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randika /
Created December 10, 2016 09:38 — forked from leedm777/
Type variance in Swagger models

This document describes how to extend Swagger data models to allow the types of fields to vary.

Given that Swagger models need to map cleanly to a statically typed object model, a subclassing approach seems like it would be a good fit.


Inheritance allows a model (the derived type) to inherit all of the

Notes on how to use AWS SNS:
1. Subscribe an HTTP endpoint (i.e. http://myhost/sns_endpoint) on AWS Console
2. AWS will send subscription confirmation right away
3. SNS_controller responds to subscription confirmation by sending confirmation using Fog.
4. Once AWS is happy, you can start sending notifications to your end point via SNS.
require 'aws'
AWS.config(:access_key_id => 'XXXXX', :secret_access_key => 'XXXXX')
pipeline_id = 'XXXXXXX'
preset_id = 'XXXXXX'
s3 =
bin = s3.buckets['XXXXXX-in']
bout = s3.buckets['XXXXXX-out']
# An example of elasticsearch & Tire setup for ActiveRecord associations.
# A `Book has_many :chapters` scenario, with mapping and JSON serialization
# for indexing associated models.
# Demonstrates three important caveats as of now:
# 1. You you have to use `touch: true` in the `belongs_to` declaration,
# to automatically notify the parent model about the update.
# Mac Homebrew command to install the RDS command-line tools
# Ubuntu users may find useful
brew install rds-command-line-tools
rds-create-db-parameter-group mysql-utf8 -f mysql5.1 -d "MySQL 5.1 configured for UTF-8"
rds-modify-db-parameter-group mysql-utf8 \
--parameters="name=character_set_server, value=utf8, method=immediate" \
--parameters="name=character_set_client, value=utf8, method=immediate" \
--parameters="name=character_set_results, value=utf8, method=immediate" \

install php

with mysql pgsql intl support

$ brew install php --with-apache --with-mysql --with-pgsql --with-intl

set php timezone in php ini

date.timezone = Europe/Vienna
randika / ec2_notes
Created November 28, 2013 06:28 — forked from anonymous/ec2_notes
EC2 Ubuntu Attache EBS volume and move /home
xvdb 202:16 0 15G 0 disk
xvda1 202:1 0 8G 0 disk /
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdb
sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp
sudo mount /dev/xvdb/ /mnt/tmp
class Api::RegistrationsController < Api::BaseController
respond_to :json
def create
user =[:user])
render :json=> user.as_json(:auth_token=>user.authentication_token, :email=>, :status=>201
#Session controller provides a token
class Api::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => [:create]
before_filter :ensure_params_exist, :except => [:destroy]
respond_to :json
def create
resource = User.find_for_database_authentication(:email => params[:user_login][:email])
return invalid_login_attempt unless resource