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Created November 30, 2022 14:01
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graphs of the famous sinc function and its "other side" (im sorry i can never rember those quirky option names in pgfplots- πŸ’€)
% Stretch factors (xscale and yscale seem to distort line width)
\draw[semithick,->] (-6.5*pi*\xs,0) -- (6.5*pi*\xs,0) node[above] {$x$};
\draw[semithick,->] (0,-0.25*\ys) -- (0,1.25*\ys) node[left] {$y$};
\foreach \x in {2,3,...,6,-2,-3,...,-6} {
\draw (\x*pi*\xs,\ticklen) -- (\x*pi*\xs,-\ticklen)
node[below, font=\scriptsize] {\mathstrut$\x\pi$};
\foreach \x/\xx in {-pi/$-\pi$, pi/$\pi$} {
\draw (\x*\xs,\ticklen) -- (\x*\xs,-\ticklen)
node[below, font=\scriptsize] {\mathstrut\xx};
\foreach \y in {1,0.5} {
\draw (\ticklen,\y*\ys) -- (-\ticklen,\y*\ys)
node[left, font=\scriptsize] {\mathstrut$\y$};
anchor=origin, % Align the origins
x=1cm, y=1cm, % Set the same unit vectors
hide axis,
\addplot [semithick,red,samples=1000,domain=-6.3*pi*\xs:6.3*pi*\xs]
\node[red,right] at (pi*\xs,0.5*\ys) {$y = \dfrac{\sin(x)}{x}$};
\draw[semithick,->] ({-1/(1.75*pi)*\xs},0) -- ({1/(1.75*pi)*\xs},0)
node[above] (x) {$x$};
\draw[semithick,->] (0,-0.1*\ys) -- (0,0.1*\ys)
node[left] (y) {$y$};
anchor=origin, % Align the origins
x=1cm, y=1cm, % Set the same unit vectors
hide axis,
\foreach \lo/\hi/\sam in {{-1/(1.75*pi)*\xs}/{-1/(4*pi)*\xs}/500,
\addplot [semithick,smooth,blue,samples=\sam,domain=\lo:\hi]
\draw[dashed] (-\M*\xs,-\M*\ys) -- (+\M*\xs,+\M*\ys);
\draw[dashed] (-\M*\xs,+\M*\ys) -- (+\M*\xs,-\M*\ys);
\foreach \x/\xsi/\xsj in {-2/-1/2\pi,-3/-1/3\pi,-4/-1/4\pi,-5/-1/5\pi,
2/1/2\pi,3/1/3\pi,4/1/4\pi,5/1/5\pi} {
\path ({1/pi/(\x)*\xs},\ticklen) -- ({1/pi/(\x)*\xs},-\ticklen)
node[below, font=\scriptsize, fill=white,
inner sep=0.5*\ticklen] {\mathstrut$\frac\xsi\xsj$};
\node[blue,right] at (0.0075*\xs,0.11*\ys)
{$y = x \sin\biggl(\dfrac{1}{x}\biggr)$};
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