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Last active January 25, 2016 05:39
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Save raphaelschaad/a8a9f33107c70d7880f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Processing sketch visualizing a large set of meteorite strikes as a map for learning purposes. To run, extract because GitHub Gist doesn't allow folders but Processing expects external resources in ./data.
// processing_meteormap.pde
// Processing sketch visualizing a large set of meteorite strikes as a map for learning purposes.
// To run, extract because GitHub Gist doesn't allow folders but Processing expects external resources in ./data.
// Created by Raphael Schaad on 2016-01-23.
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
import processing.pdf.*;
final int kCanvasWidth = 800;
PShape worldMap;
PFont font;
String[][] meteorStrikes;
void settings() {
// Given our equirectangular map projection, the height has to be half the width
size(kCanvasWidth, ceil(kCanvasWidth/2));
void setup () {
worldMap = loadShape("worldmap.svg");
font = createFont("Avenir-Medium", 8);
// Columns: place,year,mass_g,longitude,latitude,fell_found
// Example: Hoba,1920,60000000,17.91667,-19.58333,Found
final int kColumnCount = 6;
String[] csvRows = loadStrings("meteorstrikes.csv");
meteorStrikes = new String[csvRows.length][kColumnCount];
for (int i = 0; i < csvRows.length; i++) {
meteorStrikes[i] = csvRows[i].split(",");
void draw () {
beginRecord(PDF, "meteorstrikesmap.pdf");
shape(worldMap, 0, 0, width, height);
// Record text not as outlines but as characters
// meteorStrikes.length: 34066
final int kPlotedStrikesCount = 1000;
for (int i = 1; i < kPlotedStrikesCount; i++) {
fill(255, 0, 0, 50);
float worldMapLongitude = map(float(meteorStrikes[i][3]), -180, 180, 0, width);
float worldMapLatitude = map(float(meteorStrikes[i][4]), 90, -90, 0, height);
final float kEllipseDiameterScale = 0.015;
float ellipseDiameter = kEllipseDiameterScale * sqrt(float(meteorStrikes[i][2])) / PI;
ellipse(worldMapLongitude, worldMapLatitude, ellipseDiameter, ellipseDiameter);
final int kLabeledStrikesCount = 10;
if (i <= kLabeledStrikesCount) {
final float kPaddingX = 4;
final float kPaddingY = 2;
text(meteorStrikes[i][0], worldMapLongitude + ellipseDiameter + kPaddingX, worldMapLatitude + kPaddingY);
line(worldMapLongitude + ellipseDiameter / 2, worldMapLatitude, worldMapLongitude + ellipseDiameter, worldMapLatitude);
println("PDF Saved!");
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