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Last active December 16, 2015 14:58
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  • Save ranyefet/5452050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ranyefet/5452050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This file injects all on Page uiConf based javascript and configuration and loader.
* it requires a partner_id and a uiconf_id
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../KalturaCommon.php' );
$wgMwEmbedApiServices['uiconfJs'] = 'mweApiUiConfJs';
// should extend a base mwApiService class
// TODO split into two services "pageResources" and "userAgentPlayerRules"
class mweApiUiConfJs {
var $resultObject = null;
var $preLoaderMode = false;
var $jsConfigCheckDone = false;
var $lastFileModTime = 0;
function __construct() {
global $container;
$this->request = $container['request_helper'];
$this->utility = $container['utility_helper'];
function run(){
global $wgEnableScriptDebug;
$o = "/* kaltura uiConfJS loader */\n";
// get the checkUserAgentPlayerRules call if present in plugins
$o.= $this->getUserAgentPlayerRules();
// Get on page javascript:
$o.= $this->getPluginPageJs();
// add any on-page javascript
// check if we should minify:
if( !$wgEnableScriptDebug ){
// ob_gzhandler automatically checks for browser gzip support and gzips
if(!ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) ob_start();
// output the cached min version:
$this->outputMinfiedCached( $o );
} else {
echo $o;
function outputMinfiedCached( $jsContent ){
global $wgScriptCacheDirectory, $wgMwEmbedVersion, $wgBaseMwEmbedPath, $wgResourceLoaderMinifierStatementsOnOwnLine;
// Get the JSmin class:
require_once( $wgBaseMwEmbedPath . '/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifier.php' );
// Create cache directory if not exists
if( ! file_exists( $wgScriptCacheDirectory ) ) {
$created = @mkdir( $wgScriptCacheDirectory );
if( ! $created ) {
echo "if( console ){ console.log('Error in creating cache directory: ". $wgScriptCacheDirectory . "'); }";
$loaderCacheFile = $wgScriptCacheDirectory . '/uiConfJs-' . $wgMwEmbedVersion . '-' . $this->getKey() . '.js';
$cacheModTime = @filemtime( $loaderCacheFile );
// check if there were any updates to the mwEmbedLoader file
if( is_file( $loaderCacheFile ) && $this->lastFileModTime < $cacheModTime ){
echo file_get_contents( $loaderCacheFile );
} else {
$jsMinContent = JavaScriptMinifier::minify( $jsContent, $wgResourceLoaderMinifierStatementsOnOwnLine );
if( !@file_put_contents( $loaderCacheFile, $jsMinContent ) ){
echo "if( console ){ console.log('Error in creating loader cache: ". $wgScriptCacheDirectory . "'); }";
echo $jsMinContent;
function getKey(){
$key = $this->request->getWidgetId() . '-' . $this->request->getUiConfId();
$flashVars = '';
$flashVarsArr = $this->request->getFlashVars();
if( is_array($flashVarsArr) ) {
foreach($flashVarsArr as $fvKey=>$fvVal) {
if( $fvKey == 'swid' )
$flashVars .= $fvKey . '=' . $fvVal;
return $key . '-' . md5( $flashVars );
function resolvePath( $path ){
global $wgKalturaPSHtml5SettingsPath, $wgBaseMwEmbedPath;
if( strpos( $path, '{onPagePluginPath}' ) !== 0
strpos( $path, '{html5ps}' ) !== 0
return $path;
if( strpos( $path, '{onPagePluginPath}' ) === 0 ){
$path = str_replace( '{onPagePluginPath}', '', $path);
$fullPath = $wgBaseMwEmbedPath . '/kWidget/onPagePlugins' . $path;
return $fullPath;
if( strpos( $path, '{html5ps}' ) === 0 ){
$basePsPath = realpath( dirname( $wgKalturaPSHtml5SettingsPath ) . '/../ps/' );
return realpath( str_replace('{html5ps}', $basePsPath, $path) );
return $path;
* outputs
function getPluginPageJs( $callbackJsName = null ){
global $wgEnableScriptDebug, $wgBaseMwEmbedPath;
// flag for requires jQuery
$requiresJQuery = false;
// inti script output
$o = '';
// Get all the "plugins"
$scriptSet = array();
$cssSet = array();
// TODO check for all local paths and wrap with script loader url
$playerConfig = $this->getResultObject()->getPlayerConfig();
foreach( $playerConfig['plugins'] as $pluginName => $plugin){
foreach( $plugin as $pluginAttr => $pluginAttrValue ){
if( strpos( $pluginAttr, 'onPageJs' ) === 0 ){
$scriptSet[] = $pluginAttrValue;
if( strpos( $pluginAttr, 'onPageCss' ) === 0 ){
$cssSet[] = $pluginAttrValue;
if( $pluginAttr == 'requiresJQuery' ){
$requiresJQuery = true;
foreach( $playerConfig['vars'] as $varName => $varValue){
// check for vars based plugin config:
if( strpos( $varName, 'onPageJs' ) === 0 ){
$scriptSet[] = $varValue;
if( strpos( $varName, 'onPageCss' ) === 0 ){
$cssSet[] = $varValue;
// css does not need any special handling either way:
// TODO package in css resources
foreach( $cssSet as $cssFile ){
$o.='kWidget.appendCssUrl(\'' . $this->getExternalResourceUrl( $cssFile ) . "');\n";
// if not in debug mode include all as urls directly:
if( !$wgEnableScriptDebug ){
// Output the js directly ( if possible ) to be minified and gziped above )
foreach( $scriptSet as $inx => $filePath ){
$fullPath = $this->resolvePath( $filePath );
// don't allow directory traversing:
if( strpos( realpath( $fullPath ), realpath( $wgBaseMwEmbedPath ) ) !== 0 ){
// error attempted directory traversal:
if( substr( $filePath, -2 ) !== 'js' ){
// error attempting to load a non-js file
// Check that the file exists:
if( is_file( $fullPath ) ){
$o.= file_get_contents( $fullPath ) . "\n\n";
if( filemtime( $fullPath ) > $this->lastFileModTime ){
$this->lastFileModTime = filemtime( $fullPath );
unset( $scriptSet[ $inx] );
// output the remaining assets via appendScriptUrls
$o.= "\n" . 'kWidget.appendScriptUrls( [';
$coma = '';
foreach( $scriptSet as $script ){
$o.= $coma . '"' . $this->getExternalResourceUrl( $script ) . "\"\n";
$coma =',';
// setup the callback js if need be
$cbjs = '';
if( $callbackJsName != null || isset( $_REQUEST['callback'] ) ){
$callback = ( $callbackJsName != null )? $callbackJsName : htmlspecialchars( $_REQUEST['callback'] );
$cbjs = 'window.' . $callback .'();';
$o.='], function(){' . "\n" . $cbjs . "\n". '})';
// check if we need jQuery wrap all the output in a conditional include ( if its not already on the page )
if( $requiresJQuery ){
$o = "kWidget.jQueryLoadCheck( function(){ \n" . $o . "\n});";
return $o;
function getExternalResourceUrl( $url ){
global $wgEnableScriptDebug, $wgBaseMwEmbedPath, $wgResourceLoaderUrl, $wgHTML5PsWebPath;
// Check for local path flag:
if( strpos( $url, '{onPagePluginPath}' ) === 0 ){
$url = str_replace( '{onPagePluginPath}', '', $url);
// Check that the file exists:
if( is_file( $wgBaseMwEmbedPath . '/kWidget/onPagePlugins' . $url ) ){
$url = str_replace('load.php', 'kWidget/onPagePlugins', $wgResourceLoaderUrl) . $url;
// check for {html5ps} local path flag:
if( strpos( $url, '{html5ps}' ) === 0 ){
$url = str_replace( '{html5ps}', $wgHTML5PsWebPath, $url);
// Append time if in debug mode
if( $wgEnableScriptDebug ){
$url.= ( strpos( $url, '?' ) === false )? '?':'&';
$url.= time();
return $url;
* Outputs the user agent playing rules if present in uiConf
function getUserAgentPlayerRules(){
$o = '';
// Do an xml query for the plugin
$userAgentPlayerRules = $this->getResultObject()->getPlayerConfig( 'userAgentPlayerRules' );
if( count( $userAgentPlayerRules ) ) {
$rulesObject = array(
'rules' => array(),
'actions' => array()
foreach( $userAgentPlayerRules as $key => $val ){
// Check for special keys:
if( $key == 'disableForceMobileHTML5' && $val =='true' ){
$o .= $this->getJsConfigLine( 'disableForceMobileHTML5', 'true');
// Check for blanket "leadWithHTML5" attribute
if( $key == 'leadWithHTML5' && $val == 'true' ){
// TODO we don't exactly want "forceMobileHTML5" we want "leadWithHTML5",
// use flash if no native html5 support
$o .= $this->getJsConfigLine( 'forceMobileHTML5', 'true' );
// Parse the rule index and type:
preg_match( '/r([0-9]+)(.*)/', $key, $matches );
if( count( $matches ) ){
if( $matches[2] == 'Match' || $matches[2] == 'RegMatch' ){
$rule = array();
$rule[ lcfirst( $matches[2] ) ] = (string)$val;
$rulesObject[ 'rules' ][ $matches[1] ] = $rule;
} else if( $matches[2] == 'LeadWithHTML5' || $matches[2] == 'ForceFlash'
|| $matches[2] == 'ForceMsg'
// true
$rulesObject[ 'actions' ] [ $matches[1] ] = array(
'mode' => lcfirst( $matches[2] ),
'val' => (string)$val
$o.= 'kWidget.userAgentPlayerRules[\'' . $this->getResultObject()->request->getUiConfId() . '\'] = ' . json_encode( $rulesObject );
return $o;
// allows for the script to support being called directly or via pre-loader that includes uiConf info
function getJsConfigLine( $configName, $value ){
if( $this->preLoaderMode ){
if( ! $this->jsConfigCheckDone){
$o='if( ! window[\'preMwEmbedConfig\'] ) { window.preMwEmbedConfig = {}; };';
$this->jsConfigCheckDone = true;
return $o . 'window.preMwEmbedConfig[\'' . htmlspecialchars( $configName ) . '\'] = ' . $value . ';' . "\n";
} else {
return 'mw.setConfig(\'' . htmlspecialchars( $configName ) . '\', ' . $value . ');' . "\n";
* The result object grabber, caches a local result object for easy access
* to result object properties.
function getResultObject(){
global $container;
if( ! $this->resultObject ){
// Init a new result object with the client tag:
$this->resultObject = $container['uiconf_result'];
} catch ( Exception $e ){
$this->fatalError( $e->getMessage() );
return $this->resultObject;
// report nothing on failure
function fatalError( $error ){
die( '/* Error: ' . $error . ' */' );
function sendHeaders(){
global $wgKalturaUiConfCacheTime, $wgEnableScriptDebug, $wgKalturaForceResultCache;
// Set content type to javascript:
header("Content-type: text/javascript");
// UiConf js should always send expire headers:
$useCacheHeaders = !$wgEnableScriptDebug;
if( $wgKalturaForceResultCache === true){
$useCacheHeaders = true;
// Set relevent expire headers:
if( $useCacheHeaders ){
$time = time();
header( 'Pragma: public' );
// Cache for $wgKalturaUiConfCacheTime
header( "Cache-Control: public, max-age=$wgKalturaUiConfCacheTime, max-stale=0");
header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", $time) . "GMT");
header( "Expires: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", $time + $wgKalturaUiConfCacheTime ) . " GM" );
} else {
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
// lcfirst does not exist in old php
if ( false === function_exists('lcfirst') ):
function lcfirst( $str )
{ return (string)(strtolower(substr($str,0,1)).substr($str,1));}
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