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Created June 21, 2019 18:54
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Mask sensitive TypeSafe-Config values for rendering
import java.util.Map.Entry
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigRenderOptions, ConfigValue, ConfigValueFactory }
import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt
import{ Codec, Source }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object ConfigMask {
implicit val codec: Codec = Codec.UTF8
val defaultMaskedKeys = Set(
val maskedKeys: Set[String] = {
val resources = ClassLoader.getSystemResources("config_secrets.conf")
resources.asScala.flatMap(u => Source.fromInputStream(u.openStream).getLines())
val allTests: Set[Regex] = (defaultMaskedKeys ++ maskedKeys).map(_.r)
def hash(s: String): String = BCrypt.hashpw(s, BCrypt.gensalt)
def checkHash(s: String, hash: String): Boolean = Try(BCrypt.checkpw(s, hash)).getOrElse(false)
def shouldMask(entry: Entry[String, ConfigValue]): Boolean = {
allTests.exists(_.findFirstIn(entry.getKey).nonEmpty) ||
entry.getValue.origin.description.contains("env var")
def maskValue(conf: Config, entry: Entry[String, ConfigValue]): Config = {
val originalOrigin = entry.getValue.origin
val secret = conf.getString(entry.getKey)
val newValue = ConfigValueFactory
.withOrigin(originalOrigin.withComments(List("(Hashed for rendering)").asJava))
conf.withValue(entry.getKey, newValue)
* Mask any value for which any of the following is true:
* 1. The key Matches the hardcoded regexes above
* 2. The key Matches a regex in any config_secrets.conf in the classpath
* 3. The setting has a final value populated from an environment variable
def masked(config: Config): Config = {
config.entrySet.asScala.foldLeft(config) {
case (conf, configValue) if shouldMask(configValue) => maskValue(conf, configValue)
case (conf, _) => conf
// setting explain = true will include the source from which each value was set, but will not be valid json
def displayConfig(config: Config, explain: Boolean = false): String = {
val renderOptions =
if (explain) ConfigRenderOptions.defaults else ConfigRenderOptions.concise
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