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Created August 14, 2023 20:05
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Estimate poverty and mean in CHN using new files
# libraries ---------
options(pipload.verbose = FALSE)
# Load data ---------
yrs <- c(2016, 2017, 2018)
yrs <- c(1984:2018)
yrs <- c(1984:2020)
povlines <- c(2.15, 3.65, 6.85)
# ld <- pipload::pip_load_cache("CHN", yrs, type = "list")
ld <- pipload::pip_load_cache("CHN",
type = "list",
version = "20230626_2017_01_02_TEST")
## population --------
pop <- pipload::pip_load_aux("pop")
pop <- pop[country_code == "CHN"]
## Group data means in LCU --------
gdm <- pipload::pip_load_aux("gdm")
means <-
gdm[country_code == "CHN"
mean := survey_mean_lcu* (12/365)
.(surveyid_year, pop_data_level, mean )]
means <- split(means, by = "surveyid_year")
means <-
purrr::map(.x = means,
.f = ~{
y <- .x[, mean]
names(y) <- .x[, pop_data_level]
years <- names(means)
names(ld) <- years
# Functions ---------
gd_povstats <- function(df, mn) {
levels <- df[, unique(as.character(reporting_level))]
y <- purrr::map_df(
.x = levels,
.f = ~{
dfx <- df[reporting_level == .x]
mnx <- mn[.x]
cpi <- dfx[, unique(cpi)]
ppp <- dfx[, unique(ppp)]
mnx <- wbpip::deflate_welfare_mean(
welfare_mean = mnx,
ppp = ppp,
cpi = cpi)
st <-
.x = povlines,
.f = ~{
rs <- wbpip:::gd_compute_poverty_stats(
welfare = dfx$welfare,
population = dfx$weight,
povline = .x,
requested_mean = mnx)
rs <-
) |>
rbindlist(use.names = TRUE) |>
ftransform(data_level = .x,
mean = mnx)
# Execution ---------
dd <- purrr::map_df(.x = years,
.f = ~{
mn <- means[[.x]]
df <- ld[[.x]]
z <- gd_povstats(df, mn)
z <- copy(z)
z[, year := as.numeric(.x)]
df <- joyn::merge(dd,
by = c("year",
"data_level = pop_data_level"),
match_type = "m:1",
keep = "left",
reportvar = FALSE)
dfn <-
df |>
fgroup_by(year, poverty_line) |>
"pop")) |>
fmean(w = pop, keep.w = FALSE) |>
ftransform(data_level = "national")
vars <- names(dfn)
dff <- rbindlist(list(df[, ..vars], dfn), use.names = TRUE) |>
setorder(year, poverty_line, data_level) # It invisibly returns the data
filename <- fs::path(tdirp, "CHN_pov_mean", ext = "dta")
# chart
ggplot(dff[year >= 2000],
aes(x = year,
y = headcount,
color = as.factor(poverty_line))
) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~data_level) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom")
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