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Created January 31, 2018 13:53
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% Matlab Snippets for SMB2
% Close all figures, clear workspace
close all; clear all; clc;
% Load ECG and set sampling frequency
load e23;
f0 = 250;
signal = e23';
t = 1/f0:1/f0:length(signal)/f0;
% Get number of samples
N = size(e23, 1);
% Get impulse response from ecg
h = flipud(x(1:21));
% Get length of impulse response
N = length(h);
% Add gaussian noise to signal
x = 15*randn(length(x),1) + x;
% variables for Signals
sR = 250; % Sampling frequency
T_A = 1 / sR; % Sampling interval
N = 4000; % Number of elements
t = [0 : N-1] * T_A; % Time axis
% Breathing amplitude scaling
scaling = 0.4;
% add ECG Signal synthesis: Noise
signal = signal + scaling*randn(N,1)'; % Add gaussian noise
% Shift signal
signal = signal';
% Plot ECG signal
figure(1); clf; plot(t, signal);
title('ECG Signal');
xlabel('Time (sec)');
% Compute spectrum
F = fft(signal, N); % FFT
F = abs( F ) / N; % Amplitude spectrum
F = fftshift( F ); % Shift FFT for convenience
df = sR/N; % FFT sampling interval
frq = [0:N-1] * df; % Frequency axis
frq = [-fliplr(frq(1:floor(end/2))),(frq(1:ceil(end/2)))];
% Plot spectrum
figure(2); clf; stem(frq, F);
title('Real ECG spectrum');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
% MATLAB derivative implementation / Ableitung 1 und 2
y1_matlab = diff(signal);
y2_matlab = diff(diff(signal));
% For loop
for i=3:length(signal)-2 %bordercontrol
% do things here
% Compute: y = b*x + a
b = ( sum(x.*y) - 1/numel(x) * (sum(x) * sum(y)) ) / (sum(x.^2) - 1/numel(x)*(sum(x).^2) );
a = mean(y)-b*mean(x);
diff_1 = [diff(e23) ; 0]; % First Derivation
diff_2 = [diff(diff_1) ; 0]; % Second Derivation
local_maxima = zeros(1, N); % Matrix containing local maxima positions
local_minima = zeros(1, N); % Matrix containing local minima positions
% Find Zero Crossings
for k = 1:N-1
if ((sign(diff_1(k)) * sign(diff_1(k+1)) < 0) | (sign(diff_1(k)) == 0)) % Detect Zero Crossing
if (sign(diff_2(k)) < 0)
local_maxima(k+1) = 1; % If second derivative is negative -> local maximum
if (sign(diff_2(k)) > 0) % If second derivative is positive -> local minimum
local_minima(k+1) = 1;
% Get Zero Crossings
idxMax = find(local_maxima);
idxMin = find(local_minima);
%% Create filter masks
mask_1 = zeros(1,3); % Flat structuring element
mask_2 = [zeros(1,2) 1 zeros(1,2)]; % peaky structuring element
%function and example dilation
function [ signal_output ] = dilate( f, k )
M = length(k);
N = length(f);
signal_output = zeros(1,length(f));
for m = 1 : 1 : N-M
values = [];
for n = 1:M;
values = [values f(m+n)+k(n)];
% Output signal adjusted to dilate_v2.m
signal_output(m+round(M/2)) = max(values);
% Convolution Eq. (41)
y_sum = 0;
for n=(N+1):length(x)
for i=1:N
y_sum = y_sum + h(i) * x(n-i);
y(n-1) = y_sum;
y_sum = 0;
% AMCD Eq. (42)
AMCD_sum = 0;
for n=(N+1):length(x)
for i=1:N
AMCD_sum = AMCD_sum + abs ( x(n-i) - h(i) ) ;
y2(n-1) = AMCD_sum;
AMCD_sum = 0;
%hilbert function
function a = hilbert_freq( x )
% Reduce complex input to real only
if ~isreal(x)
warning('Complex input is ignored.');
x = real(x);
% Number of elements
n = numel( x );
% Compute FFT
X = fft(x);
% One-sided spectrum only
XH = [X(1), 2*X(2:n/2), X(n/2+1), zeros(n/2-1,1)' ];
% IFFT and return analytic signal
a = ifft((XH));
% Normalize results
y = (y-min(y))/(max(y)-min(y));
y2 = (y2-min(y2))/(max(y2)-min(y2));
convolution = (conv(x,h)-min(conv(x,h)))/(max(conv(x,h))-min(conv(x,h)));
display('Reduce by hitting a key');
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