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Created March 12, 2012 12:53
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Setup Development Environment for mHealth
Test Case Steps
1. OS X 10.7.3 - Fresh Install
2. Install XCode 4.3
3. Install Comand Line Tools for XCode
a. XCode -> Open Developer Tool -> More Developer Tools -> Command Line Tools.dmg
4. Install Erlang viw SpawnGrid / Kerl
a. add kerl to path
b. kerl build R14B04 r14b04
* (will prompt to install java, say yes)
c. kerl install r14b04 $HOME/bin/erlang-R14B04
d. kerl build R14B03 r14b03
e. kerl install r14b03 $HOME/bin/erlang-R14B03
f. ./ $HOME/bin/erlang-R14B03
g. add erlang-R14B03 to path for future shells
5. Install Homebrew
a. /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
6. Install chromedriver
a. brew install chromedriver
7. Install Riak
a. create link to Developer Headers (thx apple!)
(from /, sudo ln -s Applications/
a. git clone
b. set to 1.0.2 (using R14B03)
* git reset --hard 5ef1b1f067c1f39fbe8e517472de258e2bb49cf7
c. make
d. make devrel
e. change app.config in dev1, to use leveldb
* vim dev/dev1/etc/app.config
* enable leveldb via {storage_backend, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend}
8. Install RVM + Ruby 1.9.3-p125
a. bash -s stable < <(curl -s
b. source ~/.bash_profile
c. rvm install 1.9.3
8. Install API-Server
a. git clone
b. switch to ruby 1.9.3, (update .rvmrc file if needed)
c. gem install bundler
d. bundle install
a. add config/ripple.yml
b. add config/oauth.yml
9. Install mHealth
a. git clone
a. add config/ripple.yml
b. install imagemagick
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