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Last active November 20, 2018 23:28
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OpenStack: Configuring Octavia
Octavia is the new(ish) loadbalancer for OpenStack. I recently set up the "simplest possible but not simpler"
octavia with a little help from my friends at sSackOverflow and other places.
I had a few hiccups along the way. In particular, I was confused about the openstack documentation
(it has some obsolete stuff in it). You will find a sample of this file in the git octavia distribution on github.
You will need to customize it. Here's my octavia configuration (maybe it can help others):
auth_strategy = keystone
debug = True
transport_url = rabbit://openstack:rabbit@controller01//
my_ip =
bind_host =
bind_port = 9876
auth_strategy = keystone
api_v1_enabled = False
api_v2_enabled = True
# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
# Example:
# connection = mysql+pymysql://root:pass@
# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
# main octavia server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)
# connection = mysql+pymysql://
connection = mysql+pymysql://octavia:octavia@controller01/octavia
# NOTE: In deployment the [database] section and its connection attribute may
# be set in the corresponding core plugin '.ini' file. However, it is suggested
# to put the [database] section and its connection attribute in this
# configuration file.
bind_ip =
bind_port = 5555
controller_ip_port_list =
event_streamer_driver = noop_event_streamer
heartbeat_key = insecure
www_authenticate_uri = http://controller01:5000
auth_url = http://controller01:5000
memcached_servers = controller01:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = octavia
password = octavia
# Copy these from the octavia distro - do a git pull to get it.
ca_certificate = /etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem
ca_private_key = /etc/octavia/certs/private/cakey.pem
ca_private_key_passphrase = foobar
connection_max_retries = 1300
connection_retry_interval = 5
bind_host =
bind_port = 9443
server_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem
client_cert = /etc/octavia/certs/client.pem
rest_request_conn_timeout = 10
rest_request_read_timeout = 120
amp_image_id = 4be853f4-2ef5-40fd-9072-01d2856a9778
amp_flavor_id = e061b040-48e4-49d3-8103-f0331cabe302
amp_ssh_key_name = lb-keypair
amp_boot_network_list = eb3d3bae-8a4f-425b-ba86-65e012fc604d
amp_secgroup_list = mysecgroup
mphora_driver = amphora_haproxy_rest_driver
compute_driver = compute_nova_driver
network_driver = allowed_address_pairs_driver
loadbalancer_topology = SINGLE
# engine = serial
# max_workers = 5
# This setting prevents the controller worker from reverting taskflow flows.
# This will leave resources in an inconsistent state and should only be used
# for debugging purposes.
# disable_revert = False
topic = octavia_prov
event_stream_transport_url = rabbit://openstack:rabbit@controller01//
# agent_server_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.pem
# agent_server_cert = /etc/octavia/certs/server.pem
# Defaults for agent_server_network_dir when not specified here are:
# Ubuntu: /etc/netns/amphora-haproxy/network/interfaces.d/
# Centos/fedora/rhel: /etc/netns/amphora-haproxy/sysconfig/network-scripts/
# agent_server_network_dir =
# agent_server_network_file =
# agent_request_read_timeout = 120
# Amphora Role/Priority advertisement interval in seconds
# vrrp_advert_int = 1
# Service health check interval and success/fail count
# vrrp_check_interval = 5
# vrpp_fail_count = 2
# vrrp_success_count = 2
# Amphora MASTER gratuitous ARP refresh settings
# vrrp_garp_refresh_interval = 5
# vrrp_garp_refresh_count = 2
# memcached_servers =
memcached_servers = controller01:11211
# cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
project_domain_name = Default
# project_name = admin
user_domain_name = Default
password = openstack
username = admin
auth_type = password
project_name = admin
auth_url = http://controller01:5000
url= http://controller01:8774/v2.1
auth_url = http://controller01:5000
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = nova
password = nova
endpoint = http://controller01:9696
region_name = RegionOne
username = neutron
password = neutron
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