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Last active November 20, 2020 19:52
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resource "jwt_hashed_token" "argocd" {
algorithm = "HS256"
claims_json = jsonencode(
iat = 1605854613
iss = "argocd"
jti = "d58253cb-82b9-c58f-5ffd-fea1e8b5afc2"
nbf = 1605854613
sub = "pipeline"
id = jsonencode(
iat = 1605854613
iss = "argocd"
jti = "d58253cb-82b9-c58f-5ffd-fea1e8b5afc2"
nbf = 1605854613
sub = "pipeline"
secret = (sensitive value)
token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MDU4NTQ2MTMsImlzcyI6ImFyZ29jZCIsImp0aSI6ImQ1ODI1M2NiLTgyYjktYzU4Zi01ZmZkLWZlYTFlOGI1YWZjMiIsIm5iZiI6MTYwNTg1NDYxMywic3ViIjoicGlwZWxpbmUifQ.Xoifr2t3xek7Cw5crq8HvyFb7fzT_89gPiSxjy36N14"
resource "random_uuid" "accounts_pipeline_token_id" {}
locals {
iat = 1605854613 # An arbitrary Unix timestamp before than now
jwt_token_header = {
alg = "HS256"
typ = "JWT"
jwt_token_payload = {
jti = random_uuid.accounts_pipeline_token_id.result
iat = local.iat
iss = "argocd"
nbf = local.iat
sub = "pipeline"
output "jwt_token_payload" {
value = local.jwt_token_payload
resource "jwt_hashed_token" "argocd" {
algorithm = "HS256"
secret = "abcdef"
claims_json = jsonencode(local.jwt_token_payload)
output "jwt_hashed_token_claims" {
value = jwt_hashed_token.argocd.claims_json
jwt_hashed_token_claims = {"iat":1605854613,"iss":"argocd","jti":"d58253cb-82b9-c58f-5ffd-fea1e8b5afc2","nbf":1605854613,"sub":"pipeline"}
jwt_token_payload = {
"iat" = 1605854613
"iss" = "argocd"
"jti" = "d58253cb-82b9-c58f-5ffd-fea1e8b5afc2"
"nbf" = 1605854613
"sub" = "pipeline"
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