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Created November 4, 2022 06:55
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions );
GetOptions("a=s", \(my $stap_args),
"d", \(my $dump_src),
"h", \(my $help),
"p=i", \(my $pid),
"l=i", \(my $limit),
"t=i", \(my $time))
or die usage();
if ($help) {
print usage();
if (!defined $pid) {
die "No process pid specified by the -p option.\n";
if (!defined $time) {
die "No -t <seconds> option specified.\n";
if (!defined $limit) {
$limit = 1024;
if (!defined $stap_args) {
$stap_args = '';
if ($stap_args !~ /(?:^|\s)-D\s*MAXACTION=/) {
$stap_args .= " -DMAXACTION=100000"
if ($stap_args !~ /(?:^|\s)-D\s*MAXMAPENTRIES=/) {
$stap_args .= " -DMAXMAPENTRIES=5000"
if ($stap_args !~ /(?:^|\s)-D\s*MAXBACKTRACE=/) {
$stap_args .= " -DMAXBACKTRACE=200"
if ($stap_args !~ /(?:^|\s)-D\s*MAXSTRINGLEN=2048/) {
$stap_args .= " -DMAXSTRINGLEN=2048"
if ($stap_args !~ /(?:^|\s)-D\s*MAXSKIPPED=1024/) {
$stap_args .= " -DMAXSKIPPED=1024"
if ($^O ne 'linux') {
die "Only linux is supported but I am on $^O.\n";
my $exec_file = "/proc/$pid/exe";
if (!-f $exec_file) {
die "process $pid is not running or ",
"you do not have enough permissions.\n";
my $skynet_path = readlink $exec_file;
my $condition = "my_pid == target()";
my $ver = `stap --version 2>&1`;
if (!defined $ver) {
die "Systemtap not installed or its \"stap\" utility is not visible to the PATH environment: $!\n";
if ($ver =~ /version\s+(\d+\.\d+)/i) {
my $v = $1;
if ($v < 2.1) {
die "ERROR: at least systemtap 2.1 is required but found $v\n";
} else {
die "ERROR: unknown version of systemtap:\n$ver\n";
my $preamble = <<_EOC_;
probe begin {
warn("Tracing $pid ($skynet_path) for Lua 5.4 ...\\n")
my $postamble = <<_EOC_;
probe timer.s($time)
warn("Time's up. Quitting now...\\n")
foreach (bt in bts- limit $limit) {
printf("%s\\t%d\\n", bt, \@count(bts[bt]))
my $lua_path = $skynet_path;
my $stap_src = <<_EOC_;
global bts
global lua_states
probe process("$lua_path").function("lua_resume*"), process("$lua_path").function("lua_pcall*")
my_pid = pid()
if ($condition) {
lua_states[my_pid] = \$L
probe process("$lua_path").function("lua_yield*")
my_pid = pid()
if ($condition) {
lua_states[my_pid] = 0
function s2v(o) {
return &\@cast(o, "StackValue", "$lua_path")->val
function gco2lcl(o) {
closure = &\@cast(o, "GCUnion", "$lua_path")->cl
return &\@cast(closure, "Closure", "$lua_path")->l
function gco2cl(o) {
return &\@cast(o, "GCUnion", "$lua_path")->cl
function clLvalue(o) {
return gco2lcl(\@cast(o, "TValue", "$lua_path")->value_->gc)
function clvalue(o) {
return gco2cl(\@cast(o, "TValue", "$lua_path")->value_->gc)
function ci_func(ci) {
return clLvalue(s2v(\@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->func))
function isLua(ci) {
return !(\@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->callstatus & (1 << 1))
function isTailCall(ci) {
return (\@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->callstatus & (1 << 5))
function ctb(t) {
return (t) | (1 << 6)
function makevariant(t, v) {
return (t) | ((v) << 4)
function checktag(o, t) {
return \@cast(o, "TValue", "$lua_path")->tt_ == (t)
function ttisLclosure(o) {
return checktag(o, ctb(makevariant(6, 0)))
function ttisCclosure(o) {
return checktag(o, ctb(makevariant(6, 2)))
function ttisclosure(o) {
return ttisLclosure(o) || ttisCclosure(o)
function currentpc(ci) {
a = \@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->u->l->savedpc
b = \@cast(ci_func(ci), "LClosure", "$lua_path")->p->code
return (a - b) - 1
function getcurrentline(ci) {
/* Proto *f */
f = \@cast(ci_func(ci), "LClosure", "$lua_path")->p
pc = currentpc(ci)
sizeabslineinfo = \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->sizeabslineinfo
basepc = -1
baseline = -1
if (\@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->lineinfo != 0) {
if (sizeabslineinfo == 0 || pc < \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->abslineinfo[0]->pc) {
baseline = \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->linedefined
} else {
i = pc / 128 - 1
while (i + 1 < sizeabslineinfo && pc >= \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->abslineinfo[i + 1]->pc) {
basepc = \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->abslineinfo[i]->pc
baseline = \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->abslineinfo[i]->line
while (basepc++ < pc) {
baseline += \@cast(f, "Proto", "$lua_path")->lineinfo[basepc]
return baseline
function lua_getinfo(L, i_ci) {
ci = 0 /* CallInfo *ci */
f = 0 /* TValue *f */
cl = 0 /* Closure *cl */
ci = i_ci
f = s2v(\@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->func)
if ((\@cast(f, "TValue", "$lua_path")->tt_ & 0x3F) != 0x06) {
return ""
if (ttisclosure(f)) {
cl = clvalue(f)
str = ""
if ((cl == 0) || (\@cast(cl, "Closure", "$lua_path")->c->tt == makevariant(6, 2))) {
// c func
str = "=[C]"
} else {
p = \@cast(cl, "Closure", "$lua_path")->l->p
source = \@cast(p, "Proto", "$lua_path")->source
if (source) {
str = user_string(\@cast(source, "TString", "$lua_path")->contents)
} else {
str = "=?"
currentline = -1
if (ci && isLua(ci)) {
currentline = getcurrentline(ci)
if (currentline <= 0) {
return sprintf("%s:%d", str, -1)
} else {
return sprintf("%s:%d", str, currentline)
function lua_getstack(L, level) {
ci = \@cast(L, "lua_State", "$lua_path")->ci
base_ci = &\@cast(L, "lua_State", "$lua_path")->base_ci
for (; level > 0 && ci != base_ci; ci = \@cast(ci, "CallInfo", "$lua_path")->previous) {
if (level == 0 && ci != base_ci) { /* level found? */
return ci
return 0
function lastlevel(L) {
li = 1
le = 1
while (lua_getstack(L, le)) {
li = le
le *= 2
while (li < le) {
m = (li + le) / 2
if (lua_getstack(L, m))
li = m + 1
le = m
return le - 1
probe timer.profile {
my_pid = pid()
if ($condition) {
L = lua_states[my_pid]
if (L) {
stack = ""
level = 0
last = lastlevel(L)
limit2show = -1
if (last - level > 21)
limit2show = 10
while (1) {
i_ci = lua_getstack(L, level++)
if (i_ci == 0) {
if (limit2show-- == 0) {
n = last - level - 10
stack .= sprintf("skipping_levels:%d", n) . "\\n"
level += n
} else {
frame = lua_getinfo(L, i_ci)
stack .= frame . "\\n"
if (isTailCall(i_ci)) {
stack .= "tail_calls" . "\\n"
if (stack != "") {
bts[stack] <<< 1
if ($dump_src) {
print $stap_src;
my %so_files;
my $maps_file = "/proc/$pid/maps";
open my $in, $maps_file
or die "Cannot open $maps_file for reading: $!\n";
while (<$in>) {
if (/\s+(\/\S+\.so)$/) {
if (!exists $so_files{$1}) {
$so_files{$1} = 1;
close $in;
my $d_so_args;
if (%so_files) {
$d_so_args = join " ", map { "-d $_" } sort keys %so_files;
} else {
$d_so_args = '';
my $extra_args = '-x ' . $pid;
my $cmd = "stap --skip-badvars --all-modules -d '$skynet_path' --ldd $d_so_args $extra_args $stap_args -";
open my $in, "|$cmd"
or die "Cannot run stap: $!\n";
print $in $stap_src;
close $in;
sub usage {
return <<'_EOC_';
lua-bt [optoins]
-a <args> Pass extra arguments to the stap utility.
-d Dump out the systemtap script source.
-h Print this usage.
-l <count> Only output <count> most frenquent backtrace samples.
(Default to 1024)
-p <pid> Specify the nginx process pid.
-t <seconds> Specify the number of seconds for sampling.
lua-bt -p 12345 -t 10
lua-bt -p 12345 -t 5 -a '-DMAXACTION=100000'
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fanyh commented Dec 13, 2022

probe process("$lua_path").function("lua_pcall*").return {
    warn(sprintf("cost:%d", gettimeofday_us() - \@entry(gettimeofday_us()))) //通过return 直接获取调用的执行时间差
    str = lua_getinfo(\$L) //获取当前栈顶的地址来表示文件执行位置
    if ($condition) {

        lua_cost[str] = gettimeofday_us() - \@entry(gettimeofday_us())  

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