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Last active December 2, 2015 22:50
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Save randomradio/cf04c48bd33ad843ebb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shape file writer works on appengine
# create buffer to write binaries
# assume you have the writer created and recored inserted already
shp_buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
shx_buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
dbf_buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
class ShapeWriter:
"""Provides write support for ESRI Shapefiles."""
def __init__(self, shapeType=None):
self._shapes = []
self.fields = []
self.records = []
self.shapeType = shapeType
self.shp = None
self.shx = None
self.dbf = None
# Geometry record offsets and lengths for writing shx file.
self._offsets = []
self._lengths = []
# Use deletion flags in dbf? Default is false (0).
self.deletionFlag = 0
def __getFileObj(self, f):
"""Safety handler to verify file-like objects"""
if not f:
raise ShapefileException("No file-like object available.")
elif hasattr(f, "write"):
return f
pth = os.path.split(f)[0]
if pth and not os.path.exists(pth):
return open(f, "wb")
def __shpFileLength(self):
"""Calculates the file length of the shp file."""
# Start with header length
size = 100
# Calculate size of all shapes
for s in self._shapes:
# Add in record header and shape type fields
size += 12
# nParts and nPoints do not apply to all shapes
#if self.shapeType not in (0,1):
# nParts = len(
# nPoints = len(s.points)
if hasattr(s,'parts'):
nParts = len(
if hasattr(s,'points'):
nPoints = len(s.points)
# All shape types capable of having a bounding box
if self.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
size += 32
# Shape types with parts
if self.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
# Parts count
size += 4
# Parts index array
size += nParts * 4
# Shape types with points
if self.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31):
# Points count
size += 4
# Points array
size += 16 * nPoints
# Calc size of part types for Multipatch (31)
if self.shapeType == 31:
size += nParts * 4
# Calc z extremes and values
if self.shapeType in (13,15,18,31):
# z extremes
size += 16
# z array
size += 8 * nPoints
# Calc m extremes and values
if self.shapeType in (23,25,31):
# m extremes
size += 16
# m array
size += 8 * nPoints
# Calc a single point
if self.shapeType in (1,11,21):
size += 16
# Calc a single Z value
if self.shapeType == 11:
size += 8
# Calc a single M value
if self.shapeType in (11,21):
size += 8
# Calculate size as 16-bit words
size //= 2
return size
def __bbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]):
x = []
y = []
for s in shapes:
shapeType = self.shapeType
if shapeTypes:
shapeType = shapeTypes[shapes.index(s)]
px, py = list(zip(*s.points))[:2]
return [min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)]
def __zbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]):
z = []
for s in shapes:
for p in s.points:
except IndexError:
if not z: z.append(0)
return [min(z), max(z)]
def __mbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]):
m = [0]
for s in shapes:
for p in s.points:
except IndexError:
return [min(m), max(m)]
def bbox(self):
"""Returns the current bounding box for the shapefile which is
the lower-left and upper-right corners. It does not contain the
elevation or measure extremes."""
return self.__bbox(self._shapes)
def zbox(self):
"""Returns the current z extremes for the shapefile."""
return self.__zbox(self._shapes)
def mbox(self):
"""Returns the current m extremes for the shapefile."""
return self.__mbox(self._shapes)
def __shapefileHeader(self, fileObj, headerType='shp'):
"""Writes the specified header type to the specified file-like object.
Several of the shapefile formats are so similar that a single generic
method to read or write them is warranted."""
f = self.__getFileObj(fileObj)
# File code, Unused bytes
f.write(pack(">6i", 9994,0,0,0,0,0))
# File length (Bytes / 2 = 16-bit words)
if headerType == 'shp':
f.write(pack(">i", self.__shpFileLength()))
elif headerType == 'shx':
f.write(pack('>i', ((100 + (len(self._shapes) * 8)) // 2)))
# Version, Shape type
f.write(pack("<2i", 1000, self.shapeType))
# The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right)
if self.shapeType != 0:
f.write(pack("<4d", *self.bbox()))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile bounding box. Floats required.")
f.write(pack("<4d", 0,0,0,0))
# Elevation
z = self.zbox()
# Measure
m = self.mbox()
f.write(pack("<4d", z[0], z[1], m[0], m[1]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile elevation and measure values. Floats required.")
def __dbfHeader(self):
"""Writes the dbf header and field descriptors."""
f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
version = 3
year, month, day = time.localtime()[:3]
year -= 1900
# Remove deletion flag placeholder from fields
for field in self.fields:
if field[0].startswith("Deletion"):
numRecs = len(self.records)
numFields = len(self.fields)
headerLength = numFields * 32 + 33
recordLength = sum([int(field[2]) for field in self.fields]) + 1
header = pack('<BBBBLHH20x', version, year, month, day, numRecs,
headerLength, recordLength)
# Field descriptors
for field in self.fields:
name, fieldType, size, decimal = field
name = name
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
name = name.ljust(11).replace(' ', '\x00')
fieldType = fieldType
size = int(size)
fld = pack('<11sc4xBB14x', name, fieldType, size, decimal)
# Terminator
def __shpRecords(self):
"""Write the shp records"""
f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp)
recNum = 1
for s in self._shapes:
# Record number, Content length place holder
f.write(pack(">2i", recNum, 0))
recNum += 1
start = f.tell()
# Shape Type
if self.shapeType != 31:
s.shapeType = self.shapeType
f.write(pack("<i", s.shapeType))
# All shape types capable of having a bounding box
if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
f.write(pack("<4d", *self.__bbox([s])))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Falied to write bounding box for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Shape types with parts
if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
# Number of parts
f.write(pack("<i", len(
# Shape types with multiple points per record
if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31):
# Number of points
f.write(pack("<i", len(s.points)))
# Write part indexes
if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31):
for p in
f.write(pack("<i", p))
# Part types for Multipatch (31)
if s.shapeType == 31:
for pt in s.partTypes:
f.write(pack("<i", pt))
# Write points for multiple-point records
if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31):
[f.write(pack("<2d", *p[:2])) for p in s.points]
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write points for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Write z extremes and values
if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,31):
f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__zbox([s])))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation extremes for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
if hasattr(s,"z"):
f.write(pack("<%sd" % len(s.z), *s.z))
[f.write(pack("<d", p[2])) for p in s.points]
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation values for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Write m extremes and values
if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,23,25,28,31):
if hasattr(s,"m"):
f.write(pack("<%sd" % len(s.m), *s.m))
f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__mbox([s])))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure extremes for record %s. Expected floats" % recNum)
[f.write(pack("<d", p[3])) for p in s.points]
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure values for record %s. Expected floats" % recNum)
# Write a single point
if s.shapeType in (1,11,21):
f.write(pack("<2d", s.points[0][0], s.points[0][1]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write point for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Write a single Z value
if s.shapeType == 11:
if hasattr(s, "z"):
if not s.z:
s.z = (0,)
f.write(pack("<d", s.z[0]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
if len(s.points[0])<3:
f.write(pack("<d", s.points[0][2]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Write a single M value
if s.shapeType in (11,21):
if hasattr(s, "m"):
if not s.m:
s.m = (0,)
f.write(pack("<1d", s.m[0]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
if len(s.points[0])<4:
f.write(pack("<1d", s.points[0][3]))
except error:
raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum)
# Finalize record length as 16-bit words
finish = f.tell()
length = (finish - start) // 2
# start - 4 bytes is the content length field
f.write(pack(">i", length))
def __shxRecords(self):
"""Writes the shx records."""
f = self.__getFileObj(self.shx)
for i in range(len(self._shapes)):
f.write(pack(">i", self._offsets[i] // 2))
f.write(pack(">i", self._lengths[i]))
def __dbfRecords(self):
"""Writes the dbf records."""
f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf)
for record in self.records:
if not self.fields[0][0].startswith("Deletion"):
f.write(' ') # deletion flag
for (fieldName, fieldType, size, dec), value in zip(self.fields, record):
fieldType = fieldType.upper()
size = int(size)
if fieldType.upper() == "N":
value = str(value).rjust(size)
elif fieldType == 'L':
value = str(value)[0].upper()
value = str(value)[:size].ljust(size)
if len(value) != size:
raise ShapefileException(
"Shapefile Writer unable to pack incorrect sized value"
" (size %d) into field '%s' (size %d)." % (len(value), fieldName, size))
value = value
def null(self):
"""Creates a null shape."""
def point(self, x, y, z=0, m=0):
"""Creates a point shape."""
pointShape = _Shape(self.shapeType)
pointShape.points.append([x, y, z, m])
def line(self, parts=[], shapeType=POLYLINE):
"""Creates a line shape. This method is just a convienience method
which wraps 'poly()'.
self.poly(parts, shapeType, [])
def poly(self, parts=[], shapeType=POLYGON, partTypes=[]):
"""Creates a shape that has multiple collections of points (parts)
including lines, polygons, and even multipoint shapes. If no shape type
is specified it defaults to 'polygon'. If no part types are specified
(which they normally won't be) then all parts default to the shape type.
polyShape = _Shape(shapeType) = []
polyShape.points = []
# Make sure polygons are closed
if shapeType in (5,15,25,31):
for part in parts:
if part[0] != part[-1]:
for part in parts:
for point in part:
# Ensure point is list
if not isinstance(point, list):
point = list(point)
# Make sure point has z and m values
while len(point) < 4:
if polyShape.shapeType == 31:
if not partTypes:
for part in parts:
polyShape.partTypes = partTypes
def field(self, name, fieldType="C", size="50", decimal=0):
"""Adds a dbf field descriptor to the shapefile."""
self.fields.append((name, fieldType, size, decimal))
def record(self, *recordList, **recordDict):
"""Creates a dbf attribute record. You can submit either a sequence of
field values or keyword arguments of field names and values. Before
adding records you must add fields for the record values using the
fields() method. If the record values exceed the number of fields the
extra ones won't be added. In the case of using keyword arguments to specify
field/value pairs only fields matching the already registered fields
will be added."""
record = []
fieldCount = len(self.fields)
# Compensate for deletion flag
if self.fields[0][0].startswith("Deletion"): fieldCount -= 1
if recordList:
[record.append(recordList[0][i]) for i in range(fieldCount)]
elif recordDict:
for field in self.fields:
if field[0] in recordDict:
val = recordDict[field[0]]
if val is None:
if record:
def shape(self, i):
return self._shapes[i]
def shapes(self):
"""Return the current list of shapes."""
return self._shapes
def saveShp(self, target):
"""Save an shp file."""
if not hasattr(target, "write"):
target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shp'
if not self.shapeType:
self.shapeType = self._shapes[0].shapeType
self.shp = self.__getFileObj(target)
self.__shapefileHeader(self.shp, headerType='shp')
def saveShx(self, target):
"""Save an shx file."""
if not hasattr(target, "write"):
target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shx'
if not self.shapeType:
self.shapeType = self._shapes[0].shapeType
self.shx = self.__getFileObj(target)
self.__shapefileHeader(self.shx, headerType='shx')
def saveDbf(self, target):
"""Save a dbf file."""
if not hasattr(target, "write"):
target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dbf'
self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(target)
def save(self, target=None, shp=None, shx=None, dbf=None):
"""Save the shapefile data to three files or
three file-like objects. SHP and DBF files can also
be written exclusively using saveShp, saveShx, and saveDbf respectively.
If target is specified but not shp,shx, or dbf then the target path and
file name are used. If no options or specified, a unique base file name
is generated to save the files and the base file name is returned as a
# Create a unique file name if one is not defined
if shp:
if shx:
if dbf:
elif not shp and not shx and not dbf:
generated = False
if not target:
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="shapefile_",dir=os.getcwd())
target =
generated = True
if generated:
return target
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