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Last active February 4, 2020 15:39
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One-line SMTP send with curl
# Sends an email with the params:
# - CURL_SMTP_SERVER: SMTP server URL in the form of 'smtp(s)://host:port'
# - CURL_SMTP_FROM: the sender e-mail address
# - CURL_SMTP_TO: the recipient e-mail address
# - CURL_SMTP_USER: the SMTP user (optional)
# - CURL_SMTP_PASSWD: the SMTP user's password (optional — ignored if CURL_SMTP_USER is empty)
# Usage:
# ./ subject [body]
# (if no body, reads from stdin)
curl -sS \
--mail-from $CURL_SMTP_FROM \
--mail-rcpt $CURL_SMTP_TO \
$(test -n ${CURL_SMTP_USER-''} && echo -ne '--user '$CURL_SMTP_USER':' && test -n ${CURL_SMTP_PASSWD-''} && echo -ne $CURL_SMTP_PASSWD) \
-T <(echo -e 'From: '$CURL_SMTP_FROM'\nTo: '$CURL_SMTP_TO'\nSubject: '$1'\n\n'${2:-/dev/stdin})
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