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Forked from IskenHuang/
Created September 10, 2013 02:36
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fs = require('fs')
cheerio = require('cheerio')
staticFolder = 'static'
imgFolder = 'img'
cssFolder = 'css'
cssRoot = __dirname + '/' + cssFolder
htmlFolder = 'views'
htmlRoot = __dirname + '/../application/' + htmlFolder
minSize = 300
minFileSize = minSize * minSize * 3
skipFiles = ['.sass-cache', '.DS_Store', 'http://', 'sass', 'template.css', 'template_bho.css', 'ie.css', 'print.css', 'mail']
Core = module.exports =
getFileList: (folderPath = null, cb) ->
console.log 'getFileList begin ', arguments
return null unless folderPath
return fs.readdirSync(folderPath) unless cb
fs.readdir folderPath, (err, files) ->
(if (err) then cb(null) else cb(files))
getFile: (path = null, cb) ->
console.log 'getFile begin ', arguments
return null unless path
unless cb
f = fs.readFileSync(path)
if f
return f.toString()
return null
fs.readFile path, (err, data) ->
(if (err) then cb(null) else cb(data.toString()))
saveFile: (path = null, data = null, cb) ->
console.log 'saveFile begin ', arguments
return null unless path
return null unless data
if typeof(data) is 'string'
data = new Buffer(data, 'utf8')
unless cb
return fs.writeFileSync(path, data)
fs.writeFile path, data, (err) ->
console.log 'err = ' ,err
console.log 'save success = ', path
getCSSUrl: (cssData = null, isDuplicate = null, cb) ->
console.log 'getCSSUrl begin ', arguments
return null unless cssData
css = cssData
ma = css.match(/url\(\.\.[^ \;\,]*\)/g)
result = []
return ma unless isDuplicate
for i of ma
m = ma[i]
result.push m if result.indexOf(m) < 0
return result
imageToUri: (data = null, format = 'png') ->
console.log 'imageToUri begin ', arguments
return null unless data
base64data = new Buffer(data).toString('base64')
return imgString = 'url(data:image/' + format + ';base64,' + base64data + ')'
replacePath: (originalPath = '') ->
console.log 'replacePath begin ', arguments
# url(../img/landing/bg_num_web1.png)
originalPath = originalPath.substr(4, originalPath.length - 5)
return __dirname + originalPath.replace(/\.\./i, '')
replaceSrcPath: (originalPath = '') ->
console.log 'replaceSrcPath begin ', arguments
# /static/img/landing/bg_num_web1.png
# originalPath = originalPath.substr(4, originalPath.length - 5)
_regex = new RegExp('/' + staticFolder, 'i')
return __dirname + originalPath.replace( _regex, '')
replaceCSS: (cssPath = null, cb) ->
console.log 'replaceCSS begin ', arguments
return null unless cssPath
data = @getFile(cssPath)
if data
urls = @getCSSUrl(data)
if urls and urls.length
for i of urls
oldUrl = urls[i]
newUrl = @replacePath(urls[i])
img = @getFile(newUrl)
if(img.length < minFileSize)
uri = @imageToUri(img)
data = data.replace(oldUrl, uri)
@saveFile(cssPath, data)
console.log 'can not find ==> ', cssPath
replaceHtml: (htmlPath = null, cb) ->
console.log 'replaceHtml begin ', arguments
return null unless htmlPath
data = @getFile(htmlPath)
if data
$ = cheerio.load(data)
$('img').each (index, item)=>
$item = $(item)
if $item.attr('data-i18n-img')
src = $item.attr('src')
if src and src.indexOf('<?') < 0
src = @replaceSrcPath(src)
img = @getFile(src)
uri = @imageToUri(img)
if img.length < minFileSize
$item.attr('src', uri)
@saveFile(htmlPath, $.html())
console.log 'can not find ==> ', cssPath
# image in CSS
cssfiles = Core.getFileList(cssRoot)
for i of cssfiles
cName = cssfiles[i]
cPath = cssRoot + '/' + cName
if skipFiles.indexOf(cName) >= 0
# image in HTML or other views/template
htmlfiles = Core.getFileList(htmlRoot)
for i of htmlfiles
hName = htmlfiles[i]
hPath = htmlRoot + '/' + hName
if skipFiles.indexOf(hName) >= 0
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