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Created March 16, 2016 00:08
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Save randomradio/aec64d46fc896128909e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sample plugin to grab python weekly issues for a slack bot webhook
# coding=utf-8
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from utils import check_cache
from pycoders import MyHTMLParser
URL = '' # noqa
ISSUE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\d+\/\d+\/\d+).*Issue\W+(\d+)')
GET_ISSUE_KEY = 'pythonweekly:issue:{0}'
LIST_ISSUE_KEY = 'pythonweekly:issue:list'
description = """
Python Weekly。触发条件: "pythonweekly [list | ISSUE_ID] [私聊]"。比如:
* pythonweekly
* pythonweekly list
* pythonweekly 20
def get_all_issues():
r = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
for li in soup.findAll('li', {'class': 'campaign'}):
url = li.find('a').attrs.get('href')
time, no =
yield url, no, time
def parse_issue_page(url):
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
tag = soup.find('td', {'class': 'defaultText'})
text = []
parser = MyHTMLParser()
start = False
block = [None] * 3 # [url, title, content]
for t in tag.contents:
t = unicode(t).strip()
if not t or t in ('<br/>'):
if parser._data == 'News':
start = True
if not start:
if parser._tag == 'a':
block[1] = parser._data
block[0] = parser._href
elif '<' not in t:
if parser._data < MAX_LENGTH:
block[2] = parser._data
block[2] = parser._data[:MAX_LENGTH] + '...'
elif parser._tag == 'span':
parser._tag = None
parser._href = None
parser._data = None
if not filter(lambda x: x is None, block):
text.append(u'<{0} |{1}>{2}'.format(*block))
block = [None] * 3
return '\n'.join(text)
def list_lastest_issues():
return '\n'.join([
'<{0} |Issue {1}: {2}>'.format(url, no, time)
for url, no, time in get_all_issues()
def get_issue_pw(num=None):
issues = list(get_all_issues())
if num is None:
num = len(issues)
issue = list(get_all_issues())[::-1][num-1]
except IndexError:
return u'找不到这期咯'
return parse_issue_page(issue[0])
def test(data):
return all([i in data['message'] for i in ['python', 'weekly']])
def handle(data, cache=None, **kwargs):
msg = data['message'].split()
if len(msg) == 1:
return check_cache(cache, get_issue_pw)
elif msg[1] == 'list':
return check_cache(cache, list_lastest_issues)
elif msg[1].isdigit():
return check_cache(cache, get_issue_pw, int(msg[1]))
return ('`pythonweekly`默认获得最近一次的weekly\n'
'`pythonweekly list`获取最近20个weekly列表(找不到更早的了)\n'
'`pythonweekly X`获得倒数第X次weekly(X不能超过20)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print handle({'message': 'pythonweekly'}, None, None, None)
print handle({'message': 'pythonweekly list'}, None, None, None)
print handle({'message': 'pythonweekly 1'}, None, None, None)
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