDecimal Multiplicant = TaxAmt.add(PriceEntered); // Entered Amount + TaxAmt
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT_Base", Multiplicant); // Setting value of Base GST Income Tax withholding equal to Price Entered
BigDecimal WH_IT_GSTAmt = (WHGST_IT_Percent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(Multiplicant); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT", WH_IT_GSTAmt); // Setting value of Withholding Income Tax on GST
// Setting values to zero
else if (C_Tax_ID != 1000009 || C_Tax_ID == 1000015 || C_Tax_ID == 1000016) { // C_Tax_ID != 1000009 (GST)
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT_Base", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Income Tax on GST Base to Null
mTab.setValue("WH_GST", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting GST to NUll
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting GST Base to Null
mTab.setValue("WH_GST_IT", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Income Tax on GST to Null
} else {
// Calculating WH PST and Income Tax (Filer 10%)
if (C_Tax_ID == 1000010) { // C_Tax_ID == 1000010 (PST - Non Filer)
// Resetting Values to Zero
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Total Deduction to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", new BigDecimal("0"));
// Calculating PST on Price Entered
BigDecimal WHPSTPercent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_Percent"); // Getting WH PST %
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", PriceEntered); // Setting value of WH_PST Base
BigDecimal WHPSTBase = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt"); //Storing Base Amt in a Variable
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
BigDecimal WHPSTAmt = (WHPSTPercent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WHPSTBase); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", WHPSTAmt); // Setting value of WH_PST
// Calculating Income Tax of filer against Total Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent", new BigDecimal("10")); // Test Case - Amount Will be replaced by dynamic value in the future
BigDecimal WHIncomeTaxPercent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent"); // Getting Income Tax %
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", PriceEntered); // Setting value of Income Tax Base
BigDecimal WHIncomeTaxBase = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt"); //Storing Base Amt in a Variable
BigDecimal WHITAmt = (WHIncomeTaxPercent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WHIncomeTaxBase); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", WHITAmt); // Setting value of WH_GST
// Setting values to Zero
else if (C_Tax_ID != 1000010 && C_Tax_ID != 1000014 || C_Tax_ID == 1000015 || C_Tax_ID == 1000016) { // C_Tax_ID != 1000010 (PST - Filer)
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", new BigDecimal("0"));
} else {
////////////////////// Calculating Withholding of Non Filer ///////////////////////////////////
// // Calculating WH PST and Income Tax (Non Filer 20%)
if (C_Tax_ID == 1000014) { // C_Tax_ID == 1000014 (PST - Non Filer)
// Resetting Values to Zero
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", new BigDecimal("0")); // Setting Total Deduction to Zero
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", new BigDecimal("0"));
// Calculating Non Filer's Income Tax and PST
BigDecimal WHPSTPercent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_Percent"); // Getting WH PST %
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", PriceEntered); // Setting value of WH_PST Base
BigDecimal WHPSTBase = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt"); //Storing Base Amt in a Variable
BigDecimal Divisor = new BigDecimal("100");
BigDecimal WHPSTAmt = (WHPSTPercent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WHPSTBase); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", WHPSTAmt); // Setting value of WH_PST
// Calculating Income Tax of filer against Total Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent", new BigDecimal("20")); // Test Case - Will be replaced by dynamic value in the future
BigDecimal WHIncomeTaxPercent = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_Percent"); // Getting Income Tax %
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", PriceEntered); // Setting value of Income Tax Base
BigDecimal WHIncomeTaxBase = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt"); //Storing Base Amt in a Variable
BigDecimal WHITAmt = (WHIncomeTaxPercent.divide(Divisor)).multiply(WHIncomeTaxBase); // Calculating x% of Base Tax Amount
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", WHITAmt); // Setting value of WH_GST
// Setting values to Zero
else if(C_Tax_ID != 1000010 && C_Tax_ID != 1000014 || C_Tax_ID == 1000015 || C_Tax_ID == 1000016) { // C_Tax_ID != 1000014 (PST - Non Filer)
mTab.setValue("WH_PST_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_PST", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax_BaseAmt", new BigDecimal("0"));
mTab.setValue("WH_IncomeTax", new BigDecimal("0"));
} else {
/////////////////////////////// Code by Faraz End ///////////////////////////////////
// Add it up
mTab.setValue("LineTotalAmt", LineNetAmt.add(TaxAmt));
////////////////////////////////// Code by Faraz Start /////////////////////////////////////
// Storing TaxID in a variable.
Integer taxID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_Tax_ID");
// Calculating GST and Income Tax against GST on Total Amount
if (taxID == 1000009) {
BigDecimal WHGST = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST"); // Getting Withheld GST
BigDecimal WHGSTIT = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_GST_IT"); // Getting Withheld Income Tax on GST
// Subtracting Deductions from Total Line Amount
BigDecimal Result1 = WHGST.add(WHGSTIT);
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result1); // Updating Value of Total Line Amount
} else {
// Calculating Withheld PST and Filer's Income Tax
if (taxID == 1000010) {
BigDecimal WHPST = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST"); // Getting Withheld GST
BigDecimal WH_IncomeTax = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax"); // Getting Withheld Income Tax on GST
// Subtracting Deductions from Total Line Amount ////// - WHGST + WHGSTIT.doubleValue() + WHIT_Filer.doubleValue() + WHPST.doubleValue()
BigDecimal Result1 = WHPST.add(WH_IncomeTax);
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result1); // Updating Value of Total Line Amount
} else {
// Calculating Withheld PST and Non Filer's Income Tax
if (taxID == 1000014) {
BigDecimal WHPST = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_PST"); // Getting Withheld PST
BigDecimal WH_IncomeTax = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("WH_IncomeTax"); // Getting Non Filer's Income Tax
// calculating Deductions against specific line /
BigDecimal Result1 = WHPST.add(WH_IncomeTax);
mTab.setValue("TotalDeduction", Result1); // Setting value to TotalDeduction field
} else {
///////////////////////////////// Withholding Code by Faraz End ///////////////////////////////////
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