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Created October 18, 2019 12:20
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Convert a CSV of contact information to a VCF file for the Light Phone II
Create a vCard VCF file from a CSV.
Create a vCard VCF file from a CSV containing contacts.
The CSV file containing the contacts.
The directory to write the VCF file.
The name of the VCF file. Default is "light-contacts.vcf".
.\ConvertTo-LightVcf.ps1 -File C:\Users\randomnote1\Downloads\contacts.csv -OutPath C:\Users\randomnote1\Downloads
$OutFileName = 'light-contacs.vcf'
# Load the Windows Forms assembly
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# If no file was provided
if ( -not $File )
Write-Warning -Message 'Select the CSV file which contains your contacts. The file selection dialogue may be behind this window.'
# Prompt the user to select the contacts CSV file
$fileBrowser = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
Filter = 'CSV (*.csv)|*.csv'
InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
$fileBrowser.ShowDialog() > $null
if ( $fileBrowser.FileName )
$File = [System.IO.FileInfo] $fileBrowser.FileName
throw 'No file was selected.'
# If no output folder was specified
if ( -not $OutPath )
Write-Warning -Message 'Select the directory to save the VCF file. The folder selection dialogue may be behind this window.'
# Prompt the user to select the output path
$folderBrowser = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog -Property @{
ShowNewFolderButton = $true
$folderBrowser.ShowDialog() > $null
if ( $folderBrowser.SelectedPath )
$OutPath = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $folderBrowser.SelectedPath
throw 'No output directory was selected.'
# Import the contacts from the specified CSV
$contactsCsv = Get-Content -Path $File | ConvertFrom-Csv
# Get the phone number properties
$phoneNumberProperties = $contactsCsv |
Get-Member -Name *Phone* -MemberType NoteProperty |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# Get the mobile phone properties
$mobilePhoneProperties = $phoneNumberProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -match 'mobile|cell' }
# Get the home phone properties
$homePhoneProperties = $phoneNumberProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -match 'home' }
# Get the business phone properties
$businessPhoneProperties = $phoneNumberProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -match 'business|company' }
# Create an array to store the vCards in
$vCards = @()
foreach ( $contact in $contactsCsv )
# Determine if this is a person or a business
if ( [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.'First Name') -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.'LastName') )
$firstName = $contact.Company
$firstName = $contact.'First Name'
# If a mobile phone number exists
if ( $mobilePhoneProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } )
# Get one of the mobile numbers
$phoneNumber = $mobilePhoneProperties |
Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } |
ForEach-Object -Process { $contact.$_ } |
Select-Object -First 1
# Otherwise, if a home phone number exists
elseif ( $homePhoneProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } )
# Get one of the home numbers
$phoneNumber = $homePhoneProperties |
Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } |
ForEach-Object -Process { $contact.$_ } |
Select-Object -First 1
# Otherwise, if a business phone number exists
elseif ( $businessPhoneProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } )
# Get one of the business phone numbers
$phoneNumber = $businessPhoneProperties |
Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } |
ForEach-Object -Process { $contact.$_ } |
Select-Object -First 1
# Get a number from the remaining phone number fields
$phoneNumber = $phoneNumberProperties |
Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contact.$_) } |
ForEach-Object -Process { $contact.$_ } |
Select-Object -First 1
# Remove all formatting from the phone number
$phoneNumber = $phoneNumber -replace '\(|\)|-|\s|\+|',''
# Build the vCard using a string builder
$sb = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
$sb.AppendLine('BEGIN:VCARD') > $null
$sb.AppendLine('VERSION:3.0') > $null
$sb.AppendLine("N:$($contact.'Last Name');$firstName") > $null
$sb.AppendLine("FN:$firstName $($contact.'Last Name')") > $null
$sb.AppendLine("TEL;TYPE=cell:$phoneNumber") > $null
$sb.AppendLine('END:VCARD') > $null
# Add the vCard to the vCard array
$vCards += $sb.ToString()
# Build the path to the outfile
$outFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $OutFileName
# Export the vCards to a file
$vCards | Out-File -FilePath $outFile
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