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Last active April 25, 2016 03:34
k-means clustering for organic search terms
#### 0. Setup
library("RTextTools") #Loads many packages useful for text mining
#### 1. RSiteCatalyst code - Get Natural Search Keywords & Metrics
#Set credentials
SCAuth(<username:company>, <shared secret>)
#Get list of search engine terms
searchkeywords <- QueueRanked(<report_suite>, "2013-02-01","2013-09-16",
c("entries", "visits", "pageviews", "instances", "bounces"),
"searchenginenaturalkeyword", top="100000", startingWith = "1")
#### 2. Process keywords into format suitable for text mining
#Create document-term matrix, passing data cleaning options
#Stem the words to avoid multiples of similar words
#Need to set wordLength to minimum of 1 because "r" a likely term
dtm <- create_matrix(searchkeywords$'Natural Search Keyword',
removePunctuation= TRUE)
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