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Last active August 9, 2024 00:36
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Laravel Livewire Tables Demo Table Source
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Models\Tag;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\DataTableComponent;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Columns\BooleanColumn;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Column;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Columns\ImageColumn;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Columns\LinkColumn;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Columns\ButtonGroupColumn;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\SelectFilter;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\MultiSelectFilter;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\DateFilter;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\TextFilter;
use App\Exports\UsersExport;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
class UsersTable extends DataTableComponent
public $myParam = 'Default';
public string $tableName = 'users1';
public array $users1 = [];
public $columnSearch = [
'name' => null,
'email' => null,
public function configure(): void
->setAdditionalSelects([' as id'])
'toolbar-left-start' => ['includes.areas.toolbar-left-start', ['param1' => $this->myParam]]
->setSecondaryHeaderTrAttributes(function($rows) {
return ['class' => 'bg-gray-100'];
->setSecondaryHeaderTdAttributes(function(Column $column, $rows) {
if ($column->isField('id')) {
return ['class' => 'text-red-500'];
return ['default' => true];
->setFooterTrAttributes(function($rows) {
return ['class' => 'bg-gray-100'];
->setFooterTdAttributes(function(Column $column, $rows) {
if ($column->isField('name')) {
return ['class' => 'text-green-500'];
return ['default' => true];
->setTableRowUrl(function($row) {
return 'https://google-'.$row->id.'.com';
->setTableRowUrlTarget(function($row) {
return '_blank';
public function columns(): array
return [
// ImageColumn::make('Avatar')
// ->location(function($row) {
// return asset('img/logo-'.$row->id.'.png');
// })
// ->attributes(function($row) {
// return [
// 'class' => 'w-8 h-8 rounded-full',
// ];
// }),
Column::make('Order', 'sort')
->secondaryHeader(function() {
return view('tables.cells.input-search', ['field' => 'name', 'columnSearch' => $this->columnSearch]);
->footer(function($rows) {
return '<strong>Name Footer</strong>';
Column::make('E-mail', 'email')
->secondaryHeader(function() {
return view('tables.cells.input-search', ['field' => 'email', 'columnSearch' => $this->columnSearch]);
Column::make('Address', 'address.address')
Column::make('Address Group', '')
Column::make('Group City', '')
Column::make('Verified', 'email_verified_at')
->label(fn($row) => $row->tags->pluck('name')->implode(', ')),
// Column::make('Actions')
// ->label(
// fn($row, Column $column) => view('tables.cells.actions')->withUser($row)
// )
// ->unclickable(),
->attributes(function($row) {
return [
'class' => 'space-x-2',
LinkColumn::make('My Link 1')
->title(fn($row) => 'Link 1')
->location(fn($row) => 'https://'.$row->id.'')
->attributes(function($row) {
return [
'target' => '_blank',
'class' => 'underline text-blue-500',
LinkColumn::make('My Link 2')
->title(fn($row) => 'Link 2')
->location(fn($row) => 'https://'.$row->id.'')
->attributes(function($row) {
return [
'class' => 'underline text-blue-500',
LinkColumn::make('My Link 3')
->title(fn($row) => 'Link 3')
->location(fn($row) => 'https://'.$row->id.'')
->attributes(function($row) {
return [
'class' => 'underline text-blue-500',
public function filters(): array
return [
'maxlength' => 5,
'placeholder' => 'Search Name',
->filter(function(Builder $builder, string $value) {
$builder->where('', 'like', '%'.$value.'%');
->map(fn($tag) => $tag->name)
)->filter(function(Builder $builder, array $values) {
$builder->whereHas('tags', fn($query) => $query->whereIn('', $values));
'3' => 'Tag 1',
SelectFilter::make('E-mail Verified', 'email_verified_at')
'' => 'Any',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
->filter(function(Builder $builder, string $value) {
if ($value === 'yes') {
} elseif ($value === 'no') {
->setFilterPillTitle('User Status')
'1' => 'Active',
'0' => 'Inactive',
'' => 'All',
'1' => 'Yes',
'0' => 'No',
->filter(function(Builder $builder, string $value) {
if ($value === '1') {
$builder->where('active', true);
} elseif ($value === '0') {
$builder->where('active', false);
DateFilter::make('Verified From')
'min' => '2020-01-01',
'max' => '2021-12-31',
->filter(function(Builder $builder, string $value) {
$builder->where('email_verified_at', '>=', $value);
DateFilter::make('Verified To')
->filter(function(Builder $builder, string $value) {
$builder->where('email_verified_at', '<=', $value);
public function builder(): Builder
return User::query()
->when($this->columnSearch['name'] ?? null, fn ($query, $name) => $query->where('', 'like', '%' . $name . '%'))
->when($this->columnSearch['email'] ?? null, fn ($query, $email) => $query->where('', 'like', '%' . $email . '%'));
public function bulkActions(): array
return [
'activate' => 'Activate',
'deactivate' => 'Deactivate',
'export' => 'Export',
public function export()
$users = $this->getSelected();
return Excel::download(new UsersExport($users), 'users.xlsx');
public function activate()
User::whereIn('id', $this->getSelected())->update(['active' => true]);
public function deactivate()
User::whereIn('id', $this->getSelected())->update(['active' => false]);
public function reorder($items): void
foreach ($items as $item) {
User::find((int)$item['value'])->update(['sort' => (int)$item['order']]);
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how to remove default table class (table-striped) bootstrap 5?

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How do you do a calculated column?

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lrljoe commented Mar 24, 2023

Any questions - please post on the discussion for the package rather than here!

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cybertcode commented Nov 6, 2023

create tables.cells.input-search copy:

@if (config('livewire-tables.theme') === 'tailwind')
    <div class="flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <input wire:model.debounce="columnSearch.{{ $field }}" placeholder="Search {{ ucfirst($field) }}"
            class="block w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm transition duration-150 ease-in-out sm:text-sm sm:leading-5 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-600 @if (isset($columnSearch[$field]) && strlen($columnSearch[$field])) rounded-none rounded-l-md focus:ring-0 focus:border-gray-300 @else focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50 rounded-md @endif" />

        @if (isset($columnSearch[$field]) && strlen($columnSearch[$field]))
            <span wire:click="$set('columnSearch.{{ $field }}', null)"
                class="inline-flex items-center px-3 text-gray-500 border border-l-0 border-gray-300 cursor-pointer bg-gray-50 rounded-r-md sm:text-sm dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-600">
                <svg xmlns="" class="w-4 h-4" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
                    <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" />

@if (config('livewire-tables.theme') === 'bootstrap-4')
    <div class="mb-3 mb-md-0 input-group">
        <input wire:model.debounce="columnSearch.{{ $field }}" placeholder="Search {{ ucfirst($field) }}"
            type="text" class="form-control">

        @if (isset($columnSearch[$field]) && strlen($columnSearch[$field]))
            <div class="input-group-append">
                <button wire:click="$set('columnSearch.{{ $field }}', null)" class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
                    <svg style="width:.75em;height:.75em" xmlns="" fill="none"
                        viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
                        <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"
                            d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" />

@if (config('livewire-tables.theme') === 'bootstrap-5')
    <div class="mb-3 mb-md-0 input-group">
        <input wire:model.debounce="columnSearch.{{ $field }}" placeholder=" {{ trans(ucfirst($field)) }}"
            type="text" class="form-control p-1">

        @if (isset($columnSearch[$field]) && strlen($columnSearch[$field]))
            <button wire:click="$set('columnSearch.{{ $field }}', null)" class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
                <svg style="width:.75em;height:.75em" xmlns="" fill="none"
                    viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
                    <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" />

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