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Last active January 18, 2019 18:12
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Finger Tree - Liquid Haskell
{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--no-adt" @-}
{- LIQUID "--diff" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-}
module FingerTree where
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
{-@ measure digitSize @-}
digitSize :: Digit a -> Int
digitSize (One {}) = 1
digitSize (Two {}) = 2
digitSize (Three {}) = 3
digitSize (Four {}) = 4
data Digit a
= One a
| Two a a
| Three a a a
| Four a a a a
deriving (Show)
data Node a = Node2 {a2::a, b2::a} | Node3 {a3::a, b3::a, c3:: a}
deriving (Show)
data FingerTree a
= Empty
| Single a
| Deep (Digit a) (FingerTree (Node a)) (Digit a)
deriving Show
{-@ reflect fingerTreeSize @-}
fingerTreeSize :: FingerTree a -> Int
fingerTreeSize t = size to1 t
{-@ reflect size @-}
size :: (a -> Int) -> FingerTree a -> Int
size _ Empty = 0
size f (Single a) = f a
size f (Deep l m r) = digitS f l + size (nodeS f) m + digitS f r
{-@ reflect digitS @-}
digitS :: (a -> Int) -> Digit a -> Int
digitS f (One a) = f a
digitS f (Two a b) = f a + f b
digitS f (Three a b c) = f a + f b + f c
digitS f (Four a b c d) = f a + f b + f c + f d
{-@ reflect nodeS @-}
nodeS :: (a -> Int) -> Node a -> Int
nodeS f (Node2 a b) = f a + f b
nodeS f (Node3 a b c) = f a + f b + f c
{-@ reflect consts @-}
consts a b = a
{-@ reflect to1 @-}
to1 :: a -> Int
to1 _ = 1
{-@ n2Int1 :: a:Int -> b:Int -> {n:Node Int | nodeS to1 n == 2} @-}
n2Int1 :: Int -> Int -> Node Int
n2Int1 a b = Node2 a b
-- {-@ n2Int :: a:Int -> b:Int -> {f:(Int -> Int) | f a == 1 && f b == 1} -> {n:Node Int | nodeS f n == 2} @-}
-- n2Int :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Node Int
-- n2Int a b f = Node2 a b
{-@ measure isEmpty @-}
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty (Single _) = False
isEmpty Deep{} = False
{-@ singleton :: v:Int -> {ft:FingerTree Int | isEmpty ft} @-}
singleton :: Int -> FingerTree Int
singleton a = Empty
{-@ fromList :: xs:_ -> {t:_ | fingerTreeSize t == len xs} @-}
fromList :: [a] -> FingerTree a
fromList [] = Empty
fromList (x:xs) = add x (fromList xs)
{-@ infix <| @-}
-- | /O(1)/. Add an element to the left end of a sequence.
-- Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
{- (<|) :: a -> ft:FingerTree a -> {v : FingerTree a | fingerTreeSize v == fingerTreeSize ft + 1} @-}
{-@ reflect <| @-}
(<|) :: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
a <| Empty = Single a
a <| Single b = Deep (One a) Empty (One b)
a <| Deep (Four b c d e) m sf = {- m `seq` -} Deep (Two a b) (Node3 c d e <| m) sf
a <| Deep l m r = Deep (consDigit a l) m r
{-@ lem_add :: f:_ -> a:_ -> t:_ -> { size f (a <| t) == size f t + f a } @-}
lem_add :: (a -> Int) -> a -> FingerTree a -> ()
lem_add f _ Empty
= ()
lem_add f _ (Single {})
= ()
lem_add f a t@(Deep (Four b c d e) m sf)
= size f t + f a
=== digitS f (Four b c d e) + size (nodeS f) m + digitS f sf + f a
=== f a + f b + digitS f sf + f c + f d + f e + size (nodeS f) m
=== f a + f b + digitS f sf + nodeS f (Node3 c d e) + size (nodeS f) m
? lem_add (nodeS f) (Node3 c d e) m
=== f a + f b + digitS f sf + size (nodeS f) ((Node3 c d e) <| m)
=== size f (Deep (Two a b) ((Node3 c d e) <| m) sf)
=== size f (a <| (Deep (Four b c d e) m sf))
=== size f (a <| t)
*** QED
lem_add f a t@(Deep l m r)
= ()
{-@ thm_add :: a:_ -> t:_ -> { fingerTreeSize (a <| t) == 1 + fingerTreeSize t} @-}
thm_add :: a -> FingerTree a -> Proof -- FingerTree a
thm_add a t
= fingerTreeSize (a <| t)
=== size to1 (a <| t)
? lem_add to1 a t
=== size to1 t + to1 a
=== fingerTreeSize t + 1
*** QED
{-@ add :: a:_ -> t:_ -> { v: _ | fingerTreeSize v == 1 + fingerTreeSize t} @-}
add :: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
add a t = (a <| t) ? thm_add a t
{-@ measure isFour @-}
isFour :: Digit a -> Bool
isFour (Four {}) = True
isFour _ = False
{-@ reflect consDigit @-}
{-@ consDigit :: _ -> {d:_ | not (isFour d)} -> _ @-}
consDigit :: a -> Digit a -> Digit a
consDigit a (One b) = Two a b
consDigit a (Two b c) = Three a b c
consDigit a (Three b c d) = Four a b c d
{-@ ft1 :: {v:_ | fingerTreeSize v == 10} @-}
ft1 :: FingerTree Int
ft1 = fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
{-@ ten :: {v:_ | len v = 10} @-}
ten :: [Int]
ten = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
ft2 :: FingerTree Int
ft2 = fromList [1..20000]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "test"
print $ fingerTreeSize ft1 -- 10
print $ fingerTreeSize ft2 -- 20000
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