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Last active November 15, 2020 17:22
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  • Save rangeoshun/34527333f499ded69aed181c0396f6f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rangeoshun/34527333f499ded69aed181c0396f6f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JS optimization benchmark
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
const asciichart = require("asciichart");
const sort = (arr) => arr.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);
const median = (arr) => {
const mid = Math.floor(arr.length / 2),
nums = sort(arr);
return arr.length % 2 !== 0 ? nums[mid] : (nums[mid - 1] + nums[mid]) / 2;
const p99 = (arr) => sort(arr)[Math.floor((arr.length / 100) * 99)];
const min = (arr) => sort(arr)[0];
const max = (arr) => sort(arr)[arr.length - 1];
const first = (arr) => arr[0];
const randArray = () => Array(1000).fill(null).map(Math.random);
const sum = (acc, num) => acc + num;
const freducer = (acc, num, ind, nums, rest, restSum) => (
(rest = nums.slice(ind)), (restSum = rest.reduce(sum)), acc + restSum
const creducer = (acc, num, ind, nums) => {
const rest = nums.slice(ind);
const restSum = rest.reduce(sum);
return acc + restSum;
const sreducer = (acc, num, ind, nums) => acc + nums.slice(ind).reduce(sum);
const n = 200;
const pit = [];
const freducerTimes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const array = randArray();
let start =;
pit.push(array.reduce(freducer, 0));
let end =;
freducerTimes.push(end - start);
const creducerTimes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const array = randArray();
let start =;
pit.push(array.reduce(creducer, 0));
let end =;
creducerTimes.push(end - start);
const sreducerTimes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const array = randArray();
let start =;
pit.push(array.reduce(sreducer, 0));
let end =;
sreducerTimes.push(end - start);
console.log(`freducer avg: ${freducerTimes.reduce(sum) / n}ms`);
console.log(` med: ${median(freducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` min: ${min(freducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` max: ${max(freducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` 1st: ${first(freducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` p99: ${p99(freducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` tot: ${freducerTimes.reduce(sum)}ms`);
console.log(`creducer avg: ${creducerTimes.reduce(sum) / n}ms`);
console.log(` med: ${median(creducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` min: ${min(creducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` max: ${max(creducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` 1st: ${first(creducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` p99: ${p99(creducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` tot: ${creducerTimes.reduce(sum)}ms`);
console.log(`sreducer avg: ${sreducerTimes.reduce(sum) / n}ms`);
console.log(` med: ${median(sreducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` min: ${min(sreducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` max: ${max(sreducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` 1st: ${first(sreducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` p99: ${p99(sreducerTimes)}ms`);
console.log(` tot: ${sreducerTimes.reduce(sum)}ms`);
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rangeoshun commented Nov 15, 2020

200 runs with arrays of 1000 random numbers with Node v15.2.0. 

      18.09 ┼╮
      17.08 ┤│
      16.07 ┤│
      15.06 ┤│
      14.06 ┤╰─╮
      13.05 ┤  ╰╮
      12.04 ┤   │
      11.03 ┤   │
      10.02 ┤   │
       9.02 ┤   │
       8.01 ┤   │
       7.00 ┤   │
       5.99 ┤   │
       4.98 ┤   │
       3.98 ┤   │
       2.97 ┤   │
       1.96 ┤   ╰╮          ╭╮                                                                                                                               ╭─╮
       0.95 ┤    ╰──────────╯╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────
freducer avg: 1.33918113976717ms
         med: 1.0483624637126923ms
         min: 0.9525449872016907ms
         max: 18.088384985923767ms
         1st: 18.088384985923767ms
         p99: 13.95874398946762ms
         tot: 267.836227953434ms

      12.75 ┤     ╭╮
      11.77 ┤     ││
      10.79 ┼─────╯╰╮
       9.80 ┤       │
       8.82 ┤       │
       7.84 ┤       │
       6.86 ┤       │
       5.88 ┤       │
       4.90 ┤       │ ╭─╮
       3.92 ┤       │ │ │                                ╭─╮
       2.94 ┤       │ │ ╰╮                               │ │                                                                          ╭╮
       1.96 ┤       ╰╮│  ╰╮                              │ │╭╮╭╮  ╭─╮                                ╭╮                 ╭╮            ││
       0.98 ┤        ╰╯   ╰──────────────────────────────╯ ╰╯╰╯╰──╯ ╰────────────────────────────────╯╰─────────────────╯╰────────────╯╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
creducer avg: 1.6563487806916237ms
         med: 1.1483240127563477ms
         min: 0.9750069975852966ms
         max: 12.747493028640747ms
         1st: 11.344366014003754ms
         p99: 11.461097002029419ms
         tot: 331.26975613832474ms

      22.25 ┤     ╭╮
      21.23 ┤     ││
      20.21 ┤     ││
      19.19 ┤     ││
      18.16 ┤     ││
      17.14 ┤     ││
      16.12 ┤     ││
      15.10 ┤     │╰╮
      14.08 ┤     │ │
      13.06 ┤     │ │
      12.04 ┼─────╯ ╰╮
      11.01 ┤        │
       9.99 ┤        │
       8.97 ┤        │
       7.95 ┤        │
       6.93 ┤        │
       5.91 ┤        │
       4.88 ┤        │
       3.86 ┤        │                                                                                                                                ╭╮
       2.84 ┤        │                                                                                                                                │╰╮                                              ╭╮
       1.82 ┤        ╰╮                                                                                                                               │ │                                              ││╭╮
       0.80 ┤         ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────╯╰╯╰─────────
sreducer avg: 1.712213860154152ms
         med: 1.1060225069522858ms
         min: 0.7983910441398621ms
         max: 22.25027596950531ms
         1st: 12.174803018569946ms
         p99: 15.322041988372803ms
         tot: 342.4427720308304ms

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rangeoshun commented Nov 15, 2020

200 runs with arrays of 10000 random numbers with Node v15.2.0.

    1106.78 ┼╮
    1105.78 ┤│
    1104.78 ┤│
    1103.78 ┤│
     119.64 ┤│
     118.64 ┤│
     117.64 ┤│
     116.64 ┤│
     115.64 ┤│
     114.64 ┤│
     113.64 ┤│
     112.64 ┤│
     111.64 ┤│   ╭╮   ╭╮                                                                                                                                 ╭╮
     110.63 ┤│   ││   ││        ╭╮                                                                                                ╭╮                     ││
     109.63 ┤│   ││   ││   ╭╮   ││                                                                                                ││                     ││
     108.63 ┤│   ││   ││   ││   ││                                                                                                ││                     ││
     107.63 ┤│   ││   ││   ││   ││                                                                                                ││                     ││
     106.63 ┤│   ││   ││   ││   │╰╮                                                                                               ││                     ││
     105.63 ┤│   ││   ││   ││   │ │                   ╭╮         ╭╮                                                               ││                     ││
     104.63 ┤│   │╰╮  ││   │╰╮  │ ╰╮                  ││         ││                         ╭╮                                    ││    ╭╮              ╭╯│
     103.63 ┤│  ╭╯ ╰─╮│╰╮  │ │╭─╯  │                  ││         ││              ╭╮         ││                                    ││    ││              │ │  ╭╮
     102.63 ┤│  │    ╰╯ │  │ ╰╯    │       ╭╮         ││         ││              ││         ││                    ╭╮         ╭╮   ││    ││   ╭╮   ╭╮    │ │  ││         ╭╮                         ╭╮    ╭╮
     101.63 ┤│  │       │  │       │  ╭╮   ││   ╭╮    ││   ╭╮    ││         ╭╮   ││         ││         ╭╮         ││   ╭╮    ││   ││    ││   ││   ││    │ │  ││         ││         ╭╮         ╭╮   ││    ││
     100.63 ┤│╭╮│       │ ╭╯       │  ││   ││   ││    ││   ││    │╰╮  ╭╮    ││   ││         ││    ╭╮   ││         ││ ╭╮││    ││   │╰╮   ││   ││   │╰╮   │ │  ││    ╭╮   ││         ││         │╰╮  ││    ││
      99.63 ┤╰╯││       ╰╮│        │  ││   ││╭╮ ││    ││   ││    │ │  ││    ││   ││    ╭╮   ││ ╭─╮││   ││    ╭╮   ││ ││││    ││╭╮ │ │   ││   ││   │ │   │ │  ││    ││  ╭╯│    ╭╮   ││   ╭╮    │ │  ││    ││   ╭╮
      98.63 ┤  ││        ││        │  ││   ││││ ││    │╰╮  ││    │ │  ││    ││   ││ ╭╮ ││   │╰╮│ │││   ││    ││   │╰╮││││    ││││ │ │   ││   ││   │ │   │ │  │╰╮   ││  │ │    ││   ││   │╰╮   │ │  │╰╮   ││   ││
      97.63 ┤  ╰╯        ╰╯        │  │╰╮  ││││ ││    │ │  ││    │ │  │╰╮╭╮ │╰╮  │╰╮││ ││   │ ││ ╰╯│   │╰╮╭╮╭╯│ ╭─╯ ╰╯│││    │╰╯│ │ │   │╰╮  ││   │ │   │ ╰╮ │ │   ││  │ ╰╮   ││  ╭╯│   │ │   │ ╰╮ │ │   ││╭╮ ││
      96.63 ┤                      │  │ ╰─╮│╰╯│ ││   ╭╯ │  │╰╮   │ ╰─╮│ ╰╯│ │ │ ╭╯ ││╰╮││ ╭╮│ ││   │   │ ││╰╯ │╭╯     ││╰╮╭╮ │  │ │ │  ╭╯ ╰─╮│╰╮  │ ╰╮╭─╯  │ │ │   ││╭╮│  │╭╮ ││  │ ╰╮╭─╯ │   │  ╰╮│ │╭╮╭╯╰╯│╭╯╰╮
      95.63 ┤                      │  │   ╰╯  ╰─╯│  ╭╯  ╰──╯ │   │   ╰╯   │ │ ╰─╯  ╰╯ │││ │╰╯ ╰╯   │   │ ╰╯   ││      ╰╯ ╰╯╰─╯  ╰─╯ │  │    ╰╯ │  │  ╰╯    │╭╯ ╰──╮│╰╯╰╯  ╰╯╰─╯│ ╭╯  ╰╯   │   │   ╰╯ ╰╯││   ╰╯  │╭──
      94.63 ┤                      │  │          │  │        │   │        │ │         ╰╯│╭╯        │  ╭╯      ││                    │╭─╯       │  │        ││     ╰╯           ╰─╯        │   │        ╰╯       ╰╯
      93.63 ┤                      │  │          ╰╮ │        │   │        │ │           ╰╯         ╰─╮│       ╰╯                    ╰╯         ╰─╮│        ╰╯                             ╰╮  │
      92.63 ┤                      ╰──╯           ╰─╯        ╰───╯        ╰─╯                        ╰╯                                          ╰╯                                        ╰──╯
freducer avg: 103.40833139955997ms
         med: 97.28297898173332ms
         min: 92.63221698999405ms
         max: 1106.780827999115ms
         1st: 1106.780827999115ms
         p99: 112.3241840004921ms
         tot: 20681.666279911995ms

    1020.40 ┼╮
    1019.40 ┤│
    1018.40 ┤│
     120.71 ┤│
     119.71 ┤│
     118.71 ┤│
     117.71 ┤│
     116.70 ┤│
     115.70 ┤│
     114.70 ┤│
     113.70 ┤│
     112.70 ┤│
     111.70 ┤│
     110.70 ┤│
     109.70 ┤│
     108.70 ┤│
     107.70 ┤│                                                      ╭╮                                                                                                                                         ╭╮
     106.70 ┤│                                                      ││                               ╭╮                                                                                                        ││
     105.70 ┤│                                                      ││                               ││         ╭╮                                                                                             ││
     104.70 ┤│                                ╭╮                    ││                    ╭╮         ││         ││                                                                     ╭╮                      ││
     103.69 ┤│          ╭╮                    ││                    ││                    ││         ││         ││                    ╭╮   ╭╮         ╭╮              ╭╮               ││   ╭╮   ╭╮    ╭╮      ││
     102.69 ┤│          ││         ╭╮         ││               ╭╮   │╰╮                   ││         ││╭╮       ││         ╭╮         ││   ││         ││         ╭╮   ││         ╭╮    ││   ││ ╭╮││    ││   ╭╮ ││
     101.69 ┤╰╮         ││    ╭╮   ││         ││         ╭╮    ││   │ │        ╭╮   ╭╮    ││         ││││       ││   ╭╮    ││         ││   ││   ╭╮    ││   ╭╮    ││   ││         ││    ││   ││ ││││    ││  ╭╯│ ││
     100.69 ┤ │    ╭╮   ││    ││   ││         ││         ││    ││   │ │  ╭╮    ││   ││    ││   ╭╮    ││││       ││   ││    ││   ╭╮    ││   ││   ││    ││   ││    ││   ││    ╭╮   ││    ││   ││ ││││    ││  │ │ ││ ╭╮
      99.69 ┤ │    ││   ││    ││   ││   ╭╮    ││   ╭╮    ││    ││   │ │  ││    ││   ││    ││   ││    ││││ ╭╮    ││   ││   ╭╯│   ││    ││   ││   ││    ││   ││    ││   ││    ││   ││    ││   ││ ││││    ││  │ │ ││ ││
      98.69 ┤ │    ││   │╰╮  ╭╯│   ││   ││    ││   ││    ││    ││   │ │  ││    ││   ││ ╭╮ ││   ││    ││││ ││    ││   ││   │ │   ││    ││   ││   │╰╮  ╭╯│   │╰─╮  ││   ││    ││   ││    ││  ╭╯│ ││││    │╰╮ │ │ ││ ││
      97.69 ┤ ╰╮   ││ ╭╮│ │  │ │   │╰╮  ││   ╭╯│   ││    ││    ││   │ │  │╰╮   ││   │╰─╯│╭╯│   │╰╮   ││││ ││   ╭╯│   ││   │ │   ││    ││ ╭─╯│   │ ╰╮ │ │   │  ╰╮ ││   │╰╮   ││   │╰╮   ││  │ │ │││╰╮   │ │╭╯ ╰╮││ ││
      96.69 ┤  │   ││ │╰╯ │╭╮│ │  ╭╯ │╭╮││╭╮╭╯ │   │╰─╮  │╰╮   │╰╮  │ │  │ │╭╮ ││   │   ╰╯ ╰╮  │ ╰╮  │╰╯╰╮││  ╭╯ │   │╰╮ ╭╯ │╭──╯│    │╰─╯  │   │  │╭╯ │   │   │ ││   │ │╭─╮││   │ │  ╭╯│  │ ╰─╯││ │  ╭╯ ╰╯   ││╰─╯│
      95.69 ┤  ╰───╯│╭╯   ╰╯╰╯ │ ╭╯  ╰╯││╰╯╰╯  ╰╮  │  ╰──╯ │   │ ╰──╯ │╭╮│ ╰╯╰─╯│   │       │  │  ╰──╯   ││╰──╯  ╰───╯ │ │  ╰╯   │  ╭╮│     ╰╮  │  ╰╯  │  ╭╯   ╰─╯│  ╭╯ ╰╯ │││╭──╯ ╰──╯ │  │    ╰╯ ╰╮╭╯       ╰╯   │
      94.69 ┤       ╰╯         │ │     ╰╯       ╰╮ │       │   │      ╰╯││      │ ╭╮│       ╰╮ │         ││            │ │       │ ╭╯││      │ ╭╯      │ ╭╯       ╰╮ │     ╰╯││         ╰╮╭╯        ╰╯             │
      93.69 ┤                  ╰╮│               │ │       │  ╭╯        ╰╯      ╰─╯╰╯        │ │         ││            │ │       ╰╮│ ╰╯      │╭╯       │╭╯         ╰╮│       ╰╯          ││                        ╰
      92.69 ┤                   ╰╯               ╰─╯       ╰──╯                              ╰─╯         ╰╯            ╰─╯        ╰╯         ╰╯        ╰╯           ╰╯                   ╰╯
creducer avg: 102.13022407978774ms
         med: 96.60743549466133ms
         min: 92.68632501363754ms
         max: 1020.4010280370712ms
         1st: 1020.4010280370712ms
         p99: 108.2951290011406ms
         tot: 20426.044815957546ms

    1052.77 ┼╮
    1051.77 ┤│
    1050.77 ┤│
    1049.77 ┤│
     155.04 ┤│
     154.04 ┤│
     153.04 ┤│
     152.04 ┤│
     151.04 ┤│
     150.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ╭╮
     149.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     148.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     147.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     146.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     145.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     144.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     143.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     142.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     141.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     140.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     139.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     138.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     137.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     136.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     135.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     134.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││
     133.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ╭╮
     132.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     131.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     130.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     129.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     128.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     127.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     126.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     125.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     124.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     123.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     122.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     121.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     120.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     119.05 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     118.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     117.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     116.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     115.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     114.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     113.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     112.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                                ││
     111.06 ┤│                                                                                                       ││                                                                             ╭╮ ││
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      96.06 ┤│╭─╯       │  ││ ╭╮╭╯╰╯│ ││ ╭╯╰╯  ╰╮│╰╮  ╭╯╰───╯ ╰──╯│ │ ╰╯ ╰─╯ │ │ ╰╯ ╰╯  ╰╮ │╰╯ ╰╯││ │  ╭╯  ╰─╯ ╰╮  │     ╰─╮ │ ╰──╯ ╰──╯  │╭─╯│  │  ╰╯    ╰╯│╭╯│ │╰╯ ╰─╯╰╯ │  │ ╰─╯╰╯  │ │ ╰╯╰╯    ││       ╰╮│   ╰╯
      95.06 ┤╰╯         ╰─╮││ │╰╯   │ ││ │      ╰╯ │ ╭╯           ╰╮│        ╰╮│         │ │     ╰╯ │  │        │ ╭╯       │ │            ╰╯  ╰╮ │          ││ │╭╯         │ ╭╯        │ │         ││        ╰╯
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sreducer avg: 102.72248899906873ms
         med: 96.70575949549675ms
         min: 92.06311702728271ms
         max: 1052.7654490470886ms
         1st: 1052.7654490470886ms
         p99: 150.16584903001785ms
         tot: 20544.497799813747ms

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