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Created October 19, 2020 05:08
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I implemented 2nd and 3rd order convolutions for cusignal. This is a sanity check and micro benchmark
import time
import cusignal as cs
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from numba import cuda, njit, jit
def nbconv_1d3o(x,k): #numba_conv 1 dimension 3rd order
y = np.zeros(x.size-k.shape[0]+1)
for n in range(0, y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
for j in range(k.shape[1]):
for l in range(k.shape[2]):
# print(n, x[d-i] * x[d-j] * k[i,j], x[d-i], x[d-j], k[i,j])
y[n] += x[d-i] * x[d-j] * x[d-l] * k[i,j,l]
return y
def nbconv_1d2o(x,k): #numba_conv 1 dimension 2nd order
y = np.zeros(x.size-k.shape[0]+1)
for n in range(0, y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
for j in range(k.shape[1]):
# print(n, x[d-i] * x[d-j] * k[i,j], x[d-i], x[d-j], k[i,j])
y[n] += x[d-i] * x[d-j] * k[i,j]
return y
def nbconv_1d1o(x,k): #numba_conv 1 dimension 1st order
y = np.zeros(x.size-k.shape[0]+1)
for n in range(0, y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
y[n] += x[d-i] * k[i]
return y
def nbconv_1d3o_device(x,k,y): #numba_conv
n = cuda.grid(1)
if (0 <= n) and (n < y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
for j in range(k.shape[1]):
for l in range(k.shape[2]):
y[n] += x[d-i] * x[d-j] * x[d-l] * k[i,j,l]
def nbconv_1d2o_device(x,k,y): #numba_conv
n = cuda.grid(1)
if (0 <= n) and (n < y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
for j in range(k.shape[1]):
y[n] += x[d-i] * x[d-j] * k[i,j]
def nbconv_1d1o_device(x,k,y): #numba_conv
n = cuda.grid(1)
if (0 <= n) and (n < y.size):
d = n+k.shape[0]-1
for i in range(k.shape[0]):
y[n] += x[d-i] * k[i]
def test_nbc_f(f, x, k):
l = x.size - k.shape[0] + 1
y = cp.zeros(l)
th = 128
b = y.size//th+1
f[b,th](x, k, y)
return y
def test_1d_1o():
a = np.arange(5)
b = np.arange(2)+1
c = cs.convolve(a,b, "valid")
print("cs-1o", c.size, c)
c = np.convolve(a,b, "valid")
print("np-1o", c.size, c)
c = nbconv_1d1o(a,b)
print("nj-1o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
c = test_nbc_f(nbconv_1d1o_device, a, b)
print("cj-1o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
def test_1d_2o():
a = np.arange(5)
b = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)+1
c = cs.convolve1d2o(a,b) #valid
print("cs-2o", c.size, c)
c = nbconv_1d2o(a,b)
print("nj-2o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
c = test_nbc_f(nbconv_1d2o_device, a, b)
print("cj-2o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
def test_1d_3o():
a = np.arange(5)
b = np.arange(8).reshape(2,2,2)+1
c = cs.convolve1d3o(a,b) #valid
print("cs-3o", c.size, c)
c = nbconv_1d3o(a,b)
print("nj-3o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
c = test_nbc_f(nbconv_1d3o_device, a, b)
print("cj-3o", c.size, c.astype(dtype=int))
def test_1d_1o2o3o():
def time_n(n,f,a,b):
start = time.time()
for i in range(n):
c = f(a,b)
elapsed = time.time() - start
return elapsed
def time_n_cuda(n,f,a,b):
start = time.time()
for i in range(n):
c = test_nbc_f(f,a,b)
elapsed = time.time() - start
return elapsed
def benchmark_1d2o(m,n,d):
a = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(n))
b = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(d,d))
t = time_n(m,cs.convolve1d2o,a,b)
print("cs-1d2o", t)
t = time_n(m,nbconv_1d2o,a,b)
print("nj-1d2o", t)
t = time_n_cuda(m,nbconv_1d2o_device,a,b)
print("cj-1d2o", t)
def benchmark_1d3o(m,n,d):
a = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(n))
b = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(d,d,d))
t = time_n(m,cs.convolve1d3o,a,b)
print("cs-1d3o", t)
t = time_n(m,nbconv_1d3o,a,b)
print("nj-1d3o", t)
t = time_n_cuda(m,nbconv_1d3o_device,a,b)
print("cj-1d3o", t)
if __name__ == "__main__":
m, n, d = 50, 200, 50
print("first run")
print("second run")
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