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Last active October 1, 2020 13:41
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Save ranyefet/5542398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* KWidget static object.
* Will eventually host all the loader logic.
// Use strict ECMAScript 5
"use strict";
// Flag to avoid double setup
if( window.kWidget ){
// possible double include of kWidget ( don't redefine )
window.kWidget.log( "Error: please only include Kaltura HTML5 library once");
return ;
var kWidget = {
// Stores widgets that are ready:
readyWidgets: {},
// First ready callback issued
readyCallbacks: [],
* The master kWidget setup function setups up bindings for rewrites and
* proxy of jsCallbackReady
* MUST BE CALLED AFTER all of the mwEmbedLoader.php includes.
setup: function(){
var _this = this;
* Check the kWidget for environment settings and set appropriate flags
* Override flash methods, like swfObject, flashembed etc.
* NOTE for this override to work it your flash embed library must be included before mwEmbed
* Method call to proxy the jsCallbackReady
* We try to proxy both at include time and at domReady time
this.domReady( function(){
* Call the object tag rewrite, which will rewrite on-page object tags
this.domReady( function(){
* Checks the onPage environment context and sets appropriate flags.
// Note forceMobileHTML5 url flag be disabled by uiConf on the iframe side of the player
// with:
if( document.URL.indexOf('forceMobileHTML5') !== -1 &&
! mw.getConfig( 'disableForceMobileHTML5'))
mw.setConfig( 'forceMobileHTML5', true );
// TODO deprecate in 1.7 where we don't have client side api.
if( window.jQuery && !mw.versionIsAtLeast( '1.3.2', jQuery.fn.jquery ) ){
kWidget.log( 'Kaltura HTML5 works best with jQuery 1.3.2 or above' );
mw.setConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableIframeApi', false );
// Set iframe config if in the client page, will be passed to the iframe along with other config
if( ! mw.getConfig('EmbedPlayer.IsIframeServer') ){
mw.setConfig('EmbedPlayer.IframeParentUrl', document.URL );
mw.setConfig('EmbedPlayer.IframeParentTitle', document.title);
mw.setConfig('EmbedPlayer.IframeParentReferrer', document.referrer);
// Fix for iOS not rendering iframe correctly when moving back/forward
if ((/iphone|ipod|ipad.*os 5/gi).test(navigator.appVersion)) {
window.onpageshow = function(evt) {
// If persisted then it is in the page cache, force a reload of the page.
if (evt.persisted) { = "none";
* Checks for the existence of jsReadyCallback and stores it locally.
* all ready calls then are wrapped by the kWidget jsCallBackready function.
proxiedJsCallback: null,
waitForLibraryChecks: true,
jsReadyCalledForIds: [],
proxyJsCallbackready: function(){
var _this = this;
// Check if we have not proxy yet and we have readyCallbacks
if( ! this.proxiedJsCallback &&
( window['jsCallbackReady'] || this.readyCallbacks.length )){
// Setup a proxied ready function:
this.proxiedJsCallback = window['jsCallbackReady'] || true;
// Override the actual jsCallbackReady
window['jsCallbackReady'] = function( widgetId ){
// check if we need to wait.
if( _this.waitForLibraryChecks ){
// wait for library checks
_this.jsReadyCalledForIds.push( widgetId );
return ;
// else we can call the jsReadyCallback directly:
_this.jsCallbackReady( widgetId );
* The kWidget proxied jsCallbackReady
* @param {string} widgetId The id of the widget that is ready
jsCallbackReady: function( widgetId ){
// Check for proxyed jsReadyCallback:
if( typeof this.proxiedJsCallback == 'function' ){
this.proxiedJsCallback( widgetId );
// Issue the callback for all readyCallbacks
for( var i = 0; i < this.readyCallbacks.length; i++ ){
this.readyCallbacks[i]( widgetId );
this.readyWidgets[ widgetId ] = true;
* Function to flag player mode checks.
playerModeChecksDone: function(){
// no need to wait for library checks any longer:
this.waitForLibraryChecks = false;
// call any callbacks in the queue:
for( var i=0;i < this.jsReadyCalledForIds.length; i++ ){
var widgetId = this.jsReadyCalledForIds[i];
this.jsCallbackReady( widgetId );
// empty out the ready callback queue
this.jsReadyCalledForIds = [];
* The base embed method
* @param targetId {String} Optional targetID string ( if not included, you must include in json)
* @param settings {Object} Object of settings to be used in embeding.
embed: function( targetId, settings ){
var _this = this;
// Supports passing settings object as the first parameter
if( typeof targetId === 'object' ) {
settings = targetId;
if( ! settings.targetId ) {
console.log('Error: Missing target element Id');
targetId = settings.targetId;
if( settings.readyCallback ){
// Only add the ready callback for the current targetId being rewritten.
this.addReadyCallback( function( videoId ){
if( targetId == videoId ){
settings.readyCallback( videoId );
// Be sure to proxy JsCallbackready callback in dynamic embed call situations:
// Empty the replace target:
var elm = document.getElementById( targetId );
if( ! elm ){
return false; // No target found ( probably already done )
try {
elm.innerHTML = '';
} catch ( e ){
// could not clear inner html
// Don't rewrite special key kaltura_player_iframe_no_rewrite
if( elm.getAttribute('name') == 'kaltura_player_iframe_no_rewrite' ){
return ;
var uiconf_id = settings.uiconf_id;
settings.isHTML5 = this.isUiConfIdHTML5( uiconf_id )
var doEmbedAction = function(){
// Evaluate per user agent rules for actions
if( uiconf_id && window.kUserAgentPlayerRules && kUserAgentPlayerRules[ uiconf_id ] ){
var playerAction = window.checkUserAgentPlayerRules( kUserAgentPlayerRules[ uiconf_id ] );
// Default play mode, if here and really using flash remap:
switch( playerAction.mode ){
case 'flash':
if( !_this.isHTML5FallForward() && elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'object'){
// do do anything if we are already trying to rewrite an object tag
return ;
case 'forceMsg':
var msg = playerAction.val;
// write out a message:
if( elm && elm.parentNode ){
var divTarget = document.createElement("div");
divTarget.innerHTML = unescape( msg );
elm.parentNode.replaceChild( divTarget, elm );
// Check if we are dealing with an html5 player or flash player or direct download
// TODO: We may want to always load the iframe and handle the fallback there
if( ! _this.supportsFlash() && ! _this.supportsHTML5() && ! mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ForceFlashOnDesktop' ) ) {
_this.outputDirectDownload( targetId, settings );
return ;
if( settings.isHTML5 ){
_this.outputHTML5Iframe( targetId, settings );
} else {
_this.outputFlashObject( targetId, settings );
// load any onPage scripts if needed:
// create a player list for missing uiconf check:
var playerList = [ {'kEmbedSettings' : settings }];
if( this.isMissingUiConfJs( playerList) ){
// Load uiConfJS then call embed action
this.loadUiConfJs( playerList, function(){
} else {
// directly do the embed action
* Embeds the player from a set of on page objects with kEmbedSettings properties
* @param {object} rewriteObjects set of in page object tags to be rewritten
embedFromObjects: function( rewriteObjects ){
for( var i=0; i < rewriteObjects.length; i++ ){
var settings = rewriteObjects[i].kEmbedSettings;
settings.width = rewriteObjects[i].width;
settings.height = rewriteObjects[i].height;
this.embed( rewriteObjects[i].id, rewriteObjects[i].kEmbedSettings );
* Outputs a flash object into the page
* @param {string} targetId target container for iframe
* @param {object} settings object used to build iframe settings
outputFlashObject: function( targetId, settings ) {
var elm = document.getElementById( targetId );
if( !elm && !elm.parentNode ){
kWidget.log( "Error embed target missing" );
return ;
// only generate a swf source if not defined.
if( !settings.src ){
var swfUrl = mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ServiceUrl' ) + '/index.php/kwidget'+
'/wid/' + settings.wid +
'/uiconf_id/' + settings.uiconf_id;
if( settings.entry_id ){
swfUrl+= '/entry_id/' + settings.entry_id;
if( settings.cache_st ){
swfUrl+= '/cache_st/' + settings.cache_st;
settings['src'] = swfUrl;
settings['id'] =;
// update the container id:
elm.setAttribute( 'id', + '_container' );
// Output a normal flash object tag:
var spanTarget = document.createElement("span");
var pId = ( )? :
// Get height/width embedSettings, attribute, style ( percentage or px ), or default 400x300
var width = ( settings.width ) ? settings.width :
( elm.width ) ? elm.width :
( ) ? : 400;
var height = ( settings.height ) ? settings.height :
( elm.height ) ? elm.height :
( ) ? : 300;
// make sure flashvars are init:
if( ! settings.flashvars ){
settings.flashvars = {};
// Set our special callback flashvar:
if( settings.flashvars['jsCallbackReadyFunc'] ){
kWidget.log("Error: Setting jsCallbackReadyFunc is not compatible with kWidget embed");
var flashvarValue = this.flashVarsToString( settings.flashvars );
// we may have to borrow more from:
// There seems to be issue with passing all the flashvars in playlist context.
var defaultParamSet = {
'allowFullScreen': 'true',
'allowNetworking': 'all',
'allowScriptAccess': 'always',
'bgcolor': '#000000'
var output = '<object width="' + width +
'" height="' + height +
'" style="width:' + width + 'px;height:' + height + 'px;' +
'" id="' + targetId +
'" name="' + targetId + '"';
output += ' data="' + settings['src'] + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"';
if( window.ActiveXObject ){
output += ' classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"';
output += '>';
output += '<param name="movie" value="' + settings['src'] + '" />';
output += '<param name="flashvars" value="' + flashvarValue + '" />';
for (var key in defaultParamSet) {
if (defaultParamSet[key]) {
output += '<param name="'+ key +'" value="'+ defaultParamSet[key] +'" />';
output += "</object>";
// Use local function to output contents to work around some browser bugs
var outputElemnt = function(){
// update the target:
elm.parentNode.replaceChild( spanTarget, elm );
spanTarget.innerHTML = output;
// XXX firefox with firebug enabled locks up the browser
// detect firebug:
if ( window.console && ( window.console.firebug || window.console.exception ) ) {
console.log( 'Warning firebug + firefox and dynamic flash kdp embed causes lockups in firefox' +
', ( delaying embed )');
this.domReady( function(){
}, 2000);
} else {
// IE needs to wait till dom ready
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ){
setTimeout(function(){ // MSIE fires DOM ready early sometimes
} else {
* Output an html5 iframe player, once the html5 library is loaded
* @param {string} targetId target container for iframe
* @param {object} settings object used to build iframe settings
outputHTML5Iframe: function( targetId, settings ) {
var elm = document.getElementById( targetId );
// Check for html with api off:
if( !mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableIframeApi') ){
this.outputIframeWithoutApi( targetId, settings );
return ;
// Output HTML5 IFrame with API
this.loadHTML5Lib( function(){
var width = ( settings.width ) ? settings.width :
$( elm ).width() ? $( elm ).width() : 400;
var height = ( settings.height ) ? settings.height :
$( elm ).height() ? $( elm ).height() : 300;
var sizeUnit = (typeof width == 'string' && width.indexOf("px") === -1 && width.indexOf("%") === -1 ) ? 'px' : '';
var targetCss = {
'width': width + sizeUnit,
'height': height + sizeUnit
var additionalTargetCss = kWidget.getAdditionalTargetCss();
$.extend( targetCss, additionalTargetCss );
$('#' + targetId ).css( targetCss );
// Do kaltura iframe player
$('#' + targetId ).kalturaIframePlayer( settings );
* Output an iframe without api. ( should rarely be used, this dissabe on page javascript api,
* as well as native fullscreen on browsers that support it.
* @param {string} replaceTargetId target container for iframe
* @param {object} kEmbedSettings object used to build iframe settings
outputIframeWithoutApi: function( targetId, settings ) {
var iframeSrc = SCRIPT_LOADER_URL.replace( 'ResourceLoader.php', 'mwEmbedFrame.php' );
iframeSrc += '?' + this.embedSettingsToUrl( settings );
// If remote service is enabled pass along service arguments:
if( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.AllowIframeRemoteService' ) &&
mw.getConfig("Kaltura.ServiceUrl").indexOf('') === -1 &&
mw.getConfig("Kaltura.ServiceUrl").indexOf('') === -1
iframeSrc += kServiceConfigToUrl();
// add the forceMobileHTML5 to the iframe if present on the client:
if( mw.getConfig( 'forceMobileHTML5' ) ){
iframeSrc += '&forceMobileHTML5=true';
if( mw.getConfig('debug') ){
iframeSrc += '&debug=true';
// Also append the script version to purge the cdn cache for iframe:
iframeSrc += '&urid=' + KALTURA_LOADER_VERSION;
var targetNode = document.getElementById( targetId );
var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = iframeSrc; = targetId;
iframe.width = (settings.width) ? settings.width.replace(/px/, '' ) : '100%';
iframe.height = (settings.height) ? settings.height.replace(/px/, '' ) : '100%'; = '0px'; = 'hidden';
parentNode.replaceChild( iframe, targetNode );
* Outputs a direct download link
* TODO replace with image link player for most limited device profiles
* @param {string} replaceTargetId target container for direct download
* @param {object} settings object used to build download link
outputDirectDownload: function( replaceTargetId, settings ) {
// Empty the replace target:
var targetNode = document.getElementById( replaceTargetId );
if( ! targetNode ){
kWidget.log( "Error could not find object target: " + replaceTargetId );
// remove all object children
// use try/catch to fix ie issue
try {
targetNode.innerHTML = '';
} catch (e) {
//while ( targetNode.hasChildNodes() ) {
// targetNode.removeChild( targetNode.lastChild );
options = {};
// look some other places for sizes:
if( !options.width && settings.width )
options.width = settings.width;
if( !options.height && settings.height )
options.height = settings.height;
if( !options.width && )
options.width =;
if( !options.height && )
options.height =;
if( !options.height )
options.height = 300;
if( !options.width )
options.width = 400;
// TODO: Add playEventUrl for stats
var baseUrl = SCRIPT_LOADER_URL.replace( 'ResourceLoader.php', '' );
var downloadUrl = baseUrl + 'modules/KalturaSupport/download.php/wid/' + settings.wid;
// Also add the uiconf id to the url:
if( settings.uiconf_id ){
downloadUrl += '/uiconf_id/' + settings.uiconf_id;
if( settings.entry_id ) {
downloadUrl += '/entry_id/'+ settings.entry_id;
var thumbSrc = this.getKalturaThumbUrl({
'entry_id' : settings.entry_id,
'partner_id' : settings.p,
'width' : parseInt( options.width),
'height' : parseInt( options.height)
var playButtonUrl = baseUrl + 'skins/common/images/player_big_play_button.png';
var playButtonCss = 'background: url(\'' + playButtonUrl + '\'); width: 70px; height: 53px; position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin: -26px 0 0 -35px;';
var ddId = 'dd_' + Math.round( Math.random() * 1000 );
var ddHTML = '<div id="' + ddId + '" style="width: ' + options.width + ';height:' + options.height + ';position:relative">' +
'<img style="width:100%;height:100%" src="' + thumbSrc + '" >' +
'<a href="' + downloadUrl + '" target="_blank" style="' + playButtonCss + '"></a>' +
var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;
var div = document.createElement('div'); = options.width + 'px'; = options.height + 'px';
div.innerHTML = ddHTML;
parentNode.replaceChild( div, targetNode );
// if failed, try appending after the node:
if( ! document.getElementById( ddId ) ){
parentNode.insertBefore( div, targetNode );
* Adds a ready callback to be called once the kdp or html5 player is ready
* @param {function} readyCallback called once a player or widget is ready on the page
addReadyCallback: function( readyCallback ){
// Issue the ready callback for any existing ready widgets:
for( var widgetId in this.readyWidgets ){
// Make sure the widget is not already ready and is still in the dom:
if( document.getElementById( widgetId ) ){
readyCallback( widgetId );
// Add the callback to the readyCallbacks array for any other players that become ready
this.readyCallbacks.push( readyCallback );
* Search the DOM for Object tags and rewrite them if they should be rewritten.
* rewrite rules include:
* - userAgentRules -- may result in loading uiConf rewrite rules
* - forceMobileHTML5 -- a url flag to force HTML5 for testing, can be dissabled on iframe side,
* per uiConf vars
* - ForceFlashOnDesktop -- forces flash for desktop browsers.
rewriteObjectTags: function() {
// get the list of object tags to be rewritten:
var playerList = this.getKalutaObjectList();
var _this = this;
// Check if we need to load UiConf JS
if( this.isMissingUiConfJs( playerList ) ){
// Load uiConfJS then re call the rewriteObjectTags method:
this.loadUiConfJs( playerList, function(){
return ;
* If Kaltura.AllowIframeRemoteService is not enabled force in page rewrite:
var serviceUrl = mw.getConfig('Kaltura.ServiceUrl');
if( ! mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.AllowIframeRemoteService' ) ) {
if( ! serviceUrl || serviceUrl.indexOf( '' ) === -1 ){
// if not hosted on kaltura for now we can't use the iframe to load the player
mw.setConfig( 'Kaltura.IframeRewrite', false );
mw.setConfig( 'Kaltura.UseManifestUrls', false);
// If user javascript is using mw.ready add script
if( window.preMwEmbedReady.length ) {
return ;
if( ! mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ForceFlashOnDesktop' )
( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.LoadScriptForVideoTags' ) && this.pageHasAudioOrVideoTags() )
return ;
// If document includes kaltura embed tags && isMobile safari:
if ( this.isHTML5FallForward()
) {
// Check for Kaltura objects in the page
return ;
// Check if no flash and no html5 and no forceFlash ( direct download link )
// for debug purpose:
if( ! this.supportsFlash() && ! this.supportsHTML5() && ! mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ForceFlashOnDesktop' ) ){
this.embedFromObjects( playerList );
return ;
// Global instance of uiConf ids and assoicated script loaded state
uiConfScriptLoadList: {},
* Check if any player is missing uiConf javascript:
* @param {object} playerList List of players to check for missing uiConf js
isMissingUiConfJs: function( playerList ){
// Check if we need to load uiConfJs
if( playerList.length == 0 ||
! mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.EnableEmbedUiConfJs' ) ||
mw.getConfig('EmbedPlayer.IsIframeServer') )
return false;
for( var i =0; i < playerList.length; i++ ){
var settings = playerList[i].kEmbedSettings;
if( ! this.uiConfScriptLoadList[ settings.uiconf_id ] ){
return true;
return false;
* Loads the uiConf js for a given playerList
* @param {object} playerList list of players to check for uiConf js
* @param {function} callback, called once all uiConf service calls have been made
loadUiConfJs: function( playerList, callback ){
var _this = this;
// We have not yet loaded uiConfJS... load it for each ui_conf id
var baseUiConfJsUrl = SCRIPT_LOADER_URL.replace( 'ResourceLoader.php', 'services.php?service=uiconfJs');
if( !this.isMissingUiConfJs( playerList ) ){
// called with empty request set:
return ;
for( var i=0;i < playerList.length; i++){
// Create a local scope for the current uiconf_id:
(function( settings ){
var newSettings = settings;
if( newSettings.flashvars && newSettings.flashvars.swid ) {
delete newSettings.flashvars.swid;
if( _this.uiConfScriptLoadList[ settings.uiconf_id ] ){
// player ui conf js is already loaded skip:
return ;
_this.uiConfScriptLoadList[ settings.uiconf_id ] = true;
_this.appendScriptUrl( baseUiConfJsUrl + _this.embedSettingsToUrl( settings ), function(){
// see if this the last uiConf missing conf js
if( ! _this.isMissingUiConfJs( playerList ) ){
} else {
// still missing uiConf for some entry assume we will load for them
})( playerList[i].kEmbedSettings );
* Write log message to the console
* TODO support log levels:
log: function( msg ) {
if( typeof console != 'undefined' && console.log ) {
console.log( msg );
* If the current player supports html5:
* @return {boolean} true or false if HTML5 video tag is supported
supportsHTML5: function(){
var dummyvid = document.createElement( "video" );
// Blackberry does not really support html5
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('BlackBerry') != -1 ){
return false;
// IE9 is grade B HTML5 support only invoke it if forceMobileHTML5 is true,
// but for normal tests we categorize it as ~not~ supporting html5 video.
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE 9.' ) != -1 ){
return false;
if( dummyvid.canPlayType ) {
return true;
return false;
* If the browser supports flash
* @return {boolean} true or false if flash > 10 is supported.
supportsFlash: function() {
var version = this.getFlashVersion().split(',').shift();
if( version < 10 ){
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Checks for flash version
* @return {string} flash version string
getFlashVersion: function() {
// navigator browsers:
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) {
try {
return (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]).description.replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
} catch(e) {}
// IE
try {
try {
if( typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined' ){
// avoid fp6 minor version lookup issues
// see:
var axo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6');
try {
axo.AllowScriptAccess = 'always';
} catch(e) {
return '6,0,0';
} catch(e) {}
return new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version').replace(/\D+/g, ',').match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
} catch(e) {}
return '0,0,0';
* Checks for iOS devices
isIOS: function() {
return ( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') != -1) ||
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1) );
* Checks if a given uiconf_id is html5 or not
* @param {string} uiconf_id The uiconf id to check against user player agent rules
isUiConfIdHTML5: function( uiconf_id ){
var isHTML5 = this.isHTML5FallForward();
if( window.kUserAgentPlayerRules && kUserAgentPlayerRules[ uiconf_id ]){
var playerAction = window.checkUserAgentPlayerRules( kUserAgentPlayerRules[ uiconf_id ] );
if( playerAction.mode == 'leadWithHTML5' ){
isHTML5 = this.supportsHTML5();
return isHTML5;
* Fallforward by default prefers flash, uses html5 only if flash is not installed or not available
isHTML5FallForward: function() {
// Check for a mobile html5 user agent:
if ( this.isIOS() || mw.getConfig( 'forceMobileHTML5' ) ){
return true;
// Check for "Kaltura.LeadWithHTML5" attribute
if( mw.getConfig( 'KalturaSupport.LeadWithHTML5' ) || mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.LeadWithHTML5' ) ){
return this.supportsHTML5();
// Special check for Android:
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android ') != -1 ){
if( mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.UseFlashOnAndroid' )
// Use flash on Android if available
return false;
} else {
// Android 2.x supports the video tag
return true;
// If the browser supports flash ( don't use html5 )
if( kWidget.supportsFlash() ){
return false;
// Check if the UseFlashOnDesktop flag is set and ( don't check for html5 )
if( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ForceFlashOnDesktop' ) ){
return false;
// No flash return true if the browser supports html5 video tag with basic support for canPlayType:
if( kWidget.supportsHTML5() ){
return true;
// if we have the iframe enabled return true ( since the iframe will output a fallback link
// even if the client does not support html5 or flash )
if( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.IframeRewrite' ) ){
return true;
// No video tag or flash, or iframe, normal "install flash" user flow )
return false;
* Get Kaltura thumb url from entry object
* TODO We need to grab thumbnail path from api (baseEntry->thumbnailUrl)
* or a specialized entry point for cases where we don't have the api readably available
* @param {object} entry Entery settings used to gennerate the api url request
getKalturaThumbUrl: function ( entry ){
if( entry.width == '100%'){
entry.width = 400;
if( entry.height == '100%'){
entry.height = 300;
var ks = ( entry.ks ) ? '?ks=' + entry.ks : '';
// Support widget_id based thumbs:
if( entry.widget_id && ! entry.partner_id ){
entry.partner_id = entry.widget_id.substr(1);
return mw.getConfig('Kaltura.CdnUrl') + '/p/' + entry.partner_id + '/sp/' +
entry.partner_id + '00/thumbnail/entry_id/' + entry.entry_id + '/width/' +
parseInt(entry.width) + '/height/' + parseInt(entry.height) + ks;
* Get kaltura embed settings from a swf url and flashvars object
* @param {string} swfUrl
* url to kaltura platform hosted swf
* @param {object} flashvars
* object mapping kaltura variables, ( overrides url based variables )
getEmbedSettings: function( swfUrl, flashvars ){
var embedSettings = {};
// Convert flashvars if in string format:
if( typeof flashvars == 'string' ){
flashvars = this.flashVars2Object( flashvars );
if( !flashvars ){
flashvars= {};
var trim = function ( str ) {
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
// Include flashvars
embedSettings.flashvars = flashvars;
var dataUrlParts = swfUrl.split('/');
// Search backward for key value pairs
var prevUrlPart = null;
while( dataUrlParts.length ){
var curUrlPart = dataUrlParts.pop();
switch( curUrlPart ){
case 'p':
embedSettings.wid = '_' + prevUrlPart;
embedSettings.p = prevUrlPart;
case 'wid':
embedSettings.wid = prevUrlPart;
embedSettings.p = prevUrlPart.replace(/_/,'');
case 'entry_id':
embedSettings.entry_id = prevUrlPart;
case 'uiconf_id': case 'ui_conf_id':
embedSettings.uiconf_id = prevUrlPart;
case 'cache_st':
embedSettings.cache_st = prevUrlPart;
prevUrlPart = trim( curUrlPart );
// Add in Flash vars embedSettings ( they take precedence over embed url )
for( var key in flashvars ){
var val = flashvars[key];
var key = key.toLowerCase();
// Normalize to the url based settings:
if( key == 'entryid' ){
embedSettings.entry_id = val;
if( key == 'uiconfid' ){
embedSettings.uiconf_id = val;
if( key == 'widgetid' || key == 'widget_id' ){
embedSettings.wid = val;
embedSettings.p = val.replace(/_/,'');
if( key == 'partnerid' || key == 'partner_id'){
embedSettings.wid = '_' + val;
embedSettings.p = val;
if( key == 'referenceid' ){
embedSettings.reference_id = val;
// Always pass cache_st
if( ! embedSettings.cache_st ){
embedSettings.cache_st = 1;
return embedSettings;
* Converts a flashvar string to flashvars object
* @param {String} flashvarsString
* @return {Object} flashvars object
flashVars2Object: function( flashvarsString ){
var flashVarsSet = ( flashvarsString )? flashvarsString.split('&'): [];
var flashvars = {};
for( var i =0 ;i < flashVarsSet.length; i ++){
var currentVar = flashVarsSet[i].split('=');
if( currentVar[0] && currentVar[1] ){
flashvars[ currentVar[0] ] = currentVar[1];
return flashvars;
* Convert flashvars to a string
* @param {object} flashVarsObject object to be string encoded
flashVarsToString: function( flashVarsObject ) {
var params = '';
for( var i in flashVarsObject ){
params+= '&' + '' + encodeURIComponent( i ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( flashVarsObject[i] );
return params;
* Converts a flashvar object into a url object string
* @param {object} flashVarsObject object to be url encoded
flashVarsToUrl: function( flashVarsObject ){
var params = '';
for( var i in flashVarsObject ){
params+= '&' + 'flashvars[' + encodeURIComponent( i ) + ']=' + encodeURIComponent( flashVarsObject[i] );
return params;
* @return {boolean} true if page has audio video tags
pageHasAudioOrVideoTags: function (){
// if selector is set to false or is empty return false
if( mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.RewriteSelector' ) === false ||
mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.RewriteSelector' ) == '' ){
return false;
// If document includes audio or video tags
if( document.getElementsByTagName('video').length != 0 ||
document.getElementsByTagName('audio').length != 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the list of embed objects on the page that are 'kaltura players'
getKalutaObjectList: function(){
var _this = this;
var kalturaPlayerList = [];
// Check all objects for kaltura compatible urls
var objectList = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
if( !objectList.length && document.getElementById('kaltura_player') ){
objectList = [ document.getElementById('kaltura_player') ];
// local function to attempt to add the kalturaEmbed
var tryAddKalturaEmbed = function( url , flashvars){
var settings = _this.getEmbedSettings( url, flashvars );
if( settings && settings.uiconf_id && settings.wid ){
objectList[i].kEmbedSettings = settings;
kalturaPlayerList.push( objectList[i] );
return true;
return false;
for( var i =0; i < objectList.length; i++){
if( ! objectList[i] ){
var swfUrl = '';
var flashvars = {};
var paramTags = objectList[i].getElementsByTagName('param');
for( var j = 0; j < paramTags.length; j++){
var pName = paramTags[j].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase();
var pVal = paramTags[j].getAttribute('value');
if( pName == 'data' || pName == 'src' || pName == 'movie' ) {
swfUrl = pVal;
if( pName == 'flashvars' ){
flashvars = this.flashVars2Object( pVal );
if( tryAddKalturaEmbed( swfUrl, flashvars) ){
// Check for object data style url:
if( objectList[i].getAttribute('data') ){
if( tryAddKalturaEmbed( objectList[i].getAttribute('data'), flashvars ) ){
return kalturaPlayerList;
* Library sets
library: {
core : [
// default skin ( some skin overides dependent on pre-defined PlayerSkinMvpcf
player: [ // mwEmbed utilities:
// core skin:
// embed player:
// common playback methods:
// jQuery lib
// Timed Text module
kalturaSupport: [
depStartedLoading: false,
depDoneLoading: false,
queuedLoadDepsCallbacks: [],
* Loads all context depencies for the html5 player in the current context
* @param {function} callback Function called once the html5 library is loaded
loadHTML5Lib: function( callback ){
var _this = this;
// if we have already loaded files for this context, issue the callback directly.
if( this.depDoneLoading ){
if( callback )
// always include callback in queuedLoadDepsCallbacks
if( callback ){
this.queuedLoadDepsCallbacks.push( callback );
// Check if we have already started loading, then queue callback:
if( this.depStartedLoading ){
return ;
// Start loading depecncies for the current context:
this.depStartedLoading = true;
// Build multiRequest:
var jsRequestSet = [];
if( typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined' ) {
// always request jQuery by itself
// ( since we don't want to mangle cache for sites that already have jQuery included )
jsRequestSet.push( ['window.jQuery'] );
// We always need the "core"
jsRequestSet.push( this.library.core );
var continueLoadingHTML5Lib = function(){
jsRequestSet = [];
// Check if we are using an iframe ( load only the iframe api client )
if( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.IframeRewrite' ) &&
! window.kUserAgentPlayerRules &&
mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableIframeApi') &&
( kWidget.supportsFlash() || kWidget.supportsHTML5() ) )
// Add the clinets to the request
jsRequestSet.push( _this.library.playerClient );
_this.loadRequestSets( jsRequestSet );
return ;
// If an iframe server include iframe server library:
if( mw.getConfig('EmbedPlayer.IsIframeServer') ){
jsRequestSet.push( _this.library.playerServer );
// Add the jquery ui skin:
if( ! mw.getConfig('IframeCustomjQueryUISkinCss' ) ){
if( mw.getConfig( 'jQueryUISkin' ) ){
jsRequestSet.push( [ '' + mw.getConfig( 'jQueryUISkin' ) ] );
} else {
// if the default include it in the main request:
jsRequestSet[ jsRequestSet.length - 1 ].push( [ '' ] );
// Check if we are doing object rewrite ( add the kaltura library )
if ( kWidget.isHTML5FallForward() || kWidget.getKalutaObjectList().length ){
// Kaltura client libraries:
jsRequestSet[ jsRequestSet.length - 1 ].push(
// Kaltura playlist support ( so small relative to client libraries that we always include it )
jsRequestSet[ jsRequestSet.length - 1 ].push(
_this.loadRequestSets( jsRequestSet );
// Load jQuery and core in sequence .. then load other stuff:
this.loadSet( jsRequestSet[0], function(){
if( jsRequestSet[1] ){
_this.loadSet( jsRequestSet[1], function(){
} else {
} );
* Loads a set of depencies arrays
* @param {object} requestSets Set of libraries to load
* @param {function} callback Function called once loading is done
loadRequestSets: function( requestSets, callback ){
var _this = this;
var callbackCount = 0;
for( var i=0;i < requestSets.length; i++ ){
var libSet = requestSets[i];
this.loadSet( libSet, function(){
if( callbackCount == 0){
// trigger all the queued requests
while( _this.queuedLoadDepsCallbacks.length ){
_this.depDoneLoading = true;
* Loads an array of resources in a single resource loader request.
* @param {object} jsRequestSet Set of libraries to load
* @param {function} callback Function called once loading is done
loadSet: function ( jsRequestSet, callback ){
if( typeof SCRIPT_LOADER_URL == 'undefined' ){
alert( 'Error missing SCRIPT_LOADER_URL');
return ;
var url = SCRIPT_LOADER_URL + '?class=';
// Add all the requested classes
url+= jsRequestSet.join(',') + ',';
url+= '&urid=' + KALTURA_LOADER_VERSION;
url+= '&uselang=en';
if ( mw.getConfig('debug') ){
url+= '&debug=true';
// Check for $ library
if( typeof $ != 'undefined' && ! $.jquery ){
window['pre$Lib'] = $;
// Check for special global callback for script load
this.appendScriptUrl( url, function(){
if( window['pre$Lib'] ){
window['$'] = window['pre$Lib'];
if( callback ){
* Append a script to the dom:
* @param {string} url
* @param {function} callback
appendScriptUrl: function( url, callback ) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = url;
// Handle Script loading
var done = false;
// Attach handlers for all browsers
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) {
done = true;
if( typeof callback == 'function'){
// Handle memory leak in IE
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
head.removeChild( script );
// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
// This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
* Add css to the dom
* @param {string} url to append to the dom
appendCssUrl: function( url ){
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
cssNode.type = 'text/css';
cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen';
cssNode.href = url;
* Converts service configuration to url params
serviceConfigToUrl: function(){
var serviceVars = ['ServiceUrl', 'CdnUrl', 'ServiceBase', 'UseManifestUrls'];
var urlParam = '';
for( var i=0; i < serviceVars.length; i++){
if( mw.getConfig('Kaltura.' + serviceVars[i] ) !== null ){
urlParam += '&' + serviceVars[i] + '=' + encodeURIComponent( mw.getConfig('Kaltura.' + serviceVars[i] ) );
return urlParam;
* Converts settings to url params
* @param {object} settings Settings to be convert into url params
embedSettingsToUrl: function( settings ){
var url ='';
var kalturaAttributeList = ['uiconf_id', 'entry_id', 'wid', 'p', 'cache_st'];
for(var attrKey in settings ){
// Check if the attrKey is in the kalturaAttributeList:
for( var i =0 ; i < kalturaAttributeList.length; i++){
if( kalturaAttributeList[i] == attrKey ){
url += '&' + attrKey + '=' + encodeURIComponent( settings[attrKey] );
// Add the flashvars:
url += this.flashVarsToUrl( settings.flashvars );
return url;
* TODO see about deprecating kGetAdditionalTargetCss.
* When using Frameset that have iframe with video tag inside, the iframe is not positioned correctly. and you can't click on the controls.
* If order to fix that, we allow to hosting page to pass the following configuration:
* mw.setConfig('FramesetSupport.Enabled', true); - Disable HTML controls on iPad
* mw.setConfig('FramesetSupport.PlayerCssProperties', {}); - CSS properties object to apply to the player
* We will use 'PlayerCssProperties' only for iOS devices running version 3-4 ( the position issue was fixed in iOS5)
getAdditionalTargetCss: function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if( mw.getConfig('FramesetSupport.Enabled') && kWidget.isIOS() && (ua.indexOf('OS 3') > 0 || ua.indexOf('OS 4') > 0) ) {
return mw.getConfig('FramesetSupport.PlayerCssProperties') || {};
return {};
* Overrides flash embed methods, as to optionally support HTML5 injection
overrideFlashEmbedMethods: function(){
var _this = this;
var doEmbedSettingsWrite = function ( settings, replaceTargetId, widthStr, heightStr ){
if( widthStr ) {
settings.width = widthStr;
if( heightStr ) {
settings.height = heightStr;
kWidget.embed( replaceTargetId, settings );
// flashobject
if( window['flashembed'] && !window['originalFlashembed'] ){
window['originalFlashembed'] = window['flashembed'];
window['flashembed'] = function( targetId, attributes, flashvars ){
// TODO test with kWidget.embed replacement.
var kEmbedSettings = kWidget.getEmbedSettings( attributes.src, flashvars);
kEmbedSettings.width = attributes.width;
kEmbedSettings.height = attributes.height;
if( kEmbedSettings.uiconf_id && ( kWidget.isHTML5FallForward() || ! kWidget.supportsFlash() ) ){
document.getElementById( targetId ).innerHTML = '<div id="' + + '"></div>';
doEmbedSettingsWrite( kEmbedSettings,, attributes.width, attributes.height);
} else {
// Use the original flash player embed:
originalFlashembed( targetId, attributes, flashvars );
// SWFObject v 1.5
if( window['SWFObject'] && !window['SWFObject'].prototype['originalWrite']){
window['SWFObject'].prototype['originalWrite'] = window['SWFObject'].prototype.write;
window['SWFObject'].prototype['write'] = function( targetId ){
var thisSwfObj = this;
// TODO test with kWidget.embed replacement.
var kEmbedSettings = kWidget.getEmbedSettings( thisSwfObj.attributes.swf, thisSwfObj.params.flashVars);
if( kEmbedSettings.uiconf_id && ( kWidget.isHTML5FallForward() || ! kWidget.supportsFlash() ) ){
doEmbedSettingsWrite( kEmbedSettings, targetId, thisSwfObj.attributes.width, thisSwfObj.attributes.height);
} else {
// use the original flash player embed:
_this.originalWrite( targetId );
// SWFObject v 2.x
if( window['swfobject'] && !window['swfobject']['originalEmbedSWF'] ){
window['swfobject']['originalEmbedSWF'] = window['swfobject']['embedSWF'];
// Override embedObject for our own ends
window['swfobject']['embedSWF'] = function( swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr,
heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj, callbackFn)
// TODO test with kWidget.embed replacement.
var kEmbedSettings = kWidget.getEmbedSettings( swfUrlStr, flashvarsObj );
// Check if IsHTML5FallForward
if( kEmbedSettings.uiconf_id && ( kWidget.isHTML5FallForward() || ! kWidget.supportsFlash() ) ){
doEmbedSettingsWrite( kEmbedSettings, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr );
} else {
// Else call the original EmbedSWF with all its arguments
window['swfobject']['originalEmbedSWF']( swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr,
heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj, callbackFn );
// Export to kWidget and KWidget ( official name is camel case kWidget )
window.KWidget = kWidget;
window.kWidget = kWidget;
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