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Created October 14, 2016 16:20
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PHP Webdriver
* Formatter for Selenium 2 / WebDriver PHP client.
var subScriptLoader = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
subScriptLoader.loadSubScript('chrome://selenium-ide/content/formats/webdriver.js', this);
function useSeparateEqualsForArray() {
return true;
function testClassName(testName) {
return testName.split(/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/).map(
function(x) {
return capitalize(x);
function testMethodName(testName) {
return "test" + testClassName(testName);
function nonBreakingSpace() {
return "\"\\u00a0\"";
function array(value) {
var str = 'array(';
for ( var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
str += string(value[i]);
if (i < value.length - 1)
str += ", ";
str += ')';
return str;
Equals.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.e1.toString() + " == " + this.e2.toString();
Equals.prototype.assert = function() {
return "$this->assertEquals(" + this.e1.toString() + ", " + this.e2.toString() + ");";
Equals.prototype.verify = function() {
return verify(this.assert());
NotEquals.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.e1.toString() + " != " + this.e2.toString();
NotEquals.prototype.assert = function() {
return "$this->assertNotEquals(" + this.e1.toString() + ", " + this.e2.toString() + ");";
NotEquals.prototype.verify = function() {
return verify(this.assert());
function joinExpression(expression) {
return "implode(',', " + expression.toString() + ")";
function statement(expression) {
var s = expression.toString();
if (s.length == 0) {
return null;
return s + ';';
function assignToVariable(type, variable, expression) {
return "$" + variable + " = " + expression.toString();
variableName = function(value) {
return "$" + value;
function ifCondition(expression, callback) {
return "if (" + expression.toString() + ") {\n" + callback() + "}";
function assertTrue(expression) {
return "$this->assertTrue(" + expression.toString() + ");";
function assertFalse(expression) {
return "$this->assertFalse(" + expression.toString() + ");";
function verify(statement) {
return "try {\n" +
indents(1) + statement + "\n" +
"} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {\n" +
indents(1) + "array_push($this->verificationErrors, $e->__toString());\n" +
function verifyTrue(expression) {
return verify(assertTrue(expression));
function verifyFalse(expression) {
return verify(assertFalse(expression));
RegexpMatch.prototype.toString = function() {
return "(bool)preg_match('/" + this.pattern.replace(/\//g, "\\/") + "/'," + this.expression + ")";
function waitFor(expression) {
return "for ($second = 0; ; $second++) {\n" +
indent(1) + 'if ($second >= 60) $this->fail("timeout");\n' +
indent(1) + "try {\n" +
indent(2) + (expression.setup ? expression.setup() + " " : "") +
indent(2) + "if (" + expression.toString() + ") break;\n" +
indent(1) + "} catch (Exception $e) {}\n" +
indent(1) + "sleep(1);\n" +
function assertOrVerifyFailure(line, isAssert) {
var message = '"expected failure"';
var failStatement = "fail(" + message + ");";
return "try { " + line + " " + failStatement + "} catch (Exception $e) {}";
function pause(milliseconds) {
return "usleep(" + parseInt(milliseconds, 10) + ");";
function echo(message) {
return "print(" + xlateArgument(message) + ");";
function formatComment(comment) {
return comment.comment.replace(/.+/mg, function(str) {
return "// " + str;
* Returns a string representing the suite for this formatter language.
* @param testSuite the suite to format
* @param filename the file the formatted suite will be saved as
function formatSuite(testSuite, filename) {
var suiteClass = /^(\w+)/.exec(filename)[1];
suiteClass = suiteClass[0].toUpperCase() + suiteClass.substring(1);
var formattedSuite = "<phpunit>\n"
+ indents(1) + "<testsuites>\n"
+ indents(2) + "<testsuite name='" + suiteClass + "'>\n";
for (var i = 0; i < testSuite.tests.length; ++i) {
var testClass = testSuite.tests[i].getTitle();
formattedSuite += indents(3)
+ "<file>" + testClass + "<file>\n";
formattedSuite += indents(2) + "</testsuite>\n"
+ indents(1) + "</testsuites>\n"
+ "</phpunit>\n";
return formattedSuite;
function defaultExtension() {
return this.options.defaultExtension;
this.options = {
receiver: "driver",
environment: "*chrome",
extendedClass: "sfBasePhpunitSelenium2TestCase",
indent: '4',
initialIndents: '2',
showSelenese: 'false',
defaultExtension: "php"
options.header =
+ "\n"
+ "class ${className} extends ${extendedClass}\n"
+ "{\n"
+ indents(1) + "/** \n"
+ indents(1) + " * Method ${methodName} \n"
+ indents(1) + " * @test \n"
+ indents(1) + " */ \n"
+ indents(1) + "public function ${methodName}()\n"
+ indents(1) + "{\n";
options.footer =
indents(1) + "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "?>";
this.configForm =
'<description>Variable for Selenium instance</description>' +
'<textbox id="options_receiver" />' +
'<description>Environment</description>' +
'<textbox id="options_environment" />' +
'<description>Extended class</description>' +
'<textbox id="options_extendedClass" />' +
'<checkbox id="options_showSelenese" label="Show Selenese"/>'; = "PHPUnit (WebDriver)";
this.testcaseExtension = ".php";
this.suiteExtension = ".xml";
this.webdriver = true;
WDAPI.Driver = function() {
this.ref = '$this->' + options.receiver;
WDAPI.Driver.searchContext = function(locatorType, locator) {
var locatorString = xlateArgument(locator);
switch (locatorType) {
case 'xpath':
return '$this->byXPath(' + locatorString + ')';
case 'css':
return '$this->byCssSelector(' + locatorString + ')';
case 'id':
return '$this->byId(' + locatorString + ')';
case 'link':
return '$this->by("link text", ' + locatorString + ')';
case 'name':
return '$this->byName(' + locatorString + ')';
case 'tag_name':
return '$this->by("tag name", ' + locatorString + ')';
throw 'Error: unknown strategy [' + locatorType + '] for locator [' + locator + ']';
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.back = function() {
return this.ref + "->navigate()->back()";
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.close = function() {
return this.ref + "->close()";
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.findElement = function(locatorType, locator) {
return new WDAPI.Element(this.ref + "->findElement(" + WDAPI.Driver.searchContext(locatorType, locator) + ")");
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.findElements = function(locatorType, locator) {
return new WDAPI.ElementList(this.ref + "->findElements(" + WDAPI.Driver.searchContext(locatorType, locator) + ")");
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.getCurrentUrl = function() {
return this.ref + "->getCurrentUrl()";
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.get = function(url) {
if (url.length > 1 && (url.substring(1,8) == "http://" || url.substring(1,9) == "https://")) { // url is quoted
return this.ref + "->get(" + url + ")";
} else {
return this.ref + "->get($this->baseUrl + " + url + ")";
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.getTitle = function() {
return this.ref + "->getTitle()";
WDAPI.Driver.prototype.refresh = function() {
return this.ref + "->navigate()->refresh()";
WDAPI.Element = function(ref) {
this.ref = ref;
WDAPI.Element.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.ref + "->clear()";
}; = function() {
return this.ref + "->click()";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.getAttribute = function(attributeName) {
return this.ref + "->getAttribute(" + xlateArgument(attributeName) + ")";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.ref + "->getText()";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.isDisplayed = function() {
return this.ref + "->isDisplayed()";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.isSelected = function() {
return this.ref + "->isSelected()";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.sendKeys = function(text) {
return this.ref + "->sendKeys(" + xlateArgument(text) + ")";
WDAPI.Element.prototype.submit = function() {
return this.ref + "->submit()";
}; = function(label) {
return "(new Select(" + this.ref + "))->selectByVisibleText(" + xlateArgument(label) + ")";
WDAPI.ElementList = function(ref) {
this.ref = ref;
WDAPI.ElementList.prototype.getItem = function(index) {
return this.ref + "[" + index + "]";
WDAPI.ElementList.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.ref + "->size()";
WDAPI.ElementList.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.ref + "->isEmpty()";
WDAPI.Utils = function() {
WDAPI.Utils.isElementPresent = function(how, what) {
return "isElementPresent(" + WDAPI.Driver.searchContext(how, what) + ")";
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