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Last active September 27, 2022 00:10
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  • Save rapidcow/e46a399027fc18235badab79ac328c07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rapidcow/e46a399027fc18235badab79ac328c07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sheet music for DannyB's isaac title theme
\version "2.22.2"
\language english
\paper {
paper-width = 7\in
paper-height = 8\in
indent = 0
tagline = ##f
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "RH" {
\clef treble \time 2/2 \key c \minor
\relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 {
{ <ef g>1 | <d f> | <ef bf'>2 <ef g> |
<c^1 d^2 f^4> <d^2 f^3 g^4> | }
{ r8 c c c c c c c | r bf bf bf bf bf bf bf |
r8 c c c r c c c | r c c c b2-1 | }
{ c'8 c, g' \change Staff = "LH" g,~ g2
\change Staff = "RH" |
d''8 d, g \change Staff = "LH" g,~ g4
\change Staff = "RH" ef'' |
c8 c, g' \change Staff = "LH" ef,~ ef2
\change Staff = "RH" |
c''8 d, f d'16-5 c-4
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) <b-3>2 | }
{ ef,1 | f | ef | <c f>2
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) <d-1 f-2> | }
{ \oneVoice g8 f g bf!~ bf2 | bf8 a bf c~ c4 g |
\voiceOne d'2 c4 bf | g8. a16~ a8 bf c4 bf | } \\
{ s1 | s1 | g2 a4 g | ef2 fs | }
<g, bf d g>1~ | q~ | q~ | q \clef bass |
g | d'2 c | ef1 | c2 d | b1 | \clef treble
c2 d | ef1 | f2 bf |
<c, ef g>1-\fermata
\bar "|."
\new Staff = "LH" {
\clef bass \time 2/2 \key c \minor
\relative c {
\repeat volta 2 {
<c g'>1 | <bf f'> | <a g'> | <af! f'>2 <g g'> | % \break
<c g'>1 | <bf f'> | <a g'> | <af! f'>2 <g g'> | % \break
{ d''4. f8~ f2 | c4. d8~ d4 bf |
\oneVoice <e, bf'>1 | <ef! bf'>2 <d a'> | } \\
{ g1 | f | }
% \break
\ottava #-1 <g,, g'>1 | <fs fs'> | <g g'> | <ef ef'>2 <c c'> |
% \break
\ottava #0 <g'' d'>1 | <c g' bf> | <d f c'> | <bf f' a> |
<c d g> | <ef g bf> | <g bf c> | <g d'> |
<c, g'>-\fermata
"""make sad boi music"""
import os
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile as tf
import PIL.Image as Image
import fitz
def copyfile(from_dir, to_dir, filename):
from_file = os.path.join(from_dir, filename)
to_file = os.path.join(to_dir, filename)
shutil.copy(from_file, to_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ly_name = ''
pdf_name = 'boi11.pdf'
jpeg_name = 'boi11.jpg'
targets = [pdf_name, jpeg_name]
with tf.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
copyfile('.', tmpdir, ly_name)
sp.check_call(['lilypond', ly_name], cwd=tmpdir)
doc =, pdf_name))
assert doc.page_count == 1
page = doc[0]
for link in page.links([fitz.LINK_LAUNCH]):
page.delete_link(link), 'out.pdf'), deflate=True,
garbage=3, encryption=fitz.PDF_ENCRYPT_KEEP)
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'out.pdf'),
os.path.join(tmpdir, pdf_name))
pix = page.get_pixmap(dpi=250)
pix.pil_save(os.path.join(tmpdir, jpeg_name), optimize=True)
for file in targets:
copyfile(tmpdir, '.', file)
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