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Created November 7, 2017 15:52
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rename files
Recursively check directories to rename files.
Files ending with "_db.xml" are renamed "dublin_core.xml"
(1) Shows files that will be renamed. DOESN'T actually rename files.
>python [base_directory]
(2) Include "rename" to actually rename the files.
>python [base_directory] rename
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from os.path import dirname, isdir, join, realpath, relpath
import sys
def msg(m): print(m)
def dashes(border='-'): msg(border * 40)
def msgt(m, border='-'): dashes(border); msg(m); dashes(border)
def rename_files(base_directory, really_rename=False):
"""Recursively check directories and rename files"""
if not isdir(base_directory):
msgt('Directory not found: %s' % base_directory)
rename_cnt = 0
dir_cnt = 0
# get the full path of the directory
base_directory = realpath(base_directory)
# "walk" through all the files and subdirectories
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_directory):
dir_cnt += 1
msgt('Checking directory (%d): %s' % (dir_cnt, subdir), '=')
# Iterate through the file names
for filename in files:
# Does the filename match the pattern?
if filename.lower().endswith('_db.xml'):
rename_cnt += 1
# yes! rename the file
# - original and new filepaths
orig_filepath = join(subdir, filename)
new_filepath = join(subdir, 'dublin_core.xml')
msgt('file found (%d) %s' % (rename_cnt, filename))
msg('orig: %s' % orig_filepath)
msg('\nnew: %s\n' % new_filepath)
if really_rename:
os.rename(orig_filepath, new_filepath)
msg('> file renamed!')
if really_rename:
msgt('renaming results', '=')
msg('Directories checked: %d' % dir_cnt)
msg('Files renamed: %s' % rename_cnt)
msgt('--Test run--', '=')
msg('Directories checked: %d' % dir_cnt)
msg('# Files that would be renamed: %s' % rename_cnt)
def show_instructions():
msg('(1) Shows files that will be renamed. DOESN\'T actually rename files.')
msg(' >python [base_directory]')
msg('\n(2) Include "rename" to actually rename the files.')
msg(' >python [base_directory] rename\n\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_args = len(sys.argv)
if num_args == 2:
elif num_args == 3:
if sys.argv[2] == 'rename':
rename_files(sys.argv[1], True)
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