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Last active September 11, 2021 22:35
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Auc-ScanData.lua to JSON
-- JSON library and Auc-ScanData.lua should be in the same directory as this file.
JSON = (loadfile "JSON.lua")() --
data = load(loadfile "Auc-ScanData.lua")()
local itemKeys = {
LINK = 1, -- Used
ILEVEL = 2, -- Used
ITYPE = 3, -- Used
ISUB = 4, -- Used
IEQUIP = 5, -- Deleted
PRICE = 6, -- Used
TLEFT = 7, -- Used
TIME = 8, -- Used
NAME = 9, -- Used
TEXTURE = 10, -- Used
COUNT = 11, -- Used
QUALITY = 12, -- Used
CANUSE = 13, -- Deleted
ULEVEL = 14, -- Deleted
MINBID = 15, -- Used
MININC = 16, -- Deleted
BUYOUT = 17, -- Used
CURBID = 18, -- Used
AMHIGH = 19, -- Deleted
SELLER = 20, -- Used
FLAG = 21, -- Deleted
ID = 22, -- Deleted
ITEMID = 23, -- used
SUFFIX = 24, -- Used
FACTOR = 25, -- Deleted
ENCHANT = 26, -- Used
SEED = 27 -- Deleted
local AucMaxTimes = {
1800, -- 30 mins
7200, -- 2 hours
43200, -- 12 hours
172800 -- 48 hours
local AucMinTimes = {
1800, -- 30 mins
7200, -- 2 hours
43200, -- 12 hours
local result = {}
-- Ensure input ScanData is expected format
if AucScanData["Version"] ~= 1.3 then
io.write("Expected Auc-ScanData version 1.3, got version ",AucScanData["Version"],".\n")
for realmName,realmData in pairs(AucScanData["scans"]) do
result[realmName] = {}
for factionName,factionData in pairs(realmData) do
io.write("Parsing ",#factionData["ropes"]," ropes for ",realmName," - ",factionName,"\n")
result[realmName][factionName] = {scan={}}
for _,v in pairs(factionData["ropes"]) do
-- Execute string as code to get the value
local rope = load(v)()
-- Loop through every item and key the table by item link to de-duplicate
for _,itemData in pairs(rope) do
local itemKey = itemData[itemKeys.LINK]
if result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey] == nil then
-- Init metadata values
result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey] = {
-- Most of this data is duplicate information from item definitions, which we can look up using the id.
-- Only include enchant information if something is enchanted.
if itemData[itemKeys.ENCHANT] ~= 0 then
result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey].meta.enchant = itemData[itemKeys.ENCHANT]
-- Only include suffix information if it exists
if itemData[itemKeys.SUFFIX] ~= 0 then
result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey].meta.suffix = itemData[itemKeys.SUFFIX]
-- Unset the metadata values we already saved
itemData[itemKeys.ENCHANT] = nil
itemData[itemKeys.SUFFIX] = nil -- suffix id (random ench such as "of the X")
itemData[itemKeys.ITEMID] = nil -- item id
itemData[itemKeys.AMHIGH] = nil -- Current user is high-bidder boolean
itemData[itemKeys.TEXTURE] = nil -- item icon
itemData[itemKeys.NAME] = nil -- item name
itemData[itemKeys.IEQUIP] = nil -- CoreConst::EquipEncode constant
itemData[itemKeys.ISUB] = nil -- sub-category (ex: Leather)
itemData[itemKeys.ITYPE] = nil -- category (ex: Armor)
itemData[itemKeys.ILEVEL] = nil -- iLvl
itemData[itemKeys.LINK] = nil -- itemLink
itemData[itemKeys.QUALITY] = nil
itemData[itemKeys.FLAG] = nil -- Flags are only useful for the addon
itemData[itemKeys.CANUSE] = nil -- This is always = 1
itemData[itemKeys.ULEVEL] = nil -- We don't care about an item's level requirements to use
itemData[itemKeys.MININC] = nil -- Amount next bid must increase by. We can calculate this by doing: bid_next - bid_cur.
itemData[itemKeys.ID] = nil -- Internal incrementing identifier from last scan
itemData[itemKeys.FACTOR] = nil -- uniqueId in item string (typically a reference to who made it)
itemData[itemKeys.SEED] = nil -- Same value as above for some reason
itemData["ts"] = itemData[itemKeys.TIME]
itemData[itemKeys.TIME] = nil
itemData["seller"] = itemData[itemKeys.SELLER]
itemData[itemKeys.SELLER] = nil
-- Price bidding started at
itemData["bid_min"] = itemData[itemKeys.MINBID]
itemData[itemKeys.MINBID] = nil
-- Price to outbid the previous bid.
itemData["bid_next"] = itemData[itemKeys.PRICE]
itemData[itemKeys.PRICE] = nil
-- Last bid someone paid. 0 if nobody has bid.
itemData["bid_cur"] = itemData[itemKeys.CURBID]
itemData[itemKeys.CURBID] = nil
itemData["bo"] = itemData[itemKeys.BUYOUT]
itemData[itemKeys.BUYOUT] = nil
itemData["count"] = itemData[itemKeys.COUNT]
itemData[itemKeys.COUNT] = nil
itemData["max_ttl"] = AucMaxTimes[itemData[itemKeys.TLEFT]]
itemData["min_ttl"] = AucMinTimes[itemData[itemKeys.TLEFT]]
itemData[itemKeys.TLEFT] = nil
-- Push the formatted data to our scan records
local existingCount = #result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey]["scans"]
result[realmName][factionName]["scan"][itemKey]["scans"][existingCount+1] = itemData
-- Save to json file
--local jsonText = JSON:encode_pretty(result) -- For debugging. Doubles file size with whitespace.
local jsonText = JSON:encode(result)
local file ="Auc-ScanData.json", "w+")
print('File processed successfully')
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:10019:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Dreamweave Gloves]|h|r":{
"name":"Dreamweave Gloves"
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:10041:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Dreamweave Circlet]|h|r":{
"name":"Dreamweave Circlet"
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:10328:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Scarlet Chestpiece]|h|r":{
"name":"Scarlet Chestpiece"
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:12546:66:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Aristocratic Cuffs]|h|r":{
"name":"Aristocratic Cuffs"
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:10504:0:0:0:0:0:1052:0:80|h[Green Lens of the Whale]|h|r":{
"name":"Green Lens of the Whale",
"|cff0070dd|Hitem:14507:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Pattern: Mooncloth Shoulders]|h|r":{
"name":"Pattern: Mooncloth Shoulders"
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