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Last active June 21, 2021 01:36
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  • Save randallmlough/98c9c949b25f2a41259029e03dd037f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save randallmlough/98c9c949b25f2a41259029e03dd037f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Complete hugo img partial using page resources
{{ $image := .Params.image}}
{{ $media := (.Site.GetPage "page" "media").Resources }}
{{ $original := index ($media.Match (printf "%s" $image)) 0 }}
{{ $width := $original.Width}}
{{ $intWidth := int $width }}
{{ $sizes := .Params.sizes}}
{{ $options := .Params.options}}
{{ if le (len $sizes) 1 }}
{{ $oneSize := index $sizes 0}}
{{- if ge $oneSize 10 -}}
{{- $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx %s" $oneSize $options)) -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "src" $img.RelPermalink }}
{{- else -}}
{{- $floatSize := float $oneSize -}}
{{- $newSize := (mul $intWidth $floatSize) -}}
{{- $int2string := string (math.Round $newSize) -}}
{{- $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx %s" $int2string $options)) -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "src" $img.RelPermalink }}
{{- end -}}
{{with .Params.class}}class="{{.}}"{{end}}
src="{{ .Scratch.Get "src" }}"
{{with .Params.alt | default $original.Title}}alt="{{.}}"{{end}}>
{{ range $i, $sort := (seq (len $sizes)) }}
{{- if ge (index $sizes $i) 10 -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "sort" (slice (index $sizes $i)) }}
{{ else }}
{{- $floatSize := float (index $sizes $i) -}}
{{- $newSize := (math.Round (mul $intWidth $floatSize)) -}}
{{- $int2string := string $newSize -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "sort" (slice $int2string) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $sort := sort (.Scratch.Get "sort") }}
{{- range $i, $num := (seq (len $sort )) -}}
{{- $imgSize := index $sort $i -}}
{{- $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx %s" $imgSize $options)) -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "sizes" (slice $img.Width) }}
{{- $int2string := string $img.Width -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "string" (slice (printf "%s %sw" $img.RelPermalink $int2string)) }}
{{- end -}}
{{with .Params.class}}class="{{.}}"{{end}}
src="{{ $original.RelPermalink }}"
srcset="{{delimit (.Scratch.Get "string") ", " }}"
{{- $last := sub (len (.Scratch.Get "sizes")) 1 -}}
{{- range first $last (.Scratch.Get "sizes") -}}
(max-width: {{ . }}px) {{ sub . 40 }}px,
{{- index (.Scratch.Get "sizes") (sub (len (.Scratch.Get "sizes")) 1) -}}px"
{{with .Params.alt | default $original.Title}}alt="{{.}}"{{end}}>
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