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Created October 10, 2014 21:26
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* Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Liferay Enterprise
* Subscription License ("License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy of the License by
* contacting Liferay, Inc. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License, including but not limited to
* distribution rights of the Software.
<%@ include file="/html/taglib/aui/nav_item/init.jsp" %>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent" %>
BodyContent bodyContent = (BodyContent)request.getAttribute("aui:nav-item:bodyContent");
String bodyContentString = StringPool.BLANK;
if (bodyContent != null) {
bodyContentString = bodyContent.getString();
<c:if test="<%= !dropdown || Validator.isNotNull(bodyContentString.trim()) %>">
<li class="<%= cssClass %><%= selected ? " active " : StringPool.SPACE %><%= state %>" id="<%= id %>" role="presentation" <%= AUIUtil.buildData(data) %> <%= InlineUtil.buildDynamicAttributes(dynamicAttributes) %>>
<c:if test="<%= Validator.isNotNull(iconCssClass) || Validator.isNotNull(label) %>">
<c:if test="<%= Validator.isNotNull(href) %>">
<a <%= Validator.isNotNull(ariaLabel) ? "aria-label=\"" + ariaLabel + "\"" : StringPool.BLANK %> class="<%= anchorCssClass %>" <%= AUIUtil.buildData(anchorData) %> href="<%= href %>" id="<%= anchorId %>" role="<%= Validator.isNull(ariaRole) ? "menuitem" : ariaRole %>" title="<liferay-ui:message key="<%= title %>" />">
<c:if test="<%= useDialog %>">
Liferay.delegateClick('<%= anchorId %>', Liferay.Util.openInDialog);
<c:if test="<%= Validator.isNotNull(iconCssClass) %>">
<i class="<%= iconCssClass %>"></i>
<span class="nav-item-label">
<liferay-ui:message key="<%= label %>" />
<c:if test="<%= dropdown %>">
<i class="icon-caret-down"></i>
<c:if test="<%= Validator.isNotNull(href) %>">
<c:if test="<%= dropdown %>">
<aui:script use="aui-base,event-move,event-outside,liferay-store">
var container ='#<%= id %>');'a').on(
function(event) {
var currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
function(event) {
var menuOpen = container.hasClass('open');
<c:when test="<%= !toggle %>">
var handle = Liferay.Data['<%= id %>Handle'];
if (menuOpen && !handle) {
var eventOutside = event._event.type;
if (eventOutside === 'MSPointerUp') {
eventOutside = 'mouseup';
eventOutside = eventOutside + 'outside';
handle = currentTarget.on(
function(event) {
if (!'#<%= id %>')) {
Liferay.Data['<%= id %>Handle'] = null;
else if (handle) {
handle = null;
Liferay.Data['<%= id %>Handle'] = handle;
var data = {};
data['<%= id %>'] = menuOpen ? 'open' : 'closed';
<c:if test="<%= wrapDropDownMenu %>">
<ul class='dropdown-menu <%= LanguageUtil.get(locale, "lang.dir").equals("rtl") ? "pull-right" : StringPool.BLANK %>'>
<c:if test="<%= Validator.isNotNull(bodyContentString) %>">
<%= bodyContentString %>
<c:if test="<%= dropdown && wrapDropDownMenu %>">
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