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Created December 2, 2015 20:06
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  • Save randombenj/39b86ff2dc0a4965e2e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save randombenj/39b86ff2dc0a4965e2e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HDRS = Arduino.h binary.h Client.h HardwareSerial.h IPAddress.h new.h pins_arduino.h Platform.h Printable.h Print.h \
Server.h Stream.h Udp.h USBAPI.h USBCore.h USBDesc.h WCharacter.h wiring_private.h WString.h
OBJS = WInterrupts.o wiring_analog.o wiring.o wiring_digital.o wiring_pulse.o wiring_shift.o CDC.o HardwareSerial.o \
HID.o IPAddress.o main.o new.o Print.o Stream.o Tone.o USBCore.o WMath.o WString.o
#may need to adjust -mmcu if you have an older atmega168
#may also need to adjust F_CPU if your clock isn't set to 16Mhz
CFLAGS = -I./ -std=gnu99 -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Os -mmcu=atmega2560
CPPFLAGS = -I./ -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Os -mmcu=atmega2560
default: libarduino.a
libarduino.a: ${OBJS}
${AR} crs libarduino.a $(OBJS)
.c.o: ${HDRS}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $*.c
.cpp.o: ${HDRS}
${CPP} ${CPPFLAGS} -c $*.cpp
rm -f ${OBJS} core a.out errs
install: libarduino.a
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/lib
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/include
cp *.h ${PREFIX}/include
cp *.a ${PREFIX}/lib
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