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Last active February 11, 2016 01:07
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package log
/**************** Types ****************/
// The logger interface supports Printf and Structured logging
type Logger interface {
// fmt.PrintXX style
Printf(fmt string, vals ...interface{})
// Structured style
Fields(data []KV)
// Structured logging element
type KV {
K string
V interface{}
/**************** Default Logger ***************/
// The default logger uses the stdlib logger.
type DefaultLogger struct {
*log.Logger // stdlib logger
func New(w io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) Logger {
return &DefaultLogger{Logger: log.New(w, prefix, flag)}
func (l *DefaultLogger) Fields(data []KV) {
fmt, values := formatFromFields(data)
l.Printf(fmt, values)
/******************* Package Functions ***************/
// Printf extract the current logger from the context and logs with it
func Printf(ctx *goa.Context, fmt string, vals ...string) {
if logger := ctx.Get(LoggerKey); logger != nil {
if ls, ok := logger.([]Logger); ok {
for _, l := range ls {
l.Printf(ctx, fmt, vals)
// Ditto for Fields.
func Fields(data []KV) {
// ...
/*************** Setting the logger / Middleware ******/
// With is a middleware that sets the request logger.
func With(logger ...Logger) goa.Middleware {
return func(h goa.Handler) goa.Handler {
return func(ctx *goa.Context) error {
new := ctx.With(LoggerKey, logger)
return h(new)
/***************** LoggerFunc *****************/
// LoggerFunc is a logger that logs conditionally depending on the context.
type LoggerFunc func(ctx *goa.Context) Logger
func (l LoggerFunc) Printf(ctx *goa.Context, msg string, vals ...interface{}) {
logger := l(ctx)
if logger != nil {
logger.Printf(ctx, msg, vals)
func (l LoggerFunc) Fields(ctx *goa.Context, data []KV) {
// ...
/************** Contextual *****************/
// ContextualLogger is a logger that logs contextual information in each log
// entry. The contextual information includes the app name, controller name,
// action name and unique request ID.
func NewContextual(logger Logger) Logger {
return &contextual{Logger: logger}
func (c *contextual) Printf(ctx *goa.Context, fmt string, v ...interface{}) {
var newFmt []string
var vals []interface{}
if s := ctx.Service(); s != nil {
newFmt = []string{"app: %s"}
vals = []interface{s.Name}
if c := ctx.Controller(); c != "" {
newFmt = append(newFmt, "ctrl: %s")
vals = append(vals, c)
if a := ctx.Action(); a != "" {
newFmt = append(newFmt, "action: %s")
vals = append(vals, a)
if reqID := ctx.RequestID(); reqID != "" {
newFmt = append(newFmt, "reqID: %s")
vals = append(vals, reqID)
newFmt = append(newFmt, fmt)
vals = append(vals, v...)
c.Logger.Printf(strings.Join(newFmt, " - "), vals)
func (c *contextual) Fields(data []KV) {
// ...
/********************** Syslog *******************/
// NewSyslogLogger creates a log.Logger whose output is written to the system log
// service with the specified priority. The logFlag argument is the flag set
// passed through to log.New to create the Logger.
func NewSyslogLogger(p syslog.Priority, logFlag int) (*SyslogLogger, error) {
l, err := syslog.NewLogger(p, logFlag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DefaultLogger{Logger: l}, nil
// NewFilterLogger creates a logger that only logs if the PriorityKey
// context value is lower than p.
func PriorityFilter(p syslog.Priority, logger Logger) LoggerFunc {
return func(ctx *goa.Context) Logger {
pv := ctx.Get(PriorityKey)
upper, ok := pv.(syslog.Priority)
if !ok {
return nil
if p <= upper {
return logger
return nil
// SetPriority sets the current logging priority in the context.
SetPriority(ctx *goa.Context, p syslog.Priority) {
ctx.Context = ctx.Context.With(PriorityKey, p)
/********************* Adapters **********************/
// These must return the exact type to allow for further
// customization by the client.
func NewLog15(ctx ...interface{}) log15.Logger {
// ....
func NewLogrus() *logrus.Logger {
// ....
/********************* Usage ***************************/
var DebugLogger log.Logger
// in main:
func main() {
// Create logger(s)
lr := log.NewLogrus()
// ... Setup logrus logger with logrus package
DebugLogger = log.Contextual(lr)
defaultLogger := log.NewLogrus()
// ... Ditto
defaultLogger = log.PriorityFilter(defaultLogger, syslog.INFO)
defaultLogger = log.Contextual(defaultLogger)
stderrLogger := log.Contextual(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
// Register them
service.Use(log.With(defaultLogger, stderrLogger))
// ...
// in controllers:
// Either use the package functions which use the logger registered with `log.With`
log.Fields(ctx, []KV{{"foo": 1}, {"bar": time.Now()}})
log.Printf(ctx, fmt, vals)
// Or use the debug logger
// you need both because you don't want to double log when logging debug which would
// happen if you had registered DebugLogger in the middleware and were using the
// package functions to log.
DebugLogger.Printf("foo: %v", 1)
/************** Not sure ********************/
// We could let users get the underlying logger from the context
// would be inefficient though:
Log15(ctx *goa.Context) log15.Logger {
if l := ctx.Get(log15Key); l != nil {
return l.(log15.Logger)
ls, ok := ctx.Get(LoggerKey)
if !ok {
return nil
for _, l := range ls {
if res := rlog15(l); res != nil {
ctx.Set(log15Key, res)
return res
return nil
// unpeel the onion
func rlog15(ctx *goa.Context, l interface{}) log15.Logger
switch actual := l.(type) {
case log15.Logger:
return actual
case contextual:
return rlog15(actual.Logger)
case LoggerFunc:
return rlog15(actual.Logger)
return nil
// The user can do
// The alternative is to have the user keep the logger around which seems better
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