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Created January 20, 2015 17:33
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Get some stats on RDS
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'aws-sdk'
@cw =
@rds =
instances = @rds.describe_db_instances[:db_instances] do |i|
id = i[:db_instance_identifier]
allocated_storage = i[:allocated_storage]
free_storage_space = (@cw.get_metric_statistics( { namespace: "AWS/RDS",
dimensions: [{ name: 'DBInstanceIdentifier', value: id }],
period: 60,
statistics: ["Maximum"],
metric_name: "FreeStorageSpace",
start_time: ( - 60).iso8601,
end_time: } )[:datapoints].first[:maximum]) / (1024**3)
db_type = i[:engine]
cpu = @cw.get_metric_statistics( { namespace: "AWS/RDS",
dimensions: [{ name: 'DBInstanceIdentifier', value: id }],
period: 60,
statistics: ["Average"],
metric_name: "CPUUtilization",
start_time: ( - 60*60*24).iso8601,
end_time: } )[:datapoints].first[:average]
queue = @cw.get_metric_statistics( { namespace: "AWS/RDS",
dimensions: [{ name: 'DBInstanceIdentifier', value: id }],
period: 60,
statistics: ["Maximum"],
metric_name: "DiskQueueDepth",
start_time: ( - 60*60*24).iso8601,
end_time: } )[:datapoints].first[:maximum]
disk_utilization = (allocated_storage-(free_storage_space))/allocated_storage
puts "#{id},#{db_type},#{allocated_storage},#{free_storage_space},#{disk_utilization},#{cpu/100},#{queue}"
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