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Forked from davingee/gist:2fa7be904d5182177adb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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# encoding: utf-8
namespace :db do
desc "Import DB Data"
namespace :import do
desc "Import production db to whatever 'ENV['to']' db is set to and s3 sync"
task :production => :environment do
## example rake db:import:production to=qa s3=true
## or no s3
## example rake db:import:production to=staging
## or default to developtment with no s3
## rake db:import:production
## this rake task will import production database to the development and sync s3 bucket
## will have to to use the s3 sync
## variables to set ##
ENV["to"] = "development" if ENV["to"].blank?
s3_sync_hash = {
development: "somethin-dev", # this supposed to be "something-dev" ???
staging: "something-stg",
production: "something-prod",
allowed_dbs_to_update = %w[development staging]
## variables to set ##
unless allowed_dbs_to_update.include?(ENV["to"])
# This should probably be:
# raise"please set to= to one of the following #{allowed_dbs_to_update}")
puts "please set to= to one of the following #{allowed_dbs_to_update}"
yaml_file = YAML::load("#{Rails.root}/config/database.yml"))
production_config = yaml_file[ "production" ].with_indifferent_access
to_config = yaml_file[ ENV['to'] ].with_indifferent_access
# dump production db to dev_data/#{to_config[:database]}.sql
system("mysqldump -u #{production_config[:username]} --password=#{production_config[:password]} -h #{production_config[:host]} #{production_config[:database]} --single-transaction > tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql")
puts "Wrote #{production_config[:database]} db to tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql"
# drop and create the #{to_config[:database]}
client = => to_config[:host], :username => to_config[:username], :password => to_config[:password])
client.query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{to_config[:database]}")
client.query("CREATE DATABASE #{to_config[:database]}")
puts "Dropped and re-created #{to_config[:database]}"
# inject dropped sql into #{to_config[:database]}
if to_config[:password].blank?
system("mysql -u#{to_config[:username]} -h #{to_config[:host]} #{to_config[:database]} < tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql")
system("mysql -u#{to_config[:username]} -p#{to_config[:password]} -h #{to_config[:host]} #{to_config[:database]} < tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql")
puts "Injected tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql into #{to_config[:database]}"
# remove #{to_config[:database]}.sql
system("rm tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql")
puts "removed tmp/#{to_config[:database]}.sql"
# sync production s3 to ENV['to'] if ENV["s3"] == "true"
if ENV['s3'] == "true"
system("s3cmd sync --delete-removed --acl-public s3://#{s3_sync_hash["production"]} s3://#{s3_sync_hash[ENV["to"]]} ")
puts "synced s3 bucket #{s3_sync_hash["production"]} with #{s3_sync_hash[ENV["to"]]}"
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