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Created November 17, 2010 19:48
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Python implementation of the bellman ford shortest path algorithm
from functools import partial
INF = float('Inf')
# Utility functions
def change_state(graph, node, state=''):
graph.node[node]['state'] = state
def is_state_equal_to(graph, node, state=''):
return graph.node[node]['state'] == state
def state_setter_tester(graph, state):
return (
partial(change_state, graph, state=state),
partial(is_state_equal_to, graph, state=state)
def bellman_ford_classic(graph, root_node):
Bellman ford shortest path algorithm, checks if the graph has negative cycles
Classic implementation, checks every edge at each iteration
distances = {}
has_cycle = False
# Initialize every node to infinity except the root node
for node in graph.nodes():
distances[node] = 0 if node == root_node else INF
# Repeat n-1 times
for _ in range(1, len(graph.nodes())):
# Iterate over every edge
for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True):
# If it can be relaxed, relax it
if distances[v] > distances[u] + data["weight"]:
distances[v] = distances[u] + data["weight"]
# If a node can still be relaxed, it means that there is a negative cycle
for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True):
if distances[v] > distances[u] + data["weight"]:
has_cycle = True
return has_cycle, distances
# Main algorithm
def bellman_ford_alternate(graph, root_node):
Bellman ford shortest path algorithm, checks if the graph has negative cycles
Alternate implementation, only checks successors of nodes that have been previously relaxed
distances = {}
has_cycle = False
# Define open close and free state setters and testers
stg = partial(state_setter_tester, graph)
open, is_open = stg('open')
close, is_closed = stg('closed')
# Put all nodes to infinity except the root_node
for node in graph.nodes():
if node != root_node:
distances[node] = INF
# Put the root node distance to 0 and open it
# Because it's the only "relaxed node" for the first iteration
distances[root_node] = 0
# Main algorithm's loop
for _ in range(len(graph.nodes())):
# Go over the open nodes -> nodes that have been relaxed last iteration
for node in filter(is_open, graph.nodes()):
# For each successor of node
for successor in graph.successors(node):
# Relax it if it can be relaxed
edge_weight = graph.edge[node][successor]['weight']
if distances[successor] > distances[node] + edge_weight: # Check
distances[successor] = distances[node] + edge_weight # Relaxation
open(successor) # It has been relaxed, open the node so its successors can be checked
# The node's successors have been fully inspected so we can close it
# If one node is still open after n passes
# It means that a node has been relaxed at the last iteration
# So the length of the path associated with this node is n
# Which is possible only if there is a negative cycle in the graph
for node in graph.nodes():
if is_open(node):
has_cycle = True
return has_cycle, distances
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wouldn't work if you are not able to relax any distance using 'inf' for relaxation. Using sys.maxint will help

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