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Created May 27, 2021 13:42
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Please auto go.mod
def _set_go_env():
elif CONFIG.HOSTOS == 'freebsd':
# FreeBSD has some very strange semantics around hardlinks that lead to it finding
# the wrong thing (essentially os.Executable, which go uses to define GOROOT, returns
# the most recent hardlink to the file). We can work around this way although it's
# not very nice (we don't do this globally because OSX doesn't have realpath).
go_root = f'$(dirname $(dirname $(realpath $TOOLS_GO)))'
go_root = '$("$TOOLS_GO" env GOROOT)'
cmd = f'export GOPATH=$TMP_DIR && export GOROOT={go_root}'
return f'export CGO_ENABLED={CONFIG.CGO_ENABLED} && {cmd}'
return cmd
def go_globall(test=False):
return glob(["**/*.go"], exclude = ["*_test.go"] if test else None)
def go_mod(name, visibility, deps=None):
aggreg_name = name
def module_to_target(m):
return m.replace('/', '_')
def _parse_mod_mod(line):
mod, version, depss = line.split(' ')
deps = depss.split('|') if depss else []
return mod, version, deps
def _mod_mod(_, output):
for i, line in enumerate(output):
mod, version, deps = _parse_mod_mod(line)
mod_target = module_to_target(mod)
target_deps = [(":"+module_to_target(d)) for d in deps]
log.error(f'{mod} {version} {target_deps}')
if i == 0:
mod = go_library(
name = mod_target+"#lib",
srcs = ['.'],
deps = target_deps,
moddl = go_mod_download(
name = mod_target+"#dl",
module = mod,
version = version,
mod = go_module(
name = mod_target,
module = mod,
download = moddl,
deps = target_deps,
exported_deps = target_deps,
install = None,
add_exported_dep(aggreg_name, mod)
builddeps = genrule(
name = name+"#builddeps",
srcs = {"modpy": ["//"], "d": ["go.mod", "go.sum"]},
deps = deps,
cmd = [
tools = {
"jq": "//tools:jq|jq",
post_build = _mod_mod,
return filegroup(
name = aggreg_name,
deps = [builddeps],
import subprocess
import os
pkg_dir = os.getcwd()+"/"+os.getenv('PKG_DIR')
def remove_prefix(str, prefix):
if str.startswith(prefix):
return str[len(prefix):]
return str
module = None
gomod = open(pkg_dir+'/go.mod')
for line in gomod.readlines():
if line.startswith("module"):
module = remove_prefix(line, "module").strip()
if not module:
die("cannot guess module")
moddl = subprocess.check_output("$TOOLS_GO mod download -modcacherw -json | $TOOLS_JQ -r '(.Path + \"@\" + .Version)'", shell=True, cwd=pkg_dir).decode("ascii",errors="ignore").splitlines()
modgraph = subprocess.check_output("$TOOLS_GO mod graph", shell=True, cwd=pkg_dir).decode("ascii",errors="ignore").splitlines()
depsm = {}
depsm[module] = {'version': 'v0.0.0', 'deps': set()}
for line in moddl:
mod, version = line.split('@')
depsm[mod] = {'version': version, 'deps': set()}
for line in modgraph:
mod_ref, dep_ref = line.split(' ')
mod_parts = mod_ref.split('@')
mod = mod_parts[0]
dep_parts = dep_ref.split('@')
dep = dep_parts[0]
assert mod in depsm, "Missing entry for mod: "+mod
assert dep in depsm, "Missing entry for dep: "+dep
entry = depsm[mod]
def print_entry(mod, e):
version = e['version']
deps = '|'.join(e['deps'])
print(f'{mod} {version} {deps}')
print_entry(module, depsm[module])
for mod, entry in depsm.items():
if mod == module:
print_entry(mod, entry)
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