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Last active December 18, 2015 04:28
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Topics that we can discuss on chef internal


  1. Mixlib-shell out interface :: A portable , cross platform command execution module. How to use it with any arbitrary code, how chef interfaces with it (shellout, shellout! etc)

  2. Mixlib-Cli :: The awesome command line argument processor. How to use it with any arbitrary program , pitfalls associated with reusing classes that uses mixlib-cli

  3. A generic overview of the chef rest class (Chef::Rest) and main domain objects (Node, Role, ApiClient etc). How to access them from any arbitrary scripts (#load, #list . #search etc).

  4. Anatomy of a chef run (revisited with chef internal) :

    1. setup phase (logging setup, configuration setups, client registration, getting a node's runlist)
    2. cookbook syncing,
    3. building the node (running ohai, merging the attributes obtained from cookbooks)
    4. compile phase .. (building the extended run list, .. resource_collection)
    5. execution phase .. notifications resolution
    6. handlers execution (report/exception) & optional
  5. Digging deep inside a run context: what it holds, which all chef core components (e.g runner, provider etc) needs run context to function

  6. Digging deep inside a provider (we can talk about resource, but theres not moch).

  7. the notion of convergence, how why_run works, how to make a custom resource (may be lwrp) why_run compatible

  8. how the action_* works

  9. Knife plugin development

  10. how to write knife plugins that can be reused by other knife plugins? what are the pitfalls (Mixlib::Config gotchas). What to avoid, & other tricks (like dep loading, config settings etc).

  11. using ui object for messages, warning etc

  12. using ui.output & automagically support -Fj

  13. The events api: Chef has an awesome events api . it provides event hooks/callbacks to a wide set of states (like cookbook sync begin., chef run starts etc). A brief overview of what all events available and a small example on how to hook your logic against a particular event.

  14. Formatters. The formatter api , writing a custom formatter .

  15. Ohai .. extending ohai, pitfalls, apis etc.

  16. A brief overview of Mash , ChefFS, Mixlib::JSONCompat . Why these modules are used inside chef , instead of vanilla ruby alternatives? And why someone extending chef should use these components

  17. Debugging chef

  18. chef applications (chef-client, chef-solo etc) and -l debug option

  19. knife plugins and increasing verbosity (-VV)

  20. chef-shell

  21. using pry to debug chef run.

  22. rbtrace with chef

Code examples

  1. Configure chef from irb and run a search
  2. Enlist all the nodes
  3. Get a particular node and save an attribute in it.
  4. Use mixlib-shellout to tail a log and stream its output
  5. Manually create a run context , assign an individual package resource and invoke a chef run.
  6. Hook a custom call back against chef run start event
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miah commented Jun 6, 2013

I created an org to handle this stuff just after Chefconf. I just invited you to it. I think this list looks great. Would you be up for a hangout to discuss in more detail in the next few days?

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Probably need John Keiser to talk about ChefFS, I'm totally ignorant of how it works. But also note that it's not an alternative to File and friends, it's a thing that provides file/path type semantics on top of a chef repo or chef server.

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ranjib commented Jun 7, 2013

@miah sure .. let me know the timings
@danielsdeleo yeah the reason i included ChefFS , is we do lot of path manipulation (with relative paths) in context of data bag, cookbook and other chef domain objects. ChefFS provide a neat interface to handle those, like if someone wants create Chef object straight from filesystem, ChefFS has some api for those.

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