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Created July 26, 2018 19:51
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Pipefy graphql
# Advanced search's inputs
input AdvancedSearch {
# Logical AND on all given filters
AND: [AdvancedSearch]
# Logical OR on all given filters
OR: [AdvancedSearch]
# The field slug
field: String
# The search operator
operator: AdvancedSearchOperators
# The field value
value: String
# Advanced search valid operators
enum AdvancedSearchOperators {
# Equals to
# Greater than
# Greater than or equal to
# Less than
# Less than or equal to
# The assignee field
type AssigneeField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Assignee field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): [PublicUser]
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Information about the members
members: [PublicUser] @deprecated(reason: "This argument will be removed in the next update")
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# The attachment field
type AttachmentField implements FieldType {
# The attachment field custom validation
customValidation: String
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
type AutoFillFieldCollection {
fieldId: ID!
value: [String]!
type AutoFillFieldString {
fieldId: ID!
value: String!
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.auto_fill_field.query
union AutoFillFieldUnion = AutoFillFieldCollection | AutoFillFieldString
# List of the card information.
type Card implements MinimalCardInterface {
# Represents the seconds since card was created.
age: Int
# Lookup users assigned to the card by its identifier.
assignees: [User]
# Represents the card total attachments.
attachments_count: Int!
# The card assignees
cardAssignees(userId: ID): [CardAssignee]
# Represents the card total checked items, considering all checklists in the card.
checklist_items_checked_count: Int!
# Represents the card total checklist items, considering all checklists in the card.
checklist_items_count: Int!
# Lookup the card's pipe connections and connection fields and the relation with child-cards.
child_relations(child_repo_id: ID): [CardRelationship]
# Lookup card comments by its identifier.
comments: [Comment]
# Represents the amount of card comments.
comments_count: Int!
# When the card was created
createdAt: DateTime
# Information about the card's creator
createdBy: User
# Represents the card creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime
# Lookup card creator by its identifier.
created_by: User
# The lateness matching the card current phase
currentLateness: cardLateness
# Lookup the card current phase by its identifier.
current_phase: Phase
# Represents the seconds since card entered current phase.
current_phase_age: Int
# Whether or not this card is currently in a final phase.
done: Boolean
# Represents the card due date.
due_date: DateTime
# The card email address
emailMessagingAddress: String
# Information on card expiration
expiration: CardExpiration
# Whether or not this card is expired (based on the pipe SLA).
expired: Boolean!
# Lookup all card fields information.
fields: [CardField]
# Represents the card finishing date and time.
finished_at: DateTime
# The card ID
id: ID!
# Lookup an inbox email by its identifier.
inbox_emails: [InboxEmail]
# Lookup the card labels by their identifier.
labels: [Label]
# Whether or not this card is late (based on the current phase SLA).
late: Boolean!
# Lookup the card's pipe connections and connection fields and the relation with parent-cards.
parent_relations(parent_repo_id: ID): [CardRelationship]
# Represents the card's path.
path: String
# Lookup the phases the card went through.
phases_history: [PhaseDetail]
# Lookup the card pipe by its identifier.
pipe: Pipe
# Represents if the current repo belong to a pipe or a database table.
repo: RepoTypes @deprecated(reason: "Function repo is no longer valid for Card")
# Represents when card entered current phase.
started_current_phase_at: DateTime
# Lookup all card subtitles information.
subtitles: [CardField]
# The card small unique ID
suid: String
# Represents the data selected to be shown in the card summarized layout.
summary: [Summary]
# The card title
title: String!
# Represents last card update date and time.
updated_at: DateTime
# Represents the card's URL address.
url: String
# Represents an user assigned to a card
type CardAssignee {
assignedAt: DateTime!
id: Int!
# The connection type for Card.
type CardConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [CardEdge]
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# An edge in a connection.
type CardEdge {
# A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
# The item at the end of the edge.
node: Card
# Information on card expiration
type CardExpiration {
# Date and time when card has expired
expiredAt: DateTime
# Date and time when card should become expired
shouldExpireAt: DateTime
# List of the card's field values informations.
type CardField implements MinimalCardFieldValueInterface, RepoItemFieldGQLInterface {
# The value of an Attachment, Checklists, Connection or Label field, processed as an array type
array_value: [String]
# Information about the users assigned to the card
assignee_values: [User]
# Information about cards and records connected with the card
connectedRepoItems: [PublicRepoItemTypes]
# Repo item (Card or Record) representation
connected_repo_items: [RepoItemTypes] @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepoItems")
# The value of a Date, DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date type
date_value: Date
# The value of a DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date and time type
datetime_value: DateTime
# Information about the card's field
field: MinimalField
# When the field was filled
filled_at: DateTime
# The field float value
float_value: Float
# Information about the card's label
label_values: [FieldLabel]
# The field name
name: String
# Information about the field's phase
phase_field: PhaseField
# When the field was last updated
updated_at: DateTime
# The field value
value: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.card_form.description
type CardForm implements PublicRepoGQLInterface, RepoItemFormGQLInterface {
# The creation button label
createButtonLabel: String
# The available fields in Pipefy
formFields: [RepoItemFieldsTypes]
# The Repo icon
icon: String
id: ID!
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Represents a relation's between two cards or a card and a table_record.
type CardRelation {
# Represents the child card identifier.
childId: ID!
# Represents the card relation identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents the parent card identifier.
parentId: ID!
# Represents the source identifier.
sourceId: ID!
# Represents if the connection is through a PipeRelation or a Connection Field.
# The possible values are:
# - PipeRelation
# - Field
sourceType: String
# List of the card relation's information.
type CardRelationship {
# Lookup the connected cards by their identifier.
cards(done: Boolean): [Card]
# Represents the chosen name of the relation.
name: String
# Lookup the connected pipe by its identifier.
pipe: Pipe
# Lookup the connected Pipe or Table.
repo: RepoTypes
# Represents if the connection is through a PipeRelation or a Connection Field.
# The possible values are:
# - PipeRelation
# - Field
source_type: String
# Cards search's inputs
input CardSearch {
# The assignee ID
assignee_ids: [ID]
# The cards ID to be ignored
ignore_ids: [ID]
# The label ID
label_ids: [ID]
# The cards title
title: String
# Cards importer information
type CardsImportation implements RepoItemsImportationGQLInterface {
# The importation date of creation
createdAt: DateTime
# The importation creator
createdBy: User
# The importation ID
id: ID!
# The amount of cards imported
importedCards: Int
# The importation status
status: String
# The xlsx file URL
url: String
# Autogenerated input type of CardsImporter
input CardsImporterInput {
# The spreadsheet column with the card's assignee email
assigneesColumn: String
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The spreadsheet column with the card's phase
currentPhaseColumn: String
# The spreadsheet column with the card's due date
dueDateColumn: String
# Array with the field ID and its spreadsheet's column with the value
fieldValuesColumns: [FieldValuesColumnsInput]
# The spreadsheet column with the card's label ID
labelsColumn: String
# The pipe ID
pipeId: ID!
# The xlsx file URL
url: String!
# Autogenerated return type of CardsImporter
type CardsImporterPayload {
# Returns information about the importation
cardsImportation: CardsImportation
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The horizontal checklist field
type ChecklistHorizontalField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Horizontal checklist field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): [String]
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# The horizontal checklist options
options: [String]
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# The vertical checklist field
type ChecklistVerticalField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Vertical checklist field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): [String]
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# The vertical checklist options
options: [String]
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Autogenerated input type of ClonePipes
input ClonePipesInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID!
# The pipe ID
pipe_template_ids: [ID]!
# Autogenerated return type of ClonePipes
type ClonePipesPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the pipe
pipes: [Pipe]
# The CNPJ field
type CnpjField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# CNPJ field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# List of comment information.
type Comment {
# Lookup the comment's creator by its identifier.
author: User
# Represents the comment's creator name.
author_name: String!
# Represents the comment's creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime
# Represents the comment's identifier.
id: ID
# Represents the comment text.
text: String
# The condition is criterias that can be set to trigger an automation.
type Condition {
# The parameters used in the condition.
expressions: [ConditionExpression]
# The condition expressions order, defining groups of "AND" and "OR".
expressions_structure: [[ID]]
# translation missing:
id: ID
# Information about the card or record used as a condition.
related_cards: [Card]
# The condition architecture.
type ConditionExpression {
# The field ID used in the condition.
field_address: String
# The condition ID.
id: ID
# The condition operation.
# Valid options:
# - equals
# - not_equals
# - present
# - blank
# - string_contains
# - string_not_contains
# - number_greater_than
# - number_less_than
# - date_is_today
# - date_is_yesterday
# - date_in_current_week
# - date_in_last_week
# - date_in_current_month
# - date_in_last_month
# - date_in_current_year
# - date_in_last_year
# - date_is
# - date_is_after
# - date_is_before
operation: String
# The number used to arrange condition's expressions in groups of "AND" and "OR".
structure_id: ID
# The value selected to be compared in the condition.
value: String
# Condition's expression inputs
input ConditionExpressionInput {
# The condition field's ID
field_address: String
# The condition ID
id: ID
# The condition operation
# Valid options:
# - equals
# - not_equals
# - present
# - blank
# - string_contains
# - string_not_contains
# - number_greater_than
# - number_less_than
# - date_is_today
# - date_is_yesterday
# - date_in_current_week
# - date_in_last_week
# - date_in_current_month
# - date_in_last_month
# - date_in_current_year
# - date_in_last_year
# - date_is
# - date_is_after
# - date_is_before
operation: String
# The structure ID
structure_id: ID
# The value or field ID to be compared
value: String
# The condition field actions
enum ConditionFieldActions {
# Hide the field
# Condition's inputs
input ConditionInput {
# Array with the expression inputs
expressions: [ConditionExpressionInput]
# Array of arrays with the condition's order. Defining groups of "AND" and "OR"
expressions_structure: [[ID]]
# List of fields which need of expecicly conditions.
type ConditionalField {
# Fields wich must be hidden
fieldsToHide: [PhaseField]
# The connection field
type ConnectorField implements FieldType {
# Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Repo (Pipe or Table) representation
connectedRepo: PublicRepoUnion
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Connection field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): [PublicRepoItem]
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# The CPF field
type CpfField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# CPF field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Autogenerated input type of CreateCard
input CreateCardInput {
# The assignee IDs
assignee_ids: [ID]
# The card attachments
attachments: [String]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The card due date
due_date: DateTime
# Array of inputs to fill card's fields
fields_attributes: [FieldValueInput]
# The label ID
label_ids: [ID]
# The parent-card ID
parent_ids: [ID]
# The phase ID
phase_id: ID
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID!
# The card title
title: String
# Autogenerated return type of CreateCard
type CreateCardPayload {
# Returns information about the card
card: Card
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Autogenerated input type of CreateCardRelation
input CreateCardRelationInput {
# The child-card ID
childId: ID!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The parent-card ID
parentId: ID!
# The connection ID or the field internal ID
sourceId: ID!
# The connection sorce
# Valid options:
# - PipeRelation
# - Field
sourceType: String!
# Autogenerated return type of CreateCardRelation
type CreateCardRelationPayload {
# Returns information about the cardRelation
cardRelation: CardRelation
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Autogenerated input type of CreateComment
input CreateCommentInput {
# The card ID
card_id: ID!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The comment text
text: String!
# Autogenerated return type of CreateComment
type CreateCommentPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the comment
comment: Comment
# Autogenerated input type of CreateInboxEmail
input CreateInboxEmailInput {
# The BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) email addresses
bcc: [String]
# The card ID
card_id: ID!
# The CC (Carbon Copy) email addresses
cc: [String]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The email attachments
emailAttachments: [EmailAttachmentInput]
# The sender email address
from: String!
# The sender name
from_name: String
# The email HTML
html: String
main_to: String
# The Repo ID
repo_id: ID
# The Inbox Email state
# Valid options:
# - 0: Pending
# - 1: Processing
# - 2: Processed
# - 3: Failed
state: String
# The email subject
subject: String!
# The email text
text: String
# The email destination addresses
to: [String]!
# The email creator ID
user_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of CreateInboxEmail
type CreateInboxEmailPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the inbox_email
inbox_email: InboxEmail
# Autogenerated input type of CreateLabel
input CreateLabelInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The label color (hexadecimal)
color: String!
# The label name
name: String!
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of CreateLabel
type CreateLabelPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the label
label: Label
# Autogenerated input type of CreateOrganization
input CreateOrganizationInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The organization industry segment
# Valid options:
# - construction
# - consulting
# - education
# - energy
# - financial_services
# - health
# - legal_services
# - manufacturing
# - marketing
# - non_profit_organization
# - public_sector
# - retail
# - tourism
# - technology
# - telecommunications
# - transportation
# - others
industry: String!
# The organization name
name: String!
# Autogenerated return type of CreateOrganization
type CreateOrganizationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the organization
organization: Organization
# Autogenerated input type of CreatePhaseField
input CreatePhaseFieldInput {
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED! Please, use canCreateNewConnected
can_create_database_record: Boolean
# ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED! Please, use canConnectMultiples
can_have_multiple_database_records: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Connection Field: The Repo ID
connectedRepoId: ID
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED! Please, use connectedRepoId
databaseTableId: ID
database_field_layout: Int
# The field description
description: String
# Whether the field is editable
editable: Boolean
# The field help text
help: String
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The field options
options: [String]
# The phase ID
phase_id: ID!
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# Whether the field is sync with the fixed field
sync_with_card: Boolean
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of CreatePhaseField
type CreatePhaseFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the phase field
phase_field: PhaseField
# Autogenerated input type of CreatePhase
input CreatePhaseInput {
# Whether cards can be created directly in the phase
can_receive_card_directly_from_draft: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The phase description
description: String
# Whether it's a final phase
done: Boolean
# The phase's SLA in seconds
lateness_time: Int
# The phase name
name: String!
only_admin_can_move_to_previous: Boolean
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of CreatePhase
type CreatePhasePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the phase
phase: Phase
# Autogenerated input type of CreatePipe
input CreatePipeInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Array of inputs to create pipe's labels
labels: [LabelInput]
# Array of inputs to invite members to the pipe
members: [MemberInput]
# The pipe name
name: String!
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID!
# Array of inputs to create pipe's phases
phases: [PhaseInput]
# The pipe preferences
preferences: RepoPreferenceInput
# Array of inputs to create pipe's start form fields
start_form_fields: [PhaseFieldInput]
# Autogenerated return type of CreatePipe
type CreatePipePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the pipe
pipe: Pipe
# Autogenerated input type of CreatePipeRelation
input CreatePipeRelationInput {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean!
# Whether the relation has auto fill active
autoFillFieldEnabled: Boolean!
# Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean!
# The child Repo ID
childId: ID!
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation name
name: String!
# Array of field input to be used in the auto fill
ownFieldMaps: [FieldMapInput]
# The parent Repo ID
parentId: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of CreatePipeRelation
type CreatePipeRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the pipe relation
pipeRelation: PipeRelation
# Autogenerated input type of CreatePresignedUrl
input CreatePresignedUrlInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# File media type
contentType: String
# File name
fileName: String!
# The organization id
organizationId: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of CreatePresignedUrl
type CreatePresignedUrlPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The presigned url
url: String
# Autogenerated input type of CreateTableField
input CreateTableFieldInput {
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Connection Field: The Repo ID
connectedRepoId: ID
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
help: String
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The field options
options: [String]
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: ID!
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of CreateTableField
type CreateTableFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table fields
table_field: TableField
# Autogenerated input type of CreateTable
input CreateTableInput {
# The table authorization
# Valid options:
# - read
# - write
authorization: TableAuthorization
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The table description
description: String
# Array of inputs to create table's labels
labels: [LabelInput]
# Array of inputs to invite members to the table
members: [MemberInput]
# The table name
name: String!
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID!
# Whether the table is public
public: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of CreateTable
type CreateTablePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table
table: Table
# Autogenerated input type of CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTable
input CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTableInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Array of inputs to fill record's fields
fieldsAttributes: [FieldValueInput]
# The table ID
tableId: ID!
# The connection field ID
throughConnectors: ReferenceConnectorFieldInput
# Autogenerated return type of CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTable
type CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTablePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the record
tableRecord: PublicTableRecord
# Autogenerated input type of CreateTableRecord
input CreateTableRecordInput {
# The assignee IDs
assignee_ids: [ID]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The record due date
due_date: DateTime
# Array of inputs to fill record's fields
fields_attributes: [FieldValueInput]
# The label ID
label_ids: [ID]
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
# The record title
title: String
# Autogenerated return type of CreateTableRecord
type CreateTableRecordPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the record
table_record: TableRecord
# Autogenerated input type of CreateTableRelation
input CreateTableRelationInput {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean!
# Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean!
# The child Repo ID
childId: ID!
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation name
name: String!
# The parent Repo ID
parentId: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of CreateTableRelation
type CreateTableRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table relation
tableRelation: TableRelation
# Autogenerated input type of CreateWebhook
input CreateWebhookInput {
# The webhook trigger
# Valid options:
# - card.create
# - card.done
# - card.expired
# - card.late
# - card.move
# - card.overdue
# - card.field_update
actions: [String]!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The webhook notification email
email: String
# The custom webhook headers
headers: Json
# The webhook name
name: String!
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# The webhook notification URL
url: String!
# Autogenerated return type of CreateWebhook
type CreateWebhookPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the webhook
webhook: Webhook
# The currency field
type CurrencyField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Currency field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): Float
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# An ISO‐8601 encoded UTC date string (YYYY-MM-DD).
scalar Date
# The date field
type DateField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Date field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): Date
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# An ISO‐8601 encoded UTC date time string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
scalar DateTime
# The date time field
type DatetimeField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Date time field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): DateTime
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteCard
input DeleteCardInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The card ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteCard
type DeleteCardPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteComment
input DeleteCommentInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The comment ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteComment
type DeleteCommentPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteFieldCondition
input DeleteFieldConditionInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field condition ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteFieldCondition
type DeleteFieldConditionPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteInboxEmail
input DeleteInboxEmailInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The email ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteInboxEmail
type DeleteInboxEmailPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteLabel
input DeleteLabelInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The label ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteLabel
type DeleteLabelPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteOrganization
input DeleteOrganizationInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The organization ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteOrganization
type DeleteOrganizationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeletePhaseField
input DeletePhaseFieldInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeletePhaseField
type DeletePhaseFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeletePhase
input DeletePhaseInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The phase ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeletePhase
type DeletePhasePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeletePipe
input DeletePipeInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The pipe ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeletePipe
type DeletePipePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeletePipeRelation
input DeletePipeRelationInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeletePipeRelation
type DeletePipeRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteTableField
input DeleteTableFieldInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteTableField
type DeleteTableFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteTable
input DeleteTableInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The table ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteTable
type DeleteTablePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteTableRecord
input DeleteTableRecordInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The record ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteTableRecord
type DeleteTableRecordPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteTableRelation
input DeleteTableRelationInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteTableRelation
type DeleteTableRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of DeleteWebhook
input DeleteWebhookInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The webhook ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of DeleteWebhook
type DeleteWebhookPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# The due date field
type DueDateField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Due date field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): DateTime
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# List of Email Attachments.
type EmailAttachment {
# Represents the file url.
fileUrl: String
# Represents the name of the file of the attachment.
filename: String
# Represents each email attachment identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents the full path of the file url.
public_url: String
# Email attachment's inputs
input EmailAttachmentInput {
# The file name
fileName: String
# The file's URL
fileUrl: String!
# The file's public URL
publicUrl: String
# The email field
type EmailField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Email field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Email invite's inputs
input EmailToInviteInput {
# The email address
email: String!
# The role name
# Valid Options:
# 1. Organization
# - admin
# - normal
# - gest
# 2. Pipe
# - admin
# - member
# - creator
# - my_cards_only
# 3. Table
# - admin
# - member
role_name: String!
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.errors.query
type Errors {
index: Int
message: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition.description
type FieldCondition {
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition.actions
actions: [FieldConditionAction]
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition.condition
condition: Condition
# translation missing:
id: ID
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition.index
isTrueFor(cardId: ID!): Boolean
# translation missing:
name: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition.phase
phase: Phase
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition_action.description
type FieldConditionAction {
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition_action.action
actionId: String
# translation missing:
id: ID
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition_action.field
phase: Phase
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition_action.field
phaseField: PhaseField
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.field_condition_action.field
phaseFieldId: ID
# When condition evaluator
whenEvaluator: Boolean
# Field condition's inputs
input FieldConditionActionInput {
# The condition action
# Valid options:
# - hide
# - show
actionId: String
# The condition ID
id: ID
# The field ID
phaseFieldId: ID
# The phase for bulk actions
phaseId: ID
# The validation of the conditional
whenEvaluator: Boolean
# List of the label information.
type FieldLabel {
# Represents the color used in the label using a hexadecimal string.
color: String
# Represents the label identifier.
id: ID
# Represents the label name.
name: String
# The field map represents the field ID of the father-card and the related field ID of the child-card.
type FieldMap {
# The field ID of the father-card.
fieldId: ID!
# The field ID of the father-card.
field_id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "field_id is deprecated, use fieldId instead")
# How the value is going to be parsed:
# Valid options:
# - fixed_value: uses a fix value for the field.
# - copy_from: copies the value of the father-card.
inputMode: String!
# The field ID of the child-card.
value: String!
# Field map's inputs
input FieldMapInput {
# The parent-card field ID
fieldId: String!
# The value input mode
# Valid options:
# - fixed_value
# - copy_from
inputMode: String!
# The child-card field ID or the fixed value
value: String!
# Field information
interface FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Field value's inputs
input FieldValueInput {
# The field ID
field_id: ID!
# The field value
field_value: [UndefinedInput]
# Field's column inputs
input FieldValuesColumnsInput {
# The spreadsheet column
column: String!
# The field ID
fieldId: String!
# Filled field's inputs
input FilledField {
# The field ID
fieldId: ID!
# The field value
fieldValue: [UndefinedInput]
# Generic field information
interface GenericField {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Repo (Pipe or Table) representation
connectedRepo: PublicRepoUnion
# Repo (Card or Table Record) representation
connected_repo: RepoTypes @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepo")
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# Whether the field accepts multiple entries
is_multiple: Boolean
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# The ID field
type IdField {
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field title
label: String!
# List of improvements by pipe, filtered by enabled apps and dismissed improvements
type Improvement {
# Represents the improvement's app
app: PlatformApp
# Represents each improvement's identifier
id: ID!
# Represents the improvement's view state
viewed: Boolean!
# Show a pipe's improvement setting
type ImprovementSetting {
# Represents improvement setting's title
description: ID!
# Represents improvement setting's identifier
id: ID!
# List all improvements of an improvement setting
improvements: [Improvement]
# Represents the improvement setting's title
title: ID!
# List of the Inbox Email information.
type InboxEmail {
# Lookup the email's attachments by its identifier.
attachments: [EmailAttachment]
# Represents Inbox Email 'BCC' email addresses.
bcc: [String]
# Represents Inbox Email body, with any eventual previous replies removed.
body: String
# Lookup the card, from which the Inbox Email was sent, by its identifier.
card: Card
# Represents Inbox Email 'CC' email addresses.
cc: [String]
# Represents Inbox Email's clean body, only filtering the invalid or malicious characters and tags.
clean_body: String
# Represents Inbox Email's clean HTML, only filtering the invalid or malicious characters and tags.
clean_html: String
# Represents Inbox Email's clean text, only filtering the invalid or malicious characters and tags.
clean_text: String
# Represents Inbox Email sender email address.
from: String
# Represents Inbox Email sender's name.
from_name: String
# Represents each email's identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents Inbox Email's primary email addresses destination.
main_to: String
# Represents the Inbox Email answer message identifier.
message_id: String
# Lookup the pipe, from which the Inbox Email was sent, by its identifier.
pipe: Pipe
# Represents Inbox Email raw body, only filtering invalid characters (and giving preference to the text type).
raw_body: String
# Represents Inbox Email raw headers.
raw_headers: String
# Represents Inbox Email raw HTML format, only filtering invalid characters.
raw_html: String
# Represents Inbox Email raw text format, only filtering invalid characters.
raw_text: String
# Represents Inbox Email state, which can be:
# * 0 - Pending
# * 1 - Processing
# * 2 - Processed
# * 3 - Failed
state: String
# Represents Inbox Email subject.
subject: String
# Represents Inbox Email receiver email address.
to: [String]
# Represents last Inbox Email update date and time.
updated_at: DateTime
# Lookup the email's creator.
user: User
# Autogenerated input type of InviteMembers
input InviteMembersInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Emails to be invited
emails: [EmailToInviteInput]!
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of InviteMembers
type InviteMembersPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns possible errors in the mutation
errors: [Errors]
# Returns information about the new users
users: [User]
# A JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.
scalar Json
# List of the label information.
type Label {
# Represents the color used in the label using a hexadecimal string.
color: String
# Represents the label identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents the label name.
name: String
# The label field
type LabelField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Label field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): [Label]
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Array with label information
labels: [Label]
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Label's inputs
input LabelInput {
# The label color (hexadecimal)
color: String!
# The label name
name: String!
# The long text field
type LongTextField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Long text field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Member information
type Member {
# The user role name
# Valid roles:
# 1. Organization:
# - admin: Team admin, can view/join all pipes and access/manage the team settings;
# - normal: Team member, can view and join all public pipes;
# - gest: Team guest, is free and can only create cards.
# 2. Pipe:
# - admin: Pipe admin, can create and edit cards as well as manage the pipe settings;
# - member: Pipe member, can create new cards as well as access the existing ones to edit and move them across the pipe;
# - creator: Pipe start form only, has limited access to the pipe - can create cards;
# - my_cards_only: Pipe restricted view, can create new cards but is only
# allowed to view/edit cards created by or assigned to him;
# - read_and_comment: Pipe read only, can view the cards and add comments.
# 3. Database Table:
# - admin: Table admin, can create an edit records, edit the table and its settings;
# - member: Table member, can view and create records (if authorized on the settings).
role_name: String!
# The user information
user: User
# Member's inputs
input MemberInput {
# The user role name
# Valid roles:
# 1. Organization:
# - admin: Team admin, can view/join all pipes and access/manage the team settings;
# - normal: Team member, can view and join all public pipes;
# - gest: Team guest, is free and can only create cards.
# 2. Pipe:
# - admin: Pipe admin, can create and edit cards as well as manage the pipe settings;
# - member: Pipe member, can create new cards as well as access the existing ones to edit and move them across the pipe;
# - creator: Pipe start form only, has limited access to the pipe - can create cards;
# - my_cards_only: Pipe restricted view, can create new cards but is only
# allowed to view/edit cards created by or assigned to him;
# - read_and_comment: Pipe read only, can view the cards and add comments.
# 3. Database Table:
# - admin: Table admin, can create an edit records, edit the table and its settings;
# - member: Table member, can view and create records (if authorized on the settings).
role_name: String!
# The user ID
user_id: ID!
# Card field value information
interface MinimalCardFieldValueInterface {
# The value of an Attachment, Checklists, Connection or Label field, processed as an array type
array_value: [String]
# Information about the users assigned to the card
assignee_values: [User]
# Information about cards and records connected with the card
connectedRepoItems: [PublicRepoItemTypes]
# The value of a Date, DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date type
date_value: Date
# The value of a DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date and time type
datetime_value: DateTime
# Information about the card's field
field: MinimalField
# The field float value
float_value: Float
# Information about the card's label
label_values: [FieldLabel]
# The field value
value: String
# Card information
interface MinimalCardInterface {
# When the card was created
createdAt: DateTime
# Information about the card's creator
createdBy: User
# The card email address
emailMessagingAddress: String
# The card ID
id: ID!
# The card title
title: String!
# Field information
type MinimalField implements MinimalFieldInterface {
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field internal ID
internal_id: ID!
# The field title
label: String
# The options of the Checklist, Radio or Select field
options: [String]
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: String
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Field information
interface MinimalFieldInterface {
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field internal ID
internal_id: ID!
# The field title
label: String
# The options of the Checklist, Radio or Select field
options: [String]
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: String
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Phase information
interface MinimalPhaseInterface {
# The phase ID
id: ID!
# The phase name
name: String!
# Autogenerated input type of MoveCardToPhase
input MoveCardToPhaseInput {
# The card ID
card_id: ID!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The phase ID
destination_phase_id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of MoveCardToPhase
type MoveCardToPhasePayload {
# Returns information about the card
card: Card
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The root query for implementing GraphQL mutations
type Mutation {
# Create new cards from a xlsx file
cardsImporter(input: CardsImporterInput!): CardsImporterPayload
# Clones a pipe
clonePipes(input: ClonePipesInput!): ClonePipesPayload
# Creates a card
createCard(input: CreateCardInput!): CreateCardPayload
# Creates a card relation
createCardRelation(input: CreateCardRelationInput!): CreateCardRelationPayload
# Creates a comment
createComment(input: CreateCommentInput!): CreateCommentPayload
# Creates a field condition
createFieldCondition(input: createFieldConditionInput!): createFieldConditionPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Creates an email
createInboxEmail(input: CreateInboxEmailInput!): CreateInboxEmailPayload
# Creates a label
createLabel(input: CreateLabelInput!): CreateLabelPayload
# Creates an organization
createOrganization(input: CreateOrganizationInput!): CreateOrganizationPayload
# Creates a phase
createPhase(input: CreatePhaseInput!): CreatePhasePayload
# Creates a phase field
createPhaseField(input: CreatePhaseFieldInput!): CreatePhaseFieldPayload
# Creates a pipe
createPipe(input: CreatePipeInput!): CreatePipePayload
# Creates a pipe relation
createPipeRelation(input: CreatePipeRelationInput!): CreatePipeRelationPayload
# Returns a temporary S3 presigned url to upload a file
createPresignedUrl(input: CreatePresignedUrlInput!): CreatePresignedUrlPayload
# Creates a table
createTable(input: CreateTableInput!): CreateTablePayload
# Creates a table field
createTableField(input: CreateTableFieldInput!): CreateTableFieldPayload
# Creates a record
createTableRecord(input: CreateTableRecordInput!): CreateTableRecordPayload
# Creates a record in a private table
createTableRecordInRestrictedTable(input: CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTableInput!): CreateTableRecordInRestrictedTablePayload
# Creates a table relation
createTableRelation(input: CreateTableRelationInput!): CreateTableRelationPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Creates a webhook
createWebhook(input: CreateWebhookInput!): CreateWebhookPayload
# Deletes a card
deleteCard(input: DeleteCardInput!): DeleteCardPayload
# Deletes a comment
deleteComment(input: DeleteCommentInput!): DeleteCommentPayload
# Deletes a field condition
deleteFieldCondition(input: DeleteFieldConditionInput!): DeleteFieldConditionPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Deletes an email
deleteInboxEmail(input: DeleteInboxEmailInput!): DeleteInboxEmailPayload
# Deletes a label
deleteLabel(input: DeleteLabelInput!): DeleteLabelPayload
# Deletes an organization
deleteOrganization(input: DeleteOrganizationInput!): DeleteOrganizationPayload
# Deletes a phase
deletePhase(input: DeletePhaseInput!): DeletePhasePayload
# Deletes a phase field
deletePhaseField(input: DeletePhaseFieldInput!): DeletePhaseFieldPayload
# Deletes a pipe
deletePipe(input: DeletePipeInput!): DeletePipePayload
# Deletes a pipe relation
deletePipeRelation(input: DeletePipeRelationInput!): DeletePipeRelationPayload
# Deletes a table
deleteTable(input: DeleteTableInput!): DeleteTablePayload
# Deletes a table field
deleteTableField(input: DeleteTableFieldInput!): DeleteTableFieldPayload
# Deletes a record
deleteTableRecord(input: DeleteTableRecordInput!): DeleteTableRecordPayload
# Deletes a table relation
deleteTableRelation(input: DeleteTableRelationInput!): DeleteTableRelationPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Deletes a webhook
deleteWebhook(input: DeleteWebhookInput!): DeleteWebhookPayload
# Invites new members for the organization
inviteMembers(input: InviteMembersInput!): InviteMembersPayload
# Moves a card to another phase
moveCardToPhase(input: MoveCardToPhaseInput!): MoveCardToPhasePayload
# Create new records from a xlsx file
recordsImporter(input: RecordsImporterInput!): RecordsImporterPayload
# Sends an email
sendInboxEmail(input: SendInboxEmailInput!): SendInboxEmailPayload
setDismissedImprovement(input: SetDismissedImprovementInput!): SetDismissedImprovementPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Sets field condition order
setFieldConditionOrder(input: setFieldConditionOrderInput!): setFieldConditionOrderPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
setImprovementAsRead(input: SetImprovementAsReadInput!): SetImprovementAsReadPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Sets the role of a user
setRole(input: SetRoleInput!): SetRolePayload
# Sets role of multiple users
setRoles(input: SetRolesInput!): SetRolesPayload
# Sets summary attributes
setSummaryAttributes(input: SetSummaryAttributesInput!): SetSummaryAttributesPayload
# Sets table field order
setTableFieldOrder(input: SetTableFieldOrderInput!): SetTableFieldOrderPayload
# Sets record field value
setTableRecordFieldValue(input: SetTableRecordFieldValueInput!): SetTableRecordFieldValuePayload
# Updates an existing card
updateCard(input: UpdateCardInput!): UpdateCardPayload
# Updates an existing card field
updateCardField(input: UpdateCardFieldInput!): UpdateCardFieldPayload
# Updates an existing comment
updateComment(input: UpdateCommentInput!): UpdateCommentPayload
# Updates an existing field condition
updateFieldCondition(input: UpdateFieldConditionInput!): UpdateFieldConditionPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Updates an existing label
updateLabel(input: UpdateLabelInput!): UpdateLabelPayload
# Updates an existing organization
updateOrganization(input: UpdateOrganizationInput!): UpdateOrganizationPayload
# Updates an existing phase
updatePhase(input: UpdatePhaseInput!): UpdatePhasePayload
# Updates an existing phase field
updatePhaseField(input: UpdatePhaseFieldInput!): UpdatePhaseFieldPayload
# Updates an existing pipe
updatePipe(input: UpdatePipeInput!): UpdatePipePayload
# Updates an existing pipe relation
updatePipeRelation(input: UpdatePipeRelationInput!): UpdatePipeRelationPayload
# Updates an existing table
updateTable(input: UpdateTableInput!): UpdateTablePayload
# Updates an existing table field
updateTableField(input: UpdateTableFieldInput!): UpdateTableFieldPayload
# Updates an existing record
updateTableRecord(input: UpdateTableRecordInput!): UpdateTableRecordPayload
# Updates an existing table relation
updateTableRelation(input: UpdateTableRelationInput!): UpdateTableRelationPayload @deprecated(reason: "Mutation will be removed in the next update")
# Updates an existing webhook
updateWebhook(input: UpdateWebhookInput!): UpdateWebhookPayload
# The number field
type NumberField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Number field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): Float
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# List of the organization information.
type Organization {
# Represents the organization creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime!
# Whether or not the organization requires that users login with Google.
force_omniauth_to_normal_users: Boolean
# Represents the organization identifier.
id: ID!
# Lookup the organization members and their roles.
members: [Member]
# Represents the organization name.
name: String
# Whether or not the creation of new pipes is restricted to Admins.
only_admin_can_create_pipes: Boolean
# Whether or not the invitation of new users is restricted to Admins.
only_admin_can_invite_users: Boolean
# Fetches a group of pipes based on arguments.
pipes(anyone_can_create_card: Boolean, ids: [ID], include_publics: Boolean, onlyFullyVisible: Boolean, with_permission: String): [Pipe]
role: String
# Fetches a group of tables based on arguments.
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
): TableConnection
# Lookup users by their identifier.
users: [User]
# Information about pagination in a connection.
type PageInfo {
# When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
endCursor: String
# When paginating forwards, are there more items?
hasNextPage: Boolean!
# When paginating backwards, are there more items?
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
# When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
startCursor: String
# List of the phase information.
type Phase implements MinimalPhaseInterface {
# Fetches a group of cards based on arguments.
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
include_draft: Boolean
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
search: CardSearch
): CardConnection
# Lookup the phases, that the card can be moved to, by their identifier.
cards_can_be_moved_to_phases: [Phase]
# Represents the amount of cards in the phase.
cards_count(filter: RepoItemFilter): Int
# Represents the phase creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime
# The phase's description
description: String
# Whether or not the phase its a final phase.
done: Boolean!
# Amount of expired cards
expiredCardsCount(filter: RepoItemFilter): Int
# List of condition fields of this repo
fieldConditions: [FieldCondition]
# Lookup all phase fields information.
fields: [PhaseField]
# The phase ID
id: ID!
# Amount of late cards
lateCardsCount(filter: RepoItemFilter): Int
# The phase name
name: String!
# List of the phase history information.
type PhaseDetail {
# Whether or not the card ever became late on a phase.
became_late: Boolean
# Represents the date and time of when the card first entered the phase.
created_at: DateTime
# Whether or not the phase detail is in the start form.
draft: Boolean
# Represents the seconds card stayed in the phase.
duration: Int
# Represents the date and time of when card first entered the phase.
firstTimeIn: DateTime
# Represents the date and time of when card left the phase.
lastTimeOut: DateTime
# Lookup the phase by its identifier.
phase: Phase
# List of the phase's fields information.
type PhaseField implements GenericField, MinimalFieldInterface {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether or not all children must be done to move parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Repo (Pipe or Table) representation
connectedRepo: PublicRepoUnion
# Repo (Card or Table Record) representation
connected_repo: RepoTypes @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepo")
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# The field description
description: String
# Whether or not the phase's field is editable.
editable: Boolean
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field internal ID
internal_id: ID!
# Whether the field accepts multiple entries
is_multiple: Boolean
# The field title
label: String
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The options of the Checklist, Radio or Select field
options: [String]
# Lookup the phase by its identifier.
phase: Phase
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# Whether or not the phase's field is synchronized with the fix field.
synced_with_card: Boolean
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: String
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Phase field's inputs
input PhaseFieldInput {
can_create_database_record: Boolean
can_have_multiple_database_records: Boolean
database_field_layout: Int
# The field description
description: String
# Whether the field is editable
editable: Boolean
# The field help text
help: String
# The field title
label: String!
# The options of the Checklist, Radio or Select field
options: String
# The phase ID
phase_id: ID
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# Whether the field is sync with the fixed field
sync_with_card: Boolean
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type_id: ID!
# Phase's inputs
input PhaseInput {
# Whether its a final phase
done: Boolean
# The phase name
name: String!
# The phone field
type PhoneField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Phone field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# List of the pipe information.
type Pipe implements Repo {
# Whether or not all team members can create cards.
anyone_can_create_card: Boolean
# Represents the amount of cards in the pipe.
cards_count: Int
# Lookup pipe relations through their children identifiers.
childrenRelations: [PipeRelation]
# Represent the text used in the "create card" button.
create_card_label: String
# Represents the pipe creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime
# The Repo description
description: String
# Represents the number used in the pipe SLA.
expiration_time_by_unit: Int
# Represents the seconds of the unit used in the pipe SLA.
# - Minute: 60
# - Hour: 3600
# - Day: 86400
expiration_unit: Int
# List of condition fields of this repo
fieldConditions: [FieldCondition]
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# Represents the repository identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents the pipe improvement setting
improvementSetting: ImprovementSetting
# Information about the Repo's labels
labels: [Label]
# Represents the date and time of the last card that was updated in the pipe.
last_updated_by_card: DateTime
# Information about the Repo's members
members: [Member]
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Whether or not cards can only be deleted through Admins.
only_admin_can_remove_cards: Boolean
# Whether or not users can only edit the cards they're assigned to.
only_assignees_can_edit_cards: Boolean
# Represents the amount of cards that are not in a final phase.
opened_cards_count: Int
# Information about the organization
organization: Organization
# Lookup pipe relations through their parents identifiers.
parentsRelations: [PipeRelation]
# Lookup pipe phases through their identifier.
phases: [Phase]
# Represents the preferences of this repo.
preferences: RepoPreference
# Whether the Repo is public
public: Boolean
# Information about the public form settings
publicFormSettings: PublicFormSettings
# Whether the Repo's public form is active
public_form: Boolean
role: String
# Lookup pipe phases through their identifier.
startFormFieldConditions: [FieldCondition]
# Lookup the start-form fields through their identifiers.
start_form_fields: [PhaseField]
# Represents the pipe unique identifier.
suid: String
# The data selected to be shown in the summarized view
summary_attributes: [SummaryAttribute]
# The Repo summary options
summary_options: [SummaryGroup]
# Lookup the field used as the card title through its identifier.
title_field: PhaseField
# Lookup pipe users through their identifier.
users(filterUnacceptedInvitation: Boolean): [User]
# Represents the amount of users in the pipe.
users_count: Int
# Lookup pipe webhooks through their identifier.
webhooks: [Webhook]
# List of the pipe's relation information.
type PipeRelation implements RepoConnection {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Whether or not the auto fill is enabled in the relation.
autoFillFieldEnabled: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean
# Information about the child Repo
child: RepoTypes
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# The relation name
name: String!
# Represents a map of fields of a parent-item to auto fill fields of a child-item's start form.
ownFieldMaps: [FieldMap]
# Information about the parent Repo
parent: RepoTypes
# List of the pipe templates information.
type PipeTemplate {
# Represents the name of the icon selected to represent the template.
icon: String
# Represents the template identifier.
id: String
# Represents the name of the image selected to represent the template.
image: String
# Represents the template name.
name: String
# PlatformApps used in the Repo
type PlatformApp {
id: ID
name: String
slug: String
url: String
# Card information
type PublicCard implements PublicRepoItemInterface {
# The item ID
id: ID!
# The item path
path: String
# The item summary layout information
summary: [Summary]
# The item title
title: String!
# Custom public form settings
type PublicFormSettings {
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.after_submit_message
afterSubmitMessage: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.background_color
backgroundColor: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.background_image
backgroundImage: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.brand_color
brandColor: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.can_hide_pipefy_logo
canHidePipefyLogo: Boolean
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.description
description: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.display_pipefy_logo
displayPipefyLogo: Boolean
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.logo
logo: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.organization_name
organizationName: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.show_submit_another_response_button
showSubmitAnotherResponseButton: Boolean
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.submit_text
submitButtonText: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.public_form_settings.fields.title
title: String
# Public form settings's inputs
input PublicFormSettingsInput {
# The public form's submission text
afterSubmitMessage: String
# The background color (rgb)
backgroundColor: String
# The background image URL
backgroundImage: String
# The brand color (rgb)
brandColor: String
# The public form description
description: String
# Whether the pipefy logo its displayed
displayPipefyLogo: Boolean
# The public form logo URL
logo: String
# Whether its allowed to submit another response
showSubmitAnotherResponseButton: Boolean
# The public form button text
submitButtonText: String
# The public form title
title: String
# Pipe information
type PublicPipe implements PublicRepoGQLInterface {
# The creation button label
createButtonLabel: String
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# The pipe ID
id: ID!
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Public Repo information
interface PublicRepoGQLInterface {
# The creation button label
createButtonLabel: String
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Repo item information
type PublicRepoItem implements PublicRepoItemInterface {
# The item ID
id: ID!
# The item path
path: String
# The item summary layout information
summary: [Summary]
# The item title
title: String!
# Public item information
interface PublicRepoItemInterface {
# The item ID
id: ID!
# The item path
path: String
# The item summary layout information
summary: [Summary]
# The item title
title: String!
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.unions.public_repo_item.desc
union PublicRepoItemTypes = PublicCard | PublicTableRecord
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.unions.public_repo.desc
union PublicRepoUnion = PublicPipe | PublicTable
# Table information
type PublicTable implements PublicRepoGQLInterface {
# The creation button label
createButtonLabel: String
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# The table ID
id: ID!
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Record information
type PublicTableRecord implements PublicRepoItemInterface {
# The item ID
id: ID!
# The item path
path: String
# The item summary layout information
summary: [Summary]
# The item title
title: String!
# The connection type for PublicTableRecord.
type PublicTableRecordConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [PublicTableRecordEdge]
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# An edge in a connection.
type PublicTableRecordEdge {
# A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
# The item at the end of the edge.
node: PublicTableRecord
# User information
type PublicUser {
# The user's avatar URL
avatar_url: String
# The user email
email: String
# The user ID
id: ID!
# The user name
name: String
# The user username
username: String!
# The query root of Pipefy's GraphQL interface
type Query {
# Fetches all pipe cards based on arguments
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Search filter
filter: AdvancedSearch
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
# The pipe ID
pipeId: ID!
): CardConnection
# Lookup the values that will automatically fill the child-card's start form fields
autoFillFields(connectorId: ID!, connectorType: String!, parentCardId: ID!): [AutoFillFieldUnion]
# Lookup a card by its ID
# The card ID
id: ID!
): Card
# Fetches a group of cards based on arguments
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID!
# Arguments that can be used to filter the search
search: CardSearch
): CardConnection
# Lookup the cards importer history by the pipe ID
# The pipe ID
pipeId: ID!
): [CardsImportation]
conditionalField(cardId: ID, overrideFieldValue: [FilledField], repoId: ID!): ConditionalField
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
search: TableRecordSearch
tableId: ID!
throughConnectors: ReferenceConnectorFieldInput!
): PublicTableRecordConnection
fieldCondition(id: ID!): FieldCondition
# Lookup the card's emails by its ID
# The card ID
card_id: ID!
): [InboxEmail]
# Returns informations of the current authenticated user
me: User
# Lookup an organization by its ID
# The organization ID
id: ID!
): Organization
# Lookup organizations by their ID
# The organizations IDs
ids: [ID]
): [Organization]
# Lookup a phase by its ID
# The phase ID
id: ID!
): Phase
# Lookup a pipe by its ID
# The pipe ID
id: ID!
): Pipe
# Lookup pipe relations by their ID
# The pipe relation ID
ids: [ID]!
): [PipeRelation]
# Lookup all pipe templates available on Pipefy
pipe_templates: [PipeTemplate]
# Lookup pipes by their ID
# The pipes IDs
ids: [ID]!
): [Pipe]
# Lookup the records importer history by the table ID
# The table ID
tableId: ID!
): [RecordsImportation]
repoItemForm(repoId: ID!, throughConnectors: ReferenceConnectorFieldInput): RepoItemFormUnion
# Lookup a database table by its ID
# The table ID
id: ID!
): Table
# Lookup a record by its ID
# The record ID
id: ID!
): TableRecord
# Fetches a group of records based on arguments
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
# Arguments that can be used to filter the search
search: TableRecordSearch
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
): TableRecordWithCountConnection
# Lookup table relations by their ID
# The table relation ID
ids: [ID]!
): [TableRelation]
# Lookup database tables by their ID
# The tables IDs
ids: [ID]!
): [Table]
# The horizontal radio field
type RadioHorizontalField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Horizontal radio field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# The horizontal radio options
options: [String]
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# The vertical radio field
type RadioVerticalField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Vertical radio field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# The vertical radio options
options: [String]
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Records importer information
type RecordsImportation implements RepoItemsImportationGQLInterface {
# The importation date of creation
createdAt: DateTime
# The importation creator
createdBy: User
# The importation ID
id: ID!
# The amount of records imported
importedRecords: Int
# The importation status
status: String
# The xlsx file URL
url: String
# Autogenerated input type of RecordsImporter
input RecordsImporterInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Array with the field ID and its spreadsheet's column with the value
fieldValuesColumns: [FieldValuesColumnsInput]
# The spreadsheet column with the record's status
statusColumn: String
# The table ID
tableId: ID!
# The xlsx file URL
url: String!
# Autogenerated return type of RecordsImporter
type RecordsImporterPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the importation
recordsImportation: RecordsImportation
# Connector field's inputs
input ReferenceConnectorFieldInput {
# The field ID
fieldId: ID!
# The next connector field ID
nextConnectorField: ReferenceConnectorFieldInput
# Repo information
interface Repo {
# The Repo description
description: String
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# Information about the Repo's labels
labels: [Label]
# Information about the Repo's members
members: [Member]
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Information about the organization
organization: Organization
# Whether the Repo is public
public: Boolean
# Information about the public form settings
publicFormSettings: PublicFormSettings
# Whether the Repo's public form is active
public_form: Boolean
# The data selected to be shown in the summarized view
summary_attributes: [SummaryAttribute]
# The Repo summary options
summary_options: [SummaryGroup]
# Repo connection information
interface RepoConnection {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean
# Information about the child Repo
child: RepoTypes
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# The relation name
name: String!
# Information about the parent Repo
parent: RepoTypes
# Repo item field information
interface RepoItemFieldGQLInterface {
# Repo item (Card or Record) representation
connected_repo_items: [RepoItemTypes] @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepoItems")
# When the field was filled
filled_at: DateTime
# The field name
name: String
# Information about the field's phase
phase_field: PhaseField
# When the field was last updated
updated_at: DateTime
# It represents a card or a database table record.
union RepoItemFieldsTypes = AssigneeField | AttachmentField | ChecklistHorizontalField | ChecklistVerticalField | CnpjField | ConnectorField | CpfField | CurrencyField | DateField | DatetimeField | DueDateField | EmailField | IdField | LabelField | LongTextField | NumberField | PhoneField | RadioHorizontalField | RadioVerticalField | SelectField | ShortTextField | StatementField | TimeField
# Options to filter cards
input RepoItemFilter {
# Assignee to filter cards
cardAssigneeIds: [ID]
# Labels to filter cards
cardLabelIds: [ID]
# Text to filter cards
text: String
# The Repo item form
interface RepoItemFormGQLInterface {
# The available fields in Pipefy
formFields: [RepoItemFieldsTypes]
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.unions.repo_item_form.desc
union RepoItemFormUnion = CardForm | TableRecordForm
# It represents a card or a database table record.
union RepoItemTypes = Card | TableRecord
# The connection type for RepoItemTypes.
type RepoItemTypesConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [RepoItemTypesEdge]
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# An edge in a connection.
type RepoItemTypesEdge {
# A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
# The item at the end of the edge.
node: RepoItemTypes
# Importer information
interface RepoItemsImportationGQLInterface {
# The importation date of creation
createdAt: DateTime
# The importation creator
createdBy: User
# The importation ID
id: ID!
# The importation status
status: String
# The xlsx file URL
url: String
# List of all settings/preferences regarding a Repo
type RepoPreference {
# Represents the basic attributes selected to be hidden in the open card.
hiddenBasicCardAttributes: [String]
# Represents the attributes selected to be hidden in the start form.
hiddenStartFormAttributes: [String]
# Whether or not the email client is enabled.
inboxEmailEnabled: Boolean
# Represents the views selected to be shown in the card.
mainTabViews: [String]
# Repo preference's inputs
input RepoPreferenceInput {
# Whether the email inbox is enable
inboxEmailEnabled: Boolean
# The views selected to be shown in the cards
mainTabViews: [String]
# It represents a pipe or a database table.
union RepoTypes = Pipe | Table
# The select field
type SelectField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Select field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# The select options
options: [String]
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# Autogenerated input type of SendInboxEmail
input SendInboxEmailInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The email ID
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of SendInboxEmail
type SendInboxEmailPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of SetDismissedImprovement
input SetDismissedImprovementInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of SetDismissedImprovement
type SetDismissedImprovementPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of SetImprovementAsRead
input SetImprovementAsReadInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
improvementSettingId: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of SetImprovementAsRead
type SetImprovementAsReadPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of SetRole
input SetRoleInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The member information
member: MemberInput!
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of SetRole
type SetRolePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the member
member: Member
# Autogenerated input type of SetRoles
input SetRolesInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Array with the user ID and role name
members: [MemberInput]!
# The organization ID
organization_id: ID
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of SetRoles
type SetRolesPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns possible errors in the mutation
errors: [String]
# Returns information about the members
members: [Member]
# Autogenerated input type of SetSummaryAttributes
input SetSummaryAttributesInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The pipe ID
pipe_id: ID
# The fields ID
# Standard options:
# - id
# - title
# - current_phase
# - labels
# - due_date
# - created_by
# - assignees
# - finished_at
# - created_at
# - updated_at
# - last_comment
# - las_comment_at
summary_attributes: [ID]!
# The table ID
table_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of SetSummaryAttributes
type SetSummaryAttributesPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the summary attributes
summary_attributes: [SummaryAttribute]
# Autogenerated input type of SetTableFieldOrder
input SetTableFieldOrderInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The fields ID in order
field_ids: [ID]!
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of SetTableFieldOrder
type SetTableFieldOrderPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table fields
table_fields: [TableField]
# Autogenerated input type of SetTableRecordFieldValue
input SetTableRecordFieldValueInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field ID
field_id: ID!
# The record ID
table_record_id: ID!
# The field value
value: [UndefinedInput]
# Autogenerated return type of SetTableRecordFieldValue
type SetTableRecordFieldValuePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the record
table_record: TableRecord
# Returns information about the record field
table_record_field: TableRecordField
# The short text field
type ShortTextField implements FieldType {
# The short text field custom validation
customValidation: String
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Short text field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# The statement field
type StatementField {
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field title
label: String!
# List of the summary informations.
type Summary {
# Represents the title of the selected field to be represented in the summary.
title: String!
# Represents the value of the selected field to be represented in the summary.
value: String!
# List of the summary attributes information.
type SummaryAttribute {
# Represents summary attribute identifier. It accepts the field's internal identifier or the repository attribute's slug.
# Valid repository attribute's options:
# - id
# - title
# - current_phase
# - labels
# - due_date
# - created_by
# - assignees
# - finished_at
# - created_at
# - updated_at
# - last_comment
# - last_comment_at
id: String!
# List of the summary group information.
type SummaryGroup {
# Represents a general information of a card or a phase's field.
name: String!
# Lookup the summary group options by its identifier.
options: [SummaryOption]
# List of the summary option information.
type SummaryOption {
# Represents the field's internal identifier or the card attribute's slug.
id: String!
# Represents the summary option title label.
label: String!
# List of the database table information.
type Table implements Repo {
# Database table authorization.
authorization: TableAuthorization
# Represent the text used in the "create record" button.
create_record_button_label: String
# The Repo description
description: String
# The Repo icon
icon: String
# Represents the repository identifier.
id: ID!
# Information about the Repo's labels
labels: [Label]
# Information about the Repo's members
members: [Member]
# Represents your permission in the database table.
my_permissions: TablePermission
# The Repo name
name: String!
# Lookup the possible fields to sort records in the table.
# Valid fields:
# - title
# - status
# - created_at
# - updated_at
# - finished_at
orderableFields: [String]
# Lookup the possible field types to sort records in the table.
orderableTypes: [String]
# Information about the organization
organization: Organization
# Whether the Repo is public
public: Boolean
# Information about the public form settings
publicFormSettings: PublicFormSettings
# Whether the Repo's public form is active
public_form: Boolean
# Lookup the possible status of the record in the table.
statuses: [TableRecordStatus]
# The data selected to be shown in the summarized view
summary_attributes: [SummaryAttribute]
# The Repo summary options
summary_options: [SummaryGroup]
# Lookup the database table fields by their identifier.
table_fields: [TableField]
# Fetches a group of records based on arguments.
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
): TableRecordConnection
# Represents the amount of records in the database table.
table_records_count: Int
# Lookup the field used as the record title by its identifier.
title_field: TableField
# Represents the database table URL adress.
url: String
# The table authorization options
enum TableAuthorization {
# User can only view the records
# User can add, edit and remove records
# The connection type for Table.
type TableConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [TableEdge]
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# An edge in a connection.
type TableEdge {
# A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
# The item at the end of the edge.
node: Table
# List of the database table field's information.
type TableField implements GenericField, MinimalFieldInterface {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Repo (Pipe or Table) representation
connectedRepo: PublicRepoUnion
# Repo (Card or Table Record) representation
connected_repo: RepoTypes @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepo")
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field internal ID
internal_id: ID!
# Whether the field accepts multiple entries
is_multiple: Boolean
# The field title
label: String
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The options of the Checklist, Radio or Select field
options: [String]
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# The field type
# Valid options:
# - assignee_select
# - attachment
# - checklist_horizontal
# - checklist_vertical
# - cnpj
# - connector
# - cpf
# - currency
# - date
# - datetime
# - due_date
# - email
# - id
# - label_select
# - long_text
# - number
# - phone
# - radio_horizontal
# - radio_vertical
# - select
# - short_text
# - statement
# - time
type: String
# Whether or not the field must have a unique value.
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# List of the database table managing permissions.
type TablePermission {
# Whether or not user can create, edit and delete records in the database table.
can_manage_record: Boolean
# Whether or not user can edit and delete the database table (Admin).
can_manage_table: Boolean
# List of the database table record information.
type TableRecord {
# Lookup users assigned to the record by its identifier.
assignees: [User]
# Represents the record creation date and time.
created_at: DateTime
# Lookup record creator by its identifier.
created_by: User
# Represents the record due date.
due_date: DateTime
# Represents the record finishing date and time.
finished_at: DateTime
# Represents the record identifier.
id: ID!
# Lookup the record labels by their identifier.
labels: [Label]
# Lookup records connections and connection fields and the relation with parent-records.
parent_relations(relation_name: String): [TableRecordRelation]
# Represents the record's path.
path: String
# Lookup the record's fields by their identifier.
record_fields: [TableRecordField]
# Represents the status of the table record.
status: TableRecordStatus
# List of the summary informations.
summary: [Summary]
# Lookup the record database table by its identifier.
table: Table
# Represents the data selected to be the records title.
title: String
# Represents last record update date and time.
updated_at: DateTime
# Represents the record's URL address.
url: String
# The connection type for TableRecord.
type TableRecordConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [TableRecordEdge]
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# An edge in a connection.
type TableRecordEdge {
# A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
# The item at the end of the edge.
node: TableRecord
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.table_record_field.query
type TableRecordField implements MinimalCardFieldValueInterface, RepoItemFieldGQLInterface {
# The value of an Attachment, Checklists, Connection or Label field, processed as an array type
array_value: [String]
# Information about the users assigned to the card
assignee_values: [User]
# Information about cards and records connected with the card
connectedRepoItems: [PublicRepoItemTypes]
# Repo item (Card or Record) representation
connected_repo_items: [RepoItemTypes] @deprecated(reason: "Please, use connectedRepoItems")
# The value of a Date, DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date type
date_value: Date
# The value of a DateTime or DueDate field, processed as a date and time type
datetime_value: DateTime
# Information about the card's field
field: MinimalField
# When the field was filled
filled_at: DateTime
# The field float value
float_value: Float
# Information about the card's label
label_values: [FieldLabel]
# The field name
name: String
# Information about the field's phase
phase_field: PhaseField
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.repo_item_field.fields.required
required: Boolean
# When the field was last updated
updated_at: DateTime
# The field value
value: String
# translation missing: en.api.documentation.table_record_form.description
type TableRecordForm implements PublicRepoGQLInterface, RepoItemFormGQLInterface {
# The creation button label
createButtonLabel: String
# The available fields in Pipefy
formFields: [RepoItemFieldsTypes]
# The Repo icon
icon: String
id: ID!
# The Repo name
name: String!
# List of the database table record's relations information.
type TableRecordRelation {
# Represents a relation's name.
name: String
# Represents a repo (Card or Table Record).
repo: RepoTypes
# Fetches a group of records based on arguments.
# Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified global ID.
after: String
# Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified global ID.
before: String
done: Boolean
# Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
# Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
last: Int
): RepoItemTypesConnection
# Represents the type source. It can be a database table or a pipe.
source_type: String
# Records search's inputs
input TableRecordSearch {
# The assignee ID
assignee_ids: [ID]
# The records ID to be ignored
ignore_ids: [ID]
# The label ID
label_ids: [ID]
# The sort direction
# Valid options:
# - asc
# - desc
orderDirection: String
# The field used to sort results
orderField: String
# The record title
title: String
# List of the record status information.
type TableRecordStatus {
# Represents the status identifier.
id: ID!
# Represents the status name.
name: String
# The connection type for TableRecord.
type TableRecordWithCountConnection {
# A list of edges.
edges: [TableRecordEdge]
# The amount of records in the table
matchCount: Int
# Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
# List of the table's relation information.
type TableRelation implements RepoConnection {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to connect multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean
# Whether its possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean
# Information about the child Repo
child: RepoTypes
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# The relation name
name: String!
# Information about the parent Repo
parent: RepoTypes
# The time field
type TimeField implements FieldType {
# The field description
description: String
# The field current state
# Array with current field value information
currentFieldValues: [FilledField]
): ConditionFieldActions
# The field help text
helpText: String
# The field ID
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please, use uuid")
# Time field initial value
# Array with initial value information
initialValues: [FilledField]
): String
# Whether the field is required
isRequired: Boolean
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimalView: Boolean
# Whether the field triggers a condition
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# The field universally unique ID
uuid: ID!
# A generic type.
scalar UndefinedInput
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateCardField
input UpdateCardFieldInput {
# The card ID
card_id: ID!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field ID
field_id: ID!
# Field new value
new_value: [UndefinedInput]
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateCardField
type UpdateCardFieldPayload {
# Returns information about the card
card: Card
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the mutation was successful
success: Boolean
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateCard
input UpdateCardInput {
# The assignee IDs
assignee_ids: [ID]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The card due date
due_date: DateTime
# The card ID
id: ID!
# The label ID
label_ids: [ID]
# The card title
title: String
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateCard
type UpdateCardPayload {
# Returns information about the card
card: Card
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateComment
input UpdateCommentInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The comment ID
id: ID!
# The comment text
text: String!
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateComment
type UpdateCommentPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the comment
comment: Comment
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateFieldCondition
input UpdateFieldConditionInput {
# Array with field condition's actions
actions: [FieldConditionActionInput]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field condition's condition
condition: ConditionInput
# The field condition ID
id: ID!
# The field condition name
name: String
# The phase ID
phase_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateFieldCondition
type UpdateFieldConditionPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the fieldCondition
fieldCondition: FieldCondition
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateLabel
input UpdateLabelInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The label color (hexadecimal)
color: String!
# The label ID
id: ID!
# The label name
name: String!
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateLabel
type UpdateLabelPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the label
label: Label
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateOrganization
input UpdateOrganizationInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Whether the organization requires that users log with Google account
force_omniauth_to_normal_users: Boolean
# The organization ID
id: ID!
# The organization name
name: String!
# Whether the creation of new pipes is restricted to the organization Admin
only_admin_can_create_pipes: Boolean
# Whether the invitation of new users is restricted to the organization Admin
only_admin_can_invite_users: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateOrganization
type UpdateOrganizationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the organization
organization: Organization
# Autogenerated input type of UpdatePhaseField
input UpdatePhaseFieldInput {
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED! Please, use canCreateNewConnected
can_create_database_record: Boolean
# ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED! Please, use canConnectMultiples
can_have_multiple_database_records: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
database_field_layout: Int
# The field description
description: String
# Whether the field is editable
editable: Boolean
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field title
label: String!
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The field options
options: [String]
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# Whether the field is sync with the fixed field
sync_with_card: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of UpdatePhaseField
type UpdatePhaseFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the phase field
phase_field: PhaseField
# Autogenerated input type of UpdatePhase
input UpdatePhaseInput {
# Whether cards can be created directly in the phase
can_receive_card_directly_from_draft: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The phase description
description: String
# Whether it's a final phase
done: Boolean
# The phase ID
id: ID!
# The phase's SLA in seconds
lateness_time: Int
# The phase name
name: String!
only_admin_can_move_to_previous: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of UpdatePhase
type UpdatePhasePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the phase
phase: Phase
# Autogenerated input type of UpdatePipe
input UpdatePipeInput {
# Whether all organization members can create cards in the pipe
anyone_can_create_card: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The pipe's SLA unit
expiration_time_by_unit: Int
# The pipe's SLA expiration period
# - Minutes: 60
# - Hours: 3600
# - Day: 86400
expiration_unit: Int
# The pipe icon
# Valid options:
# - airplane
# - at
# - axe
# - badge
# - bag
# - boat
# - briefing
# - bug
# - bullhorn
# - calendar
# - cart
# - cat
# - chart-zoom
# - chart2
# - chat
# - check
# - checklist
# - compass
# - contract
# - dog
# - eiffel
# - emo
# - finish-flag
# - flame
# - frame
# - frog
# - game
# - github
# - globe
# - growth
# - hr-process
# - hr-requests
# - ice
# - juice
# - lamp
# - lemonade
# - liberty
# - like
# - mac
# - magic
# - map
# - message
# - mkt-requests
# - money
# - onboarding
# - pacman
# - pacman1
# - payable
# - phone
# - pipefy
# - pizza
# - planet
# - plug
# - receivables
# - receive
# - recruitment-requests
# - reload
# - rocket
# - sales
# - skull
# - snow-flake
# - star
# - target
# - task
# - task-management
# - trophy
# - underwear
icon: String
# The pipe ID
id: ID!
# The pipe name
name: String
# Whether only the Admin can delete cards
only_admin_can_remove_cards: Boolean
# Whether only assignee can edit the card
only_assignees_can_edit_cards: Boolean
# The pipe preferences
preferences: RepoPreferenceInput
# Whether the pipe is public
public: Boolean
# Public form settings
publicFormSettings: PublicFormSettingsInput
# Whether the public form is active
public_form: Boolean
# The title field ID
title_field_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of UpdatePipe
type UpdatePipePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the pipe
pipe: Pipe
# Autogenerated input type of UpdatePipeRelation
input UpdatePipeRelationInput {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean!
# Whether the relation has auto fill active
autoFillFieldEnabled: Boolean!
# Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# The relation name
name: String!
# Array of field input to be used in the auto fill
ownFieldMaps: [FieldMapInput]
# Autogenerated return type of UpdatePipeRelation
type UpdatePipeRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the pipe relation
pipeRelation: PipeRelation
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateTableField
input UpdateTableFieldInput {
# Connection Field: Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExisting: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultiples: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewConnected: Boolean
# Connection Field: Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The regex used to validate the field's value
custom_validation: String
# The field description
description: String
# The field help text
help: String
# The field ID
id: ID!
# The field title
label: String
# Whether the field is minimal
minimal_view: Boolean
# The field options
options: [String]
# Whether the field is required
required: Boolean
# The table ID
table_id: ID!
# Whether the field value must be unique
unique: Boolean
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateTableField
type UpdateTableFieldPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table fields
table_field: TableField
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateTable
input UpdateTableInput {
# The table authorization
# Valid options:
# - read
# - write
authorization: TableAuthorization
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The create record button text
create_record_button_label: String
# The table description
description: String
# The table icon
# Valid options:
# - airplane
# - at
# - axe
# - badge
# - bag
# - boat
# - briefing
# - bug
# - bullhorn
# - calendar
# - cart
# - cat
# - chart-zoom
# - chart2
# - chat
# - check
# - checklist
# - compass
# - contract
# - dog
# - eiffel
# - emo
# - finish-flag
# - flame
# - frame
# - frog
# - game
# - github
# - globe
# - growth
# - hr-process
# - hr-requests
# - ice
# - juice
# - lamp
# - lemonade
# - liberty
# - like
# - mac
# - magic
# - map
# - message
# - mkt-requests
# - money
# - onboarding
# - pacman
# - pacman1
# - payable
# - phone
# - pipefy
# - pizza
# - planet
# - plug
# - receivables
# - receive
# - recruitment-requests
# - reload
# - rocket
# - sales
# - skull
# - snow-flake
# - star
# - target
# - task
# - task-management
# - trophy
# - underwear
icon: String
# The table ID
id: ID!
# The table name
name: String
# Whether the table is public
public: Boolean
# Public form settings
publicFormSettings: PublicFormSettingsInput
# Whether the public form is active
public_form: Boolean
# Array with fields ID
summary_attributes: [ID]
# The title field ID
title_field_id: ID
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateTable
type UpdateTablePayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table
table: Table
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateTableRecord
input UpdateTableRecordInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The record due date
due_date: DateTime
# The record ID
id: ID!
# The record status
statusId: ID
# The record ID
title: String
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateTableRecord
type UpdateTableRecordPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the record
table_record: TableRecord
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateTableRelation
input UpdateTableRelationInput {
# Whether all children must be done to finish the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether all children must be done to move the parent
allChildrenMustBeDoneToMoveParent: Boolean!
# Whether can connect with existing items
canConnectExistingItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to connect with multiple items
canConnectMultipleItems: Boolean!
# Whether is possible to create new connected items
canCreateNewItems: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to finish the parent
childMustExistToFinishParent: Boolean!
# Whether a child must exist to move the parent
childMustExistToMoveParent: Boolean!
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The relation ID
id: ID!
# The relation name
name: String!
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateTableRelation
type UpdateTableRelationPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the table relation
tableRelation: TableRelation
# Autogenerated input type of UpdateWebhook
input UpdateWebhookInput {
# The webhook trigger
# Valid options:
# - card.create
# - card.done
# - card.expired
# - card.late
# - card.move
# - card.overdue
# - card.field_update
actions: [String]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The webhook notification email
email: String
# The custom webhook headers
headers: Json
# The webhook ID
id: ID!
# The webhook name
name: String
# The webhook notification URL
url: String
# Autogenerated return type of UpdateWebhook
type UpdateWebhookPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the webhook
webhook: Webhook
# User information
type User {
# The user's avatar URL
avatarUrl: String
# The user's avatar URL
avatar_url: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use avatarUrl")
# When the user was created
created_at: String!
# The user email
email: String!
# The user ID
id: ID!
# The chosen language
locale: String
# The user name
name: String
# The user preference
preferences: UserPreference
# The user time zone
timeZone: String
# The user time zone
time_zone: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use timeZone")
# The user username
username: String!
# List of user preferences information.
type UserPreference {
# Represents organization reports sidebar status (hide or show) of an user.
displayOrganizationReportSidebar: Boolean
# List of the webhook information.
type Webhook {
# Represents Pipefy's trigger action.
# Valid triggers:
# - card.create: Any time a card is created.
# - card.done: Any time a card enters a final phase.
# - card.expired: Any time a card becomes expired (based on the pipe SLA).
# - card.late: Any time a card becomes late (based on the phase SLA).
# - card.move: Any time a card is moved.
# - card.overdue: Any time a card becomes overdue (based on the card due date).
# - card.field_update: Any time a card field value changes
actions: [String]
# The email chosen to be notified in case of error.
email: String
# The custom header.
headers: Json
# The Webhook identifier.
id: ID!
# The Webhook name.
name: String
# The URL address chosen to be notified.
url: String
type cardLateness {
becameLateAt: DateTime
id: ID!
shouldBecomeLateAt: DateTime
sla: Int!
# Autogenerated input type of createFieldCondition
input createFieldConditionInput {
# Array with field condition's actions
actions: [FieldConditionActionInput]
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# The field condition's condition
condition: ConditionInput
# The condition position
index: Float
# The field condition name
name: String
# The phase ID
phaseId: ID
# Autogenerated return type of createFieldCondition
type createFieldConditionPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the fieldCondition
fieldCondition: FieldCondition
# Autogenerated input type of setFieldConditionOrder
input setFieldConditionOrderInput {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Array of field condition IDs
fieldConditionIds: [ID]!
# The phase ID
phaseId: ID!
# Autogenerated return type of setFieldConditionOrder
type setFieldConditionOrderPayload {
# A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
clientMutationId: String
# Returns information about the fieldCondition
fieldConditions: [FieldCondition]
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