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Support for whitelist hostnames
// Script: Simple PHP Proxy: Get external HTML, JSON and more!
// *Version: 1.6, Last updated: 1/24/2009*
// *Update by*
// * added validate xml and content type
// * added X-Forwarded-For header for geoLookup services
// @@todo add cache and 304 support ( not very high priority since ad servers are generally
// dynamic content.
// @@todo add crossdomain.xml lookup ( to better emulate flash )
// ( Adding crossdomain.xml lookup is important because we pass X-Forward-For header )
// Project Home -
// GitHub -
// Source -
// About: License
// Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman,
// Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
// About: Examples
// This working example, complete with fully commented code, illustrates one way
// in which this PHP script can be used.
// Simple -
// About: Release History
// 1.6 - (1/24/2009) Now defaults to JSON mode, which can now be changed to
// native mode by specifying ?mode=native. Native and JSONP modes are
// disabled by default because of possible XSS vulnerability issues, but
// are configurable in the PHP script along with a url validation regex.
// 1.5 - (12/27/2009) Initial release
// Topic: GET Parameters
// Certain GET (query string) parameters may be passed into ba-simple-proxy.php
// to control its behavior, this is a list of these parameters.
// url - The remote URL resource to fetch. Any GET parameters to be passed
// through to the remote URL resource must be urlencoded in this parameter.
// mode - If mode=native, the response will be sent using the same content
// type and headers that the remote URL resource returned. If omitted, the
// response will be JSON (or JSONP). <Native requests> and <JSONP requests>
// are disabled by default, see <Configuration Options> for more information.
// callback - If specified, the response JSON will be wrapped in this named
// function call. This parameter and <JSONP requests> are disabled by
// default, see <Configuration Options> for more information.
// user_agent - This value will be sent to the remote URL request as the
// `User-Agent:` HTTP request header. If omitted, the browser user agent
// will be passed through.
// send_cookies - If send_cookies=1, all cookies will be forwarded through to
// the remote URL request.
// send_session - If send_session=1 and send_cookies=1, the SID cookie will be
// forwarded through to the remote URL request.
// full_headers - If a JSON request and full_headers=1, the JSON response will
// contain detailed header information.
// full_status - If a JSON request and full_status=1, the JSON response will
// contain detailed cURL status information, otherwise it will just contain
// the `http_code` property.
// Topic: POST Parameters
// All POST parameters are automatically passed through to the remote URL
// request.
// Topic: JSON requests
// This request will return the contents of the specified url in JSON format.
// Request:
// > ba-simple-proxy.php?url=
// Response:
// > { "contents": "<html>...</html>", "headers": {...}, "status": {...} }
// JSON object properties:
// contents - (String) The contents of the remote URL resource.
// headers - (Object) A hash of HTTP headers returned by the remote URL
// resource.
// status - (Object) A hash of status codes returned by cURL.
// Topic: JSONP requests
// This request will return the contents of the specified url in JSONP format
// (but only if $enable_jsonp is enabled in the PHP script).
// Request:
// > ba-simple-proxy.php?url=
// Response:
// > foo({ "contents": "<html>...</html>", "headers": {...}, "status": {...} })
// JSON object properties:
// contents - (String) The contents of the remote URL resource.
// headers - (Object) A hash of HTTP headers returned by the remote URL
// resource.
// status - (Object) A hash of status codes returned by cURL.
// Topic: Native requests
// This request will return the contents of the specified url in the format it
// was received in, including the same content-type and other headers (but only
// if $enable_native is enabled in the PHP script).
// Request:
// > ba-simple-proxy.php?url=
// Response:
// > <html>...</html>
// Topic: Notes
// * Assumes magic_quotes_gpc = Off in php.ini
// Topic: Configuration Options
// These variables can be manually edited in the PHP file if necessary.
// $enable_jsonp - Only enable <JSONP requests> if you really need to. If you
// install this script on the same server as the page you're calling it
// from, plain JSON will work. Defaults to false.
// $enable_native - You can enable <Native requests>, but you should only do
// this if you also whitelist specific URLs using $valid_url_regex, to avoid
// possible XSS vulnerabilities. Defaults to false.
// $valid_url_regex - This regex is matched against the url parameter to
// ensure that it is valid. This setting only needs to be used if either
// $enable_jsonp or $enable_native are enabled. Defaults to '/.*/' which
// validates all URLs.
// ############################################################################
// Include our configuration file
require_once( realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/includes/DefaultSettings.php' );
function isValidHost( $url = null ){
global $kConf;
return false;
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
if( $host === null ){
return false;
// Get our whitelist from kConf
if( isset( $kConf ) ){
if( $kConf->hasMap("proxy_whitelist") ){
$whitelist = $kConf->getMap("proxy_whitelist");
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return in_array($host, $whitelist);
// Change these configuration options if needed, see above descriptions for info.
$enable_jsonp = true;
$enable_native = false;
$valid_url_regex = '/.*/';
$enable_fullHeaders = true;
$contentType_regex = '/(text|application)\/(xml|x-srt|html|plain)/';
$validateXML = false;
$encodeCDATASections = true;
$proxyCookies = true;
$proxySession = false;
// ############################################################################
$url = isset($_GET['url']) ? urldecode( $_GET['url'] ) : false;
$header ='';
if ( !$url ) {
// Passed url not specified.
$contents = 'ERROR: url not specified';
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
} else if ( !preg_match( $valid_url_regex, $url ) ) {
// Passed url doesn't match $valid_url_regex.
$contents = 'ERROR: invalid url';
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
} else if( !isValidHost($url) ) {
// URL host is not whitelisted
$contents = 'ERROR: invalid url host [DENIED]';
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
} else {
$ch = curl_init( $url );
// Always follow redirects:
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true );
// Add a total curl execute timeout of 10 seconds:
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10 );
if ( strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post' ) {
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_POST );
if ( isset( $_GET['send_cookies'] ) || $proxyCookies ) {
$cookie = array();
foreach ( $_COOKIE as $key => $value ) {
$cookie[] = $key . '=' . $value;
if ( isset( $_GET['send_session'] ) || $proxySession ) {
$cookie[] = SID;
$cookie = implode( '; ', $cookie );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
// Forward the client ip for GeoLookup: ( geo-lookup server hopefully is not dumb and uses X-Forwarded-For )
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'Expect:' // used to ignore "100 Continue Header" when using POST
// Forward the user agent:
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '' );
$parts = preg_split( '/([\r\n][\r\n])\\1/', curl_exec( $ch ), 2 );
if( count($parts) != 2 ){
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
$contents = curl_error( $ch );
} else {
if ( preg_match( '/302 Moved Temporarily/', $parts[0] ) ) {
$parts = preg_split( '/([\r\n][\r\n])\\1/', $parts[1], 2 );
list( $header, $contents ) = $parts;
$status = curl_getinfo( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
// check for empty contents:
if( trim( $contents ) == '' ){
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
$contents = 'ERROR: empty response';
// Be sure to utf8_encode contents so no remote content break JSON encoding
if( mb_detect_encoding($contents, 'UTF-8', true) != "UTF-8" ) {
$contents = utf8_encode( $contents );
// remove leading ? in some kaltura cc xml responses :(
if( is_string( $contents ) && isset($contents[0]) && $contents[0] == '?' ){
$contents = substr( $contents, 1 );
// Split header text into an array.
$header_text = preg_split( '/[\r\n]+/', $header );
if ( isset( $_GET['mode'] ) == 'native' ) {
if ( !$enable_native ) {
$contents = 'ERROR: invalid mode';
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR' );
// Propagate headers to response.
foreach ( $header_text as $header ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^(?:Content-Type|Content-Language|Set-Cookie):/i', $header ) ) {
header( $header );
print $contents;
} else {
// $data will be serialized into JSON data.
$data = array();
// Propagate all HTTP headers into the JSON data object.
if ( isset( $_GET['full_headers'] ) || $enable_fullHeaders ) {
$data['headers'] = array();
foreach ( $header_text as $header ) {
preg_match( '/^(.+?):\s+(.*)$/', $header, $matches );
if ( $matches ) {
$data['headers'][ $matches[1] ] = $matches[2];
// Check if the content type matches filters
if( $contentType_regex && $status['http_code'] != 'ERROR' ){
$contentType ='';
// Servers don't have consistent case for content-type:
foreach( $data['headers'] as $headKey=>$headValue){
if( strtolower( $headKey) == 'content-type' ){
$contentType = $headValue;
if( 0 == preg_match( $contentType_regex, $contentType ) ){
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR');
$contents = "Error invalid content type did not match: " . str_replace( '/', '' , $contentType_regex);
// Check if we should validate the xml ( by parsing it with simple xml )
if( $validateXML && $status['http_code'] != 'ERROR' ){
// OpenX ad Server hack / work around :: Should be utf-8 not UTF_8 !
$xmlReadyData = str_replace( 'encoding="UTF_8"' , 'encoding="utf-8"' , $contents);
if( false === simplexml_load_string( $xmlReadyData ) ){
$status = array( 'http_code' => 'ERROR');
$contents = "XML failed to validate";
// Check if there is extra header info leading up to the xml:
if( strpos( $contents, '<?xml' ) !== false && strpos( $contents, '<?xml' ) != 0 ){
// strip all leading conetnt
$contents = trim( substr( $contents, strpos( $contents, '<?xml' ) ) );
//$encodeCDATASections = false;
// Check if we should encode CDATA sections:
if( $encodeCDATASections ){
$contents = preg_replace_callback('/\<\!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>/',
'return htmlentities( $matches[1] );'
), $contents );
// Propagate all cURL request / response info to the JSON data object.
if ( isset( $_GET['full_status'] ) ) {
$data['status'] = $status;
} else {
$data['status'] = array();
$data['status']['http_code'] = $status['http_code'];
// Set the JSON data object contents, decoding it from JSON if possible.
$data['contents'] = $contents;
// Generate appropriate content-type header.
if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) ){
$is_xhr = ( strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' );
} else {
$is_xhr = false;
header( 'Content-type: application/' . ( $is_xhr ? 'json' : 'x-javascript' ) );
// Get JSONP callback.
$jsonp_callback = $enable_jsonp && isset($_GET['callback']) ? $_GET['callback'] : null;
// Generate JSON/JSONP string
$json = json_encode( $data );
print $jsonp_callback ? "$jsonp_callback($json)" : $json;
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