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Created October 19, 2017 16:29
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Rum willReceiveProps-like substitute
(ns feels.ui-comp.home
[rum.core :as rum]
[citrus.core :as citrus]
[feels.ui-comp.emoji :as emoji]
(rum/defcs home <
(fn [{[r] :rum/args :as state}]
(let [feels-atom (citrus/subscription
r [:user-today-feels :feels])
mood-atom (atom
(or @feels-atom
(zipmap emoji/mood-vecs
(repeat (count emoji/mood-vecs) 0))
feels-atom ::set-today-feels-watch
(fn [_ _ feels-old feels-new]
(if (and (not feels-old) feels-new)
(reset! mood-atom feels-new))))
(-> state
(assoc ::mood mood-atom)
(assoc ::feels feels-atom)
[state r]
(let [loading?-atom (citrus/subscription
r [:user-today-feels :loading?])
{mood-atom ::mood
feels-atom ::feels
} state]
[mood-atom loading?-atom]
(fn [mood loading?]
{:mood mood :loading? loading?
(partial swap! mood-atom assoc)
(if (not (rum/react loading?-atom))
[:button {:onClick #(citrus/dispatch!
r :user-today-feels :set
} (if (rum/react feels-atom)
"update feels"
"set feels")])
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