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Forked from lbusett/bibtex_2academic.R
Last active July 6, 2019 11:51
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script for importing publications from a "bibtex" file to a hugo-academic website
#' @title bibtex_2academic
#' @description import publications from a bibtex file to a hugo-academic website
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2017) <>
#' @modified Peter Paul Pichler (2019) <>
#' @modified R.Andres Castaneda (2019) <>
bibtex_2academic <- function(bibfile,
abstract = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE) {
# Load data and transform to dataframe -----------------------------------------
mypubs <-
ReadBib(bibfile, check = "warn", .Encoding = "UTF-8") %>% %>%
rownames_to_column() %>% # retain rownames (as labels for bibtex re-export)
mutate_all(~ str_remove_all(., "[{}\"\\n]")) %>% ### remove {}" from bibtext entries
mutate_all(~ str_replace_all(., '\\\\%', '%')) %>% ### some replace double escaped % for markdown
mutate_all(~ str_replace_all(., '\\\\&', '&')) %>% ### some replace double escaped % for markdown
mutate_all(~ str_replace_all(., '\\\\\\$', '$')) %>% ### some replace double escaped % for markdown
mutate(rowname = str_replace_all(rowname, '/', '_'))
# make bibtype the name of the type column (default for WriteBib)
if (has_name(mypubs, "document_type") &
!(has_name(mypubs, "bibtype"))) {
mypubs <- mypubs %>% rename(bibtype = document_type)
# assign "categories" to the different types of publications
mypubs <- mypubs %>%
pubtype = dplyr::case_when(
bibtype == "Article" ~ "2",
bibtype == "Article in Press" ~ "2",
bibtype == "InProceedings" ~ "1",
bibtype == "Proceedings" ~ "1",
bibtype == "Conference" ~ "1",
bibtype == "Conference Paper" ~ "1",
bibtype == "MastersThesis" ~ "3",
bibtype == "PhdThesis" ~ "3",
bibtype == "Manual" ~ "4",
bibtype == "TechReport" ~ "4",
bibtype == "Book" ~ "5",
bibtype == "InCollection" ~ "6",
bibtype == "InBook" ~ "6",
bibtype == "Misc" ~ "0",
TRUE ~ "0"
# Define variables -------------------------------------------------------------
create_md <- function(x) {
x <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Date
if (length(x[["year"]])) {
date <- paste0(x[["year"]], "-01-01")
} else {
date <- "2999-01-01"
# Authors. Comma separated list, e.g. `["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]`.
author <- str_replace_all(x["author"], " and ", "\", \"")
author <-
stringi::stri_trans_general(author, "latin-ascii")
vars <- c(
for (z in vars) {
if (length(x[[z]])) {
y <- x[[z]]
} else {
y <- NA
assign(z, y)
# editor
if (length(x[["editor"]])) {
editor <- str_replace_all(x["editor"], " and ", "\", \"")
} else {
editor <- NA
# Publication according to type ------------------------------------------------
# ARticles
if (x[["pubtype"]] %in% c("2")) {
publication <- journal
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
", (", volume, ")")
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
", ", number)
if (!
publication <- paste0(publication,
", _pp. ", pages, "_")
if (!
publication <- paste0(publication,
", ", paste0("",
} # end of articles
# Reports
if (x[["pubtype"]] %in% c("4")) {
publication <- institution
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
"; ", number)
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
". ", address)
} # End of Reports
# Books
if (x[["pubtype"]] %in% c("5", "6")) {
if( {
edition <- "1st ed."
} else {
if (! {
edition <- paste(toOrdinal(as.numeric(edition)), "ed")
publication <- edition
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
". ", address)
if (! {
publication <- paste0(publication,
": ", publisher)
} # End of books
# create folders ---------------------------------------------------------------
# name of folder
if (! {
foldername <- rowname %>%
} else {
foldername <- paste(
year, title %>%
str_replace_all("[\\s/]", "_") %>%
str_remove_all(fixed(":")) %>%
str_sub(1, 20),
sep = "_"
# create directory for each publication
dir.create(file.path(outfold, foldername), showWarnings = FALSE)
filename = ""
# start writing
outsubfold = paste(outfold, foldername, sep = "/")
if (!file.exists(file.path(outsubfold, filename)) | overwrite) {
fileConn <- file.path(outsubfold, filename)
# Start writing ----------------------------------------------------------------
write("+++", fileConn)
# Title and date
write(paste0("title = \"", title, "\""), fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("date = \"", anydate(date), "\""), fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("authors = [\"", author, "\"]"), fileConn, append = T)
if (x[["pubtype"]] == 6 & ! {
write(paste0("editor = [\"", editor, "\"]"), fileConn, append = T)
if (x[["pubtype"]] == 6 & ! {
write(paste0("series = \"", series, "\""), fileConn, append = T)
# Publication type. Legend:
write(paste0("publication_types = [\"", pubtype, "\"]"),
append = T)
write(paste0("publication = \"", publication, "\""),
append = T)
write(paste0("publication_short = \"", publication, "\""),
append = T)
# Abstract and optional shortened version.
if (! {
write(paste0("abstract = \"", abstract, "\""),
append = T)
} else {
write("abstract = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("abstract_short = \"", "\""), fileConn, append = T)
# other possible fields are kept empty. They can be customized later by
# editing the created md
write("image_preview = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("selected = false", fileConn, append = T)
write("projects = []", fileConn, append = T)
write("tags = []", fileConn, append = T)
if (! {
write(paste0("url_pdf = \"", url, "\""), fileConn, append = T)
} else {
write("url_pdf = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_preprint = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_code = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_dataset = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_project = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_slides = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_video = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_poster = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_source = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
#other stuff
write("math = true", fileConn, append = T)
write("highlight = true", fileConn, append = T)
# Featured image
write("[header]", fileConn, append = T)
write("image = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("caption = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("+++", fileConn, append = T)
# convert entry back to data frame
df_entry <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
# write cite.bib file to outsubfolder
paste(outsubfold, "cite.bib", sep = "/"))
# apply the "create_md" function over the publications list to generate
# the different "md" files.
FUN = function(x)
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