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Created October 3, 2017 03:12
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dockerfile test
# Note: This only runs the Django app, not the rook services
FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER Raman Prasad (
LABEL organization="Two Ravens" \"0.0.1-beta" \"2017-09-20" \
description="Image for the Two Ravens python service which serves the UI."
# -------------------------------------
# Install some tools as well as python3
# (future: start with a python image)
# -------------------------------------
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y \
iputils-ping \
telnet \
python3-pip \
sqlite3 \
vim && \
ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
# -------------------------------------
# Set some environment variables
# (This can be overridden in docker compose/kubernetes)
# - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: Django settings
# - R_DEV_SERVER_BASE - rook-service docker container
# - TA2_TEST_SERVER_URL - TA2 test server
# - CODE_REPOSITORY - repository where code will be copied
# -------------------------------------
ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tworavensproject.settings.dev_container2 \
R_DEV_SERVER_BASE=http://rook-service:8000/custom/ \
TA2_TEST_SERVER_URL=localhost:50051 \
# -------------------------------------
# Copy the repo over
# - future: ignore the rook directory, be more selective
# -------------------------------------
RUN mkdir -p /var/webapps/TwoRavens && \
mkdir -p /ravens_volume
# Copy over the repository
# -------------------------------------
# Create a volume for outside info
# -------------------------------------
VOLUME /ravens_volume
# -------------------------------------
# Set the working directory
# -------------------------------------
WORKDIR /var/webapps/TwoRavens
# -------------------------------------
# Pip install y'all and setup scripts
# - init_db - creates sqlite db for test run with
# - create_django_superuser - Admin user created for testing
# - load_docker_ui_config - sets JS variables for UI d3m_mode is true
# - collect_static - django collect static files
# - make_d3m_config_files - makes test config files accessible via env variables
# (not used for eval)
# - Xmake_d3m_config - not for eval. Loads D3M info based on the test data
# - load_d3m_config_from_env - loads TA2 style config specified in env var
# -------------------------------------
RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements/prod.txt && \
fab init_db && \
fab create_django_superuser && \
fab load_docker_ui_config && \
fab collect_static && \
fab load_d3m_config_from_env
# fab make_d3m_config && \
# -------------------------------------
# Expose port for web communication
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
# create the "ta3_search" command alias for
# the integration test. This command is used against
# a running container
# docker exec -ti ta3-main /bin/bash -c 'ta3_search $CONFIG_JSON_PATH'
#x Xdocker run -i --entrypoint /bin/bash (tworavens image) -c 'ta3_search $CONFIG_JSON_PATH'
# - Valid configs load and the app runs
# - Invalid configs fail with error messages
# -------------------------------------
RUN echo '#!/bin/bash' >> /usr/bin/ta3_search && \
echo 'cd $CODE_REPOSITORY;' >> /usr/bin/ta3_search && \
echo 'python d3m_load_config "$@"' >> /usr/bin/ta3_search && \
chmod u+x /usr/bin/ta3_search && \
echo '------- CREATE test_run command ---- (w/o extra build step)' && \
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> /usr/bin/test_run && \
echo 'cd $CODE_REPOSITORY;' >> /usr/bin/test_run && \
echo 'python runserver 8080' >> /usr/bin/test_run && \
chmod u+x /usr/bin/test_run
# -------------------------------------
# Run the python server (django dev or gunicorn)
# -------------------------------------
CMD echo 'Starting tworavens python server.' && \
python runserver
#CMD gunicorn --workers=2 tworavensproject.wsgi_dev_container -b
# -----------------------------------------
# -- Dev notes --
# -----------------
# build local:
# -----------------
# >docker build -t ravens1 .
# -----------------
# run app
# -----------------
# >docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50051:50051 ravens1
# go to:
# -----------------
# >run app with custom environment variable
# -----------------
# docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50051:50051 -e TA2_TEST_SERVER_URL=rprasad2r.local:50051 ravens1
# -----------------
# > log into running app
# -----------------
# docker exec -it [container name] /bin/bash
# -----------------
# shell access:
# -----------------
# >docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 50051:50051 ravens1 /bin/bash
# - Potentially switch to a python 3.5 base image
# -----------------------------------------
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